This also led to the fact that even when he was fighting Hela with all his strength, Odin always had a bit of strength left, for fear that something might come out secretly to trick him.

But it is precisely because of this that Hela, who is barely considered to be the top level of Heavenly Father, can fight effectively with Odin, who is half-step to the single universe level.

However, Odin always felt a sense of urgency in his heart when he thought that there was someone secretly poking at him, maybe... the hot man who had taken away his durable steel, uh, eternal spear.

Although Odin has carried all the treasures with him after the last treasure house cleaning, he is not afraid that Qi Jun will steal anything from Asgard again.

But Odin is also afraid that this guy who is poking at you secretly will try to trick him secretly.

The almost explosive Hela is already difficult to deal with. If Qi Jun comes again, Odin will feel like he is going crazy! ............................. After thinking carefully, Odin quietly took out a glove from his armor.

At the same time, Qi Jun, who was lying lazily on the luxurious sofa, suddenly jumped up.

...To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 252 Planning

[It’s finally the National Day holiday, let’s have extra food tonight!] [By the way, I wish the motherland a happy birthday on its 70th birthday!] From a perspective that cannot be seen by the outside world, and under the cover of the Destroyer Armor, Odin will quietly take out the Gloves were put on his hands.

Hmm...the right hand! Not bad! This is the one that can form a perfect pair with the Infinity Gauntlet that was later obtained by the Purple Potato Spirit! The glove obtained by the Purple Potato Spirit is the left hand, but was acquired by Odin The one worn on the hand is from the right hand. The two gloves are exactly the same as each other! Even the grooves inlaid with gems on them are completely symmetrical!...... ..........."Hey hey hey"

"This guy finally took out the space stone!"

"The long wait is worth it in the end!"

Staring at Odin's right hand of the Destroyer Armor, which showed no change at all, Qi Jun knew that there was a space gem that he had longed for!............ ........I really thought that Qi Jun came to Asgard just to watch a show. Well, Qi Jun did come to see a show.

But! But what is not inconsistent with watching the show is that Qi Jun also came for the space gem! ............. Don’t look at Qi Jun putting himself If a trace of his soul is imprinted on the space rules of the Marvel universe, he can dominate the Marvel universe and go wherever he wants.

But in fact, while Qi Jun imprinted the power of his soul on the rules of space, it also limited the upper limit of Qi Jun's development of space abilities! Moreover, once he leaves the Marvel Universe, even this tricky power will It will disappear instantly.

The power of trickery is not your own power after all.

In the past, when Qi Jun's strength was still very low, this kind of trickery could bring convenience to him, but after Qi Jun's strength reached the single universe level, this kind of trickery has become a disadvantage. Jun must eliminate this disadvantage! As for Qi Jun, it is obvious that while erasing the disadvantage, he also wants to transform the power of trickery into his own real power.

Fortunately, Qi Jun has the mutated gem in hand. After spending a certain amount of energy, he can use the mutated gem to take back the power of his soul that is imprinted on him.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been dead for the rest of their lives. Unless they collected the six infinity stones and snapped their fingers to 'make a wish', perhaps they could remove the power of their soul from the branded space wound.

The space gem contains approximate space rules, which is obviously a great help for Qi Jun to learn the space rules. It is impossible for Qi Jun to give up this kind of treasure! ............ ...In fact, Odin seemed to think that he was doing it very covertly, but he didn't expect that not only Qi Jun immediately discovered the fact that he was planning to use the space gem, but also Hela. I also learned about this change immediately.

Just kidding, Qi Jun gave the soul gem to Hela for use, although the highest authority will always belong to Qi Jun.

But Hela still has secondary permission to use the Soul Stone. As the owner of the same Infinity Stone, Hela will not notice that Odin secretly took out the Space Stone, which is also an Infinity Stone. Even, in order to paralyze Odin, Hela Not only did La not take out the soul gem, he even hid the soul gem deeply in his soul consciousness, so that the space gem could not sense the slightest trace!...... .....In the ensuing confrontation, Hela clearly felt that Odin's power was slowly increasing.

Perhaps in order to paralyze Hela, Odin's strength was very small every time.

However, in the eyes of Hela, who was already aware of it, it seemed so bright and dazzling.

Of course, Hela, who was also preparing to attack Odin, did not show it. She still took Odin's offensive without any damage while still cursing on the surface.

Even, following suit, Hela also secretly used the power of the soul gem to enhance her own power with even less energy than Odin's enhanced power.

But precisely because of this slow growth, Odin did not discover the secret.

Even, Hela slowly started to 'pretend'.

Odin also slowly discovered that as his strength slowly increased, Hela, who was fighting against him, began to show signs of fatigue.

But just such a fleeting trace of fatigue made Odin see it in his eyes and feel happy in his heart.

As a result, Odin worked harder and began to slowly increase his power.

.........Odin thought very well. Hela, who was already as powerful as a heavenly father, must no longer be able to suppress her as easily as in the past.

If you want to fight, you have to catch them by surprise and suppress them instantly.

But what I never expected was that when Odin thought this, Hela also thought the same.

Of course, because Hela is weaker than Odin in strength, and Odin is now wearing the Destroyer Armor and has the bonus of the Destroyer Armor, Hela is even less likely to be Odin's opponent.

However, unlike Odin's idea of ​​instant subdument and suppression, or rather the opposite, Hela's idea was to enhance her strength and avoid being instantly suppressed by Odin.

Hela is confident that as long as Odin cannot suppress her instantly, she will be able to grind Odin until the second Odin's Sleep breaks out! Then kill Odin in one fell swoop! Both possess the Infinity Stones, who is afraid of the other! ......................... However, Odin and Hela are willing to grind on, but Qi Jun is not willing to grind on.

I have watched many good plays, whether they were literary scoldings or martial arts battles, Qi Jun watched them all.

Now that the entire Asgard has entered a period of tug-of-war, Qi Jun doesn't want to go on with it any longer.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Qi Jun began to send messages to the thousands of dimensions that Qi Jun had offended before.

Thanks to the fact that Qi Jun had already run once before and was familiar with the route this time, Qi Jun quickly passed on the news.

Of course, Qi Jun doesn't have the...Asgardian time to transmit all the thousands of dimensions, but Qi Jun only needs to transmit this information to some larger dimensions.

The information that Asgard was facing a huge disaster that would never happen in ten thousand years soon spread throughout the complete dimension.

Why can't we see the battle between Hela and the dimensional alliance? Qi Jun pursed his lips. Is it because the space gems are not good-looking, or because the space rules are not good enough. They are just dimensional demons. There is nothing good to see. To be continued: Feilu reminds you. : Collection of three things about reading, recommended

Chapter 253 Gu Yi’s investment philosophy

[It’s finally the National Day holiday, extra dinner tonight! Four!] [By the way, I wish the motherland a happy birthday on its 70th birthday!] Among all the dimensions that Qi Jun has conveyed information to, the dark dimension is also one of them! Just in time, just now Gu Yi, who has perfectly integrated the dark dimension, was thinking about how to quickly get rid of the shortcoming of being trapped in the dark dimension. Unexpectedly, Qi Jun sent her a piece of good news.

The Dark Dimension, as a sub-plane based on the main universe, if you want to ascend the dimension, what should you do? One word, eat! Two words, eat like crazy! Three words, eat, eat, eat! Why is Dormammu still the Lord of the Dark Dimension? At that time, he wanted to devour the earth. Then, there was Ancient One, a thief of dark power on the earth. The connection between the two clearly provided Dormammu with the dimensional coordinates of the earth.

Secondly, there are a lot of 'nutrients' on the earth! For... nutrients for dimensional promotion! Regardless of the technological civilization on the earth, it is not even qualified to enter the universe, and it belongs to a proper low-level civilization.

But for the dark dimension, the earth is an extremely delicious delicacy that contains extremely high protein.

Ahem, in short, no matter...

Whether it is the cultivation civilization on the earth, the population, or even the earth itself, it is extremely helpful to the promotion of the dark dimension.

But unfortunately, in the dark dimension during Dormammu's time, there was resistance from the Supreme Mage Ancient One and the Mages Guild to which he belonged, so Dormammu accomplished nothing.

As for the dark dimension of the Ancient One period, Ancient One herself did not want to devour the earth. This was her home, the home she had guarded for hundreds of thousands of years, and there was no way she could devour the earth.

Of course, even if Ancient One wants to devour the earth, the mage lineage will try their best to resist, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

What's more, there is such a terrifying master as Qi Jun on the earth. Ancient One has lost his mind and wants to devour the earth. Ancient One himself only fully integrated with the dark dimension with the help of Qi Jun. How is this possible? Will go to the earth to seek death. In this case, the Lord of the Nine Realms, Asgard, became the second choice of the Ancient One after the earth! Asgard itself is not a planet, but because of its own The specialness is no worse than that of ordinary planets, and is even better than most planets.

If the Dark Dimension can swallow Asgard in one bite, it will be of great help to the promotion of the Dark Dimension! Although even if it swallows Asgard, the Dark Dimension cannot be promoted immediately, but swallowing Asgard, There is no problem in increasing the progress of the Dark Dimension promotion by a little percentage! This is why Gu Yi was moved as soon as Qi Jun reported the information that Asgard was on the verge of collapse.

......... As for the friendship between Ancient One and Odin, I’m kidding. If the Mage’s Priory and Asgar, the mage lineage, The Mage's Eye weapon will be collected by Odin in his treasury. If it weren't for being unable to defeat him, Ancient One would have wanted to destroy Asder! What kind of Lord of the Nine Realms, what kind of world is in danger.

Ronan, the accuser, has come to the earth. If it weren't for a surprise aunt who exploded and scared Ronan away, the earth might be like that! Asgard, the Lord of the Nine Realms, haha! In the opinion of Ancient One, If Odin hadn't been born with the essence of Asgard and could increase Odin's power even while sleeping, he would have been a complete piece of trash! He didn't dare to fight, he just wanted to guard his three acres. Divide the land, the structure is small and there is no need to elaborate on the governance. The stability of the nine realms depends solely on the suppression of force. There is no morality at all in political means. Gather the gods of the nine realms to smelt the destroyer armor, and then destroy most of the gods in a single turn. Where did it come from? Virtue can even imprison and seal a person for the sake of the position of a god king, even his own daughter.

In the eyes of Ancient One, a person who can only share suffering but not happiness, Odin is trash! After devouring Asgard, Ancient One can say that he does not feel guilty at all! Ahem,.

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