Chapter 245: Watching a Show

Asgard, subspace mezzanine "Why hasn't Hela come over yet?"

After chatting with Gu Yi for a while, Qi Jun left the new dark dimension and came directly to Asgard.

However, I thought that due to the previous delay, Hela would have probably entered Asgard, but I didn't expect that Hela and her army were still on the way.

But Qi Jun thought about it carefully and found that it was the same.

After all, there is no rainbow bridge in the underworld of Helm, and the infinite gems in Hela's hands are not space gems.

Hela's large army wanted to invade Asgard, so they had no choice but to take the spaceship and get there.

...........Hela and her army have not arrived, but they have invaded Asgard. Those... dimension demons are almost exhausted.

After all, Asgard is fighting on its own territory, and the invaders have no supply of troops, so it is not surprising that they were depleted.

Asgard's status as the leader of the nine realms for tens of thousands of years naturally has its heritage.

If Asgard could be defeated by a random attack from the Invader Alliance, it would be impossible for Asgard to become the leader of the nine worlds and threaten thousands of dimensions.

"This time, those...dimensional lords are just probing attacks."

Although Qi Jun said he was just guessing, he was very sure that this was the case.

"The soldiers of Asgard are not scary. There are so many ants that they can bite an elephant to death, not to mention the nearly infinite number of dimensional demons in thousands of dimensions."

"But Odin in the Destroyer Armor state can directly defeat all magic with one force!"

"No matter how much scum you have, in front of Odin in the Destroyer Armor state, it's just a matter of one punch."

"These... the Lords of Dimensions probably... want to use this wave of invasion to test whether that guy Odin has really entered the 'Odin's Sleep' Yes, it’s still fake.”


It doesn't seem to matter...

True or false, these... the Lords of Dimensions probably don't dare to really destroy Asgard."

"For these dimensional lords, Asgard is easy to destroy, but Odin is not easy to destroy."

"Even if he doesn't wear the Destroyer Armor, Odin is still a top-notch Heavenly Father-level powerhouse."

"Once Asgard is gone.

Under the crazy revenge, none of them... the masters of the dimension can bear it."

In just a moment, Qi Jun's mind turned around.

"However, if it can be confirmed that Odin is really in 'Odin's Sleep', these... the masters of the dimension will definitely not let Asgard go easily."

"After this wave of probing attacks, a larger allied army of invaders will soon be organized to push Asgard back a hundred thousand years!"

Qi Jun pursed his lips. Crazy Odin didn't dare to offend him, but these dimensional lords knew how to be soft.


"its not right"

"Hela is about to attack Asgard."

"Given the essential connection between Hela and Asgard, it is estimated that they will not give up this treasured land."

"Wait for Hela to invade and complete the operation to capture Asgard."

"Then those...the second coalition of invaders from the Dimension Lords attacked"

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"Hey hey hey"

“What a true show of the year!”

Qi Jun suddenly felt happy.

This kind of scene is countless times more enjoyable than watching Fake 3 in the cinema before time travel! ........ What kind of Hela is one of my subordinates? What happened to him? Attack, Qi Jun was watching the show from the side. You were right! Qi Jun really wanted to watch the show from the side! After all, such a big show is not... so easy to see.

Besides, subordinates have always been responsible for rescuing the boss. The most common theory is that the boss will rescue his subordinates. When Hela cannot bear it anymore, he can secretly poke his little finger and help.

Then continuing to watch the show is the right way to end it in person. Where can I have the comfort of watching a show!...................... "Eh"

Suddenly, Qi Jun turned his gaze and looked towards the ruins of the God King's palace, with fireworks everywhere, and the original appearance of the Palace of the God King could not be seen at all.

"Odin actually woke up at this time."

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows. To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 246 Analysis

With Qi Jun's current strength at the level of a single universe, it would be very easy to find out whether Odin, who is only at the Heavenly Father level, is awake.

Although the palace of the God King in Odin's Sleep has been carved with countless complicated magic circles for tens of thousands of years..., Odin's awakening was still easily captured by Qi Jun.

Even if Odin had gathered the power of many gods to create a Destroyer Armor, it was only a pseudo-single universe level.

And Qi Jun has true single-body universe-level strength. Those so-called overlapping seals and isolation magic circles are useless to Qi Jun. This is the advantage of absolute crushing strength! "That's not right."

"The invading scum will soon be cleared away."

"No other powerful boss invaded."

"Seeing that Asgard is about to enter the post-war rest period, something is wrong when Odin wakes up at this time."

Qi Jun raised his hand and rubbed his chin, thinking deeply in his heart.

"This is not the second-rate prince Thor who wants to destroy the Rainbow Bridge in the original play. How could Odin wake up at this time?"

"There are no intruders and there is no fire in the backyard."

"Well, the fire in the backyard should have burned out."

"Although Thor, the God of Thunder, has not fully recovered, he has escaped from serious injuries and is recovering."

"The invasion war will be handled by the queen and a group of ministers."

"At this time, there is nothing that Odin needs to deal with."

"Then why does Odin wake up at this time?"

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