Well, this is all the author’s personal opinion and does not accept refutation. 233............. Of course, this would be if Odin were still there: peak strength, The above..., Gu Yi just thought about it.

See how Dormammu was seriously injured before. Although he despised Odin's character, Ancient One had to pay attention to Odin's strength.

Considering that Odin has just started Odin's Sleep and is still at the peak of his strength, if the current dark dimension dares to devour Asgard, the person seeking death will be... the Ancient One himself.

"Odin and Asgard are intrinsically linked. If you want to devour Asgard, you must kill Odin first."

"Now Odin is being dragged by a Heavenly Father-level master who is not afraid of Odin's Destroyer Armor. Isn't this the opportunity to devour Asgard?"



"It seems that Hela is already that... Great God Qi Jun. He has been sealed for thousands of years, and now he can fight with Odin the Destroyer vigorously."

"But why did Master Qi Jun choose her?"

"Hela is not necessarily any better than Odin."

Gu Yi thought about it, but then smiled, she herself had become a dark dimension, why did she care so much! "However, for the sake of insurance, let's call more people."

"Dimension promotion is risky, so you need to be cautious in your actions. It's better to find more dimensions to share the risk!"

"Even if I am rated Asgard by then, it is still better than not being able to drink soup!"

"Fortunately, when I was the Supreme Mage, I traveled to countless dimensions, and now I don't have to filter them one by one."

Thousands of dimensions are of various colors, some are good and some are bad, some are strong and some are weak, but these..., Ancient One understands them all.

In the dark dimension, a figure of the Ancient One, which was condensed from pure energy, loomed, and the traces of words slowly drifted away.

......... Asgard, the subspace flashed past with an imperceptible space fluctuation, and Qi Jun's figure appeared again here.

"Information travels very quickly."

"It won't be long before the information about Asgard's danger will spread throughout thousands of dimensions."

"I just don't know how many dimensional masters will want to come and get a share of the pie."

Seeing that under the leadership of Hela and Odin, Hela's side and Asgard's side were still fighting very anxiously, but without any chaos, Qi Jun knew that an outside force must intervene to end the confrontation. garbage time.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 254: Irritated Odin

[It’s finally the National Day holiday, extra dinner tonight! Five!] [By the way, I wish the motherland a happy birthday on its 70th birthday!] In fact, the response speed of thousands of dimensions exceeded Qi Jun’s imagination.

Not long after Qi Jun returned to Asgard's subspace, the second coalition force from thousands of dimensions had already arrived in the outer domain of Asgard and began to bombard the Asgardian side indiscriminately.

Such speed also made Qi Jun sigh with emotion: How unpopular Odin is. As soon as he heard that Asgard was about to collapse, the dimension coalition forces that had just suffered a defeat actually quickly gathered their forces and began to conquer again. Asgard is coming! Qi Jun even doubted for a moment that in the original play, after Odin died, even if Hela did not attack Asgard, Asgard would be destroyed by those... ...The Lords of Dimensions who had been holding back for tens of thousands of years were torn into pieces............."Hahaha"



"Did you see that?"

"As the saying goes, those who gain the right will get more help, but those who lose the right will get less help!"

"You are...that...unpopular piece of trash!"

Seeing this...the dimensional coalition forces ignored their own troops and directly covered Asgard's defenses with firepower. Hela smiled so proudly.

Of course, although the dimensional coalition forces in the second attack did not attack Hela's army, they did not lose their defense against Hela's army.

After all, the fact that Hela is Odin's eldest daughter...is clearly known to the dimensional bosses behind the dimensional alliance.

Thinking about the dispute between Odin and their dimension back then, wasn't it Odin's eldest daughter Hela who was the first to fight? Although I don't know why Odin went crazy and imprisoned Hela, but to be honest, many dimensional masters even There's a huge banquet to celebrate! Thousands of years have passed, and Hela, who was able to be on an equal footing with them back then, has actually become a true heavenly father-level boss. These......... Dimensions The Lord's fear of Hela will not diminish at all.

If it weren't for the huge benefits of swallowing up Asgard, and there were people like the Ancient One fanning the flames behind it, the Lord of Dimensions would not be as interested in Odin and Hela as they were in Asgard. dispatch troops under certain circumstances.

Even though they knew that the relationship between Odin and Hela had completely deteriorated and there was no room for relaxation, what they wanted to do was to destroy Asgard and even devour Asgard.

And Asgard is the hometown of Hela. Who knows if Hela will suddenly fall out with each other: Odin beats them, and if he attacks them in turn, they really can't stand it!...... ............."snort!"

"A bunch of rabble!"

After all, Odin has been in charge for tens of thousands of years. Under such circumstances, Odin cannot lose his mind.

"Go away!"

Although Odin was not overly angry on his face, there was still a lot of fire in his heart, and he forced Hela back with one outburst.

Of course, this is also the story of Hela.

Although Hela did not stop the dimensional coalition from invading Asgard.

But just as those... Dimension Lords are worried about, Asgard is the place where Hela grew up after all. For Odin's 'face', Hela can look at anyone They will invade Asgard, but they will not stop Odin from blocking it.

"Come die!"

Glancing at Hela who was watching casually, Odin gathered his strength and threw the spear in his hand fiercely.

Speaking of which, this brand-new spear has been fighting with Hela's sword for a long time, and it doesn't even have a silk mark, so it can be seen that it is also a magic weapon! After all, Asgard's background is still quite behind. , after all, it is an ancient force that has been inherited for countless thousands of years. Even if Qi Jun took away the Eternal Spear:, Odin will never lack suitable weapons to use!...... .....Puff puff puff, the brand new spear, carrying the power of Odin, fiercely penetrated countless... warships and spaceships of the Dimension Alliance along the way.

There was a bang, bang, bang, explosion, and balls of fire flashed out.

Under the control of Odin, a half-step single-body universe-level powerful man, the brand-new spear exploded countless times along the way...ships and battleships. In just a moment, most of the menacing dimensional coalition forces were wiped out in an instant.

Odin the Destroyer, use your strength to prove to people: I, Odin, the God King of Asgard, don’t mess with me, you can’t afford to mess with me!............. ...Soon, the remaining dimensional coalition forces quickly retreated, and soon they disappeared, leaving only fragments of limbs in the outer reaches of Asgard! "The hastily formed dimensional coalition forces were indeed a mess. "

"Not only are the disciplines unclear, the command is chaotic, but the strength is also ridiculously poor!"

In the subspace, Qi Jun held a red wine glass and sighed helplessly.

Originally, Qi Jun made a glass of top-notch red wine and planned to drink it while watching a good show.

Unexpectedly, the dimensional coalition forces that invaded for the second time were so useless that they couldn't even withstand the spear in Odin's hand.

You know, Odin's attack didn't even use the power of the space gem.

Qi Jun didn't even know what to say after witnessing a ferocious attack, but the chase ended with an anticlimactic end. .Three melons and two dates are all here to deliver cannon fodder and kill people. Disappointed, Qi Jun casually threw the wine glass in his hand, and the power of space flashed through, immediately twisting the wine glass into nothingness.

........................"I hope the Third Dimension Alliance can learn this lesson."

"Don't send people writing such rotten melons again. No one can beat them."

Qi Jun can conclude that the Lord of Dimensions will continue to send troops to invade Asgard.

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