"It was Queen Frigga who delayed delivering the message to Odin for too long."

"Odin still thinks the aftereffects of forced awakening are funny."

Yes, Qi Jun sensed very clearly that Odin's awakening was not... a natural awakening.

Under Qi Jun's induction, Odin was completely awakened, and the backlash was not small. Qi Jun could sense Odin's internal injuries through many magic circles.

Of course, since it is only the beginning and has not yet reached the stage of exhaustion, although the backlash is not too fierce.

If in a period like "Thor 3", a random backlash would be enough to make Odin disappear directly......"Could it be "

"This guy sensed Hela"

Suddenly, Qi Jun's eyes flashed and he thought of the key.

The seal of the underworld of Helm is condensed by Odin's power of Odin.

And with such a big news like Hela leading the army to conquer Asgard, how could Odin not feel "This makes sense?"

"It's Odin after all."

"So many dimensional demons invaded and didn't wake up, but Hela woke up when she went to conquer Asgard."

"It's really Odin!"

........................"Speak of"

"If Hela is the same as Odin, her essence is linked to the origin of Asgard."

"Odin probably wouldn't be so cruel to his eldest daughter."

"After all, Odin's power, after careful analysis, is actually... the original power of Asgard."

"It's not enough for Odin on his own... Well, there's another Hela to share. Naturally, Odin won't be happy."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

"If Hela had not been intrinsically linked to Asgard, and killing Hela would destroy the foundation of Asgard, Odin would not have just sealed Hela, but would have killed Hela long ago. "


"Why does it feel like I'm trying to whitewash Odin?"



"Odin must die!"

"No, no one can be spared, Odin can be spared!"

Thinking of being chased by Odin in thousands of dimensions, Qi Jun's face was... cruel! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 247 Let’s start the war!

Odin didn't know that in the subspace outside Asgard, there was Qi Jun who was planning how to kill him.

At this time, Odin, after temporarily and roughly treating the backlash injury, broke away from Queen Frigga's support and stood up from the couch where he had been lying for a short time.

"How is Asgard now?"

After entering Odin's Sleep, although you can still roughly sense information from the outside world, it is obviously impossible to know many details.


Queen Frigga didn't react much to Odin breaking away from her support. She had been accustomed to Odin's behavior for tens of thousands of years.

"Although Asgard seems miserable from the outside during this invasion, the damage actually suffered was not too great."

"With our technology and magic background, those... defenses and buildings can be built quickly."

"It's just that...a lot of Asgardian warriors died this time. It's a big loss for us Asgard."

Queen Frigga told the story calmly.

The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to give birth.

This is a rule common throughout the universe.

For... Asgard, even if the palace of the God King is destroyed, what will happen if it has a strong foundation? Asgard can be rebuilt at any time.

But for Asgardians who have a higher level of life and ordinary civilians can live for thousands of years, the fertility rate has never been able to increase, let alone those who have... cultivated. Become, Asgardian warriors, magicians, etc. with higher life levels...

Therefore, although this invasion did not make Asgard unbearable, the population lost in the battle was like a huge stone blocking Frigga's heart.

"Asgard is with them!"

Odin's expression did not change much, and he covered up the matter with a single word.

Unlike Frigga, who was emotional and heartbroken, Odin didn't care much about the casualties caused by an invasion. It could even be said that he didn't care at all.

In Odin's view, what the undead could call a one-sided crushing! "Those intruders will be punished as they deserve!"

With a faint word, Odin walked straight out of the place where he lay in Odin's Sleep.

Looking at Odin who walked straight out, Frigga opened her mouth and wanted to ask him why he woke up early.

But in the end, Frigga still didn't ask.

With a low sigh, Frigga also left the room.

..................Contrary to what Frigga expected, Odin did not visit Ersha who was out of danger and was recovering quickly.

Similarly, Odin did not condolences to the three armies and comfort those who... suffered the trauma in the war.

On the contrary, Odin went directly to the highest point of Asgard, the Summit of the God King, and stood quietly, as if waiting for something.

But even so, Odin's appearance brought endless hope and encouragement to the people of Asgard who had just ended the war.

But looking at those Asgardian warriors who seemed to have regained their vitality and accelerated their post-disaster reconstruction, Frigga still had a smile on her face.

However, in the bottom of Frigga's heart, there has always been an irritating emotion, rolling endlessly and unable to calm down. Even as time goes by, it makes people more and more... irritable.

.........Qi Jun didn't know what Odin and Frigga were thinking.

Qi Jun did not pay too much attention to them. Qi Jun just glanced more towards the direction in which Hela was flying.

After traveling through wormholes countless times, finally, Hela, with her large army, arrived!........................" Odin!!!"

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