It's easier to get on board than to get off. Now that the official invasion of Asgard has begun, we must fight to the death.

If even Asgard can't handle the union of so many dimensional masters, and if this thing is introduced into the universe, then no force will really take them seriously.

It can be said that from the moment they entered the scene, these...dimensional coalition forces have entered a situation where they must win but cannot lose. There is no second way for them to choose!... .........Of course, Qi Jun had some foresight of the final victory of the dimension coalition forces. .

Just like Odin, although he easily defeated the second wave of invading dimensional coalition forces, Odin was not happy at all.

What Qi Jun could see, Odin, who had lived for tens of thousands of years, could not see. Therefore, Odin was very irritable.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 255 The strongest blow!

[It’s finally the National Day holiday, extra food tonight! Six!] [By the way, happy birthday to the motherland!] Odin is very irritable, because this is obviously a chronic death! Don’t look at Odin easily defeating him twice. Dimensional coalition, but Odin knows better.

The strength of the dimensional coalition will only get higher and stronger! Even though it is called thousands of dimensions, even if there are not really thousands, even if it is just a thousand, it is not what Asgard can bear! Even if it is just a thousand, it is not what Asgard can bear! Even the biggest among the short ones, the coalition forces from thousands of dimensions can tear Asgard into pieces.

.....................In the past, the reason why thousands of dimensions shocked Odin and Asgard, except......... Asgard Garde itself is very powerful.

It is also because Odin can go to their dimension at any time to threaten the security of their dimension, as well as the replacement of the master of the dimension.

But now, with Hela's control, Odin can go wherever he goes. Even if Odin walks away, Hela will immediately follow him. How can Odin find those... Dimensions The Lord's trouble is just changing the battlefield with Hela from Asgard to another dimension.

What's more, once Odin leaves Asgard, Asgard's remaining resistance will be completely eaten up by the dimensional coalition forces in an instant. The son was captured and the queen was arrested. Thinking about it made Odin very excited! .................. "It seems that it is time Make a real break!"

Staring at the Night Rakshasa Hela with a... reindeer antlers on her head, Odin's calm tone contained a coldness that made people feel as if he was about to freeze to death. Odin's eyes towards Hela also became more and more... The more indifferent it becomes, until it is cold and heartless, without a trace of fluctuation.

I, Odin, am an emotional killer! Odin's huge changes and the coldness radiating from his body make people shudder even from a long distance.

Odin's increasingly powerful power also caused Hela's face to change drastically. She no longer cared about hiding, and began to activate the soul gem with all her strength, trying to increase her power! "Hey!"

Hela used all her strength to activate the soul gem, and could no longer hide it from Odin. In just a moment, Odin understood all the causes and consequences.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

No wonder I keep urging the space gems, and your special code has always been able to withstand it! No wonder I keep deciding that something is wrong. It turns out that it’s you who also has the infinite gems! Odin’s voice is bone-chilling, and Hela is heartbroken. trembling.

But Hela didn't answer, and Hela also saw it. Odin didn't want to delay it any longer. After all, the longer he delayed, the deeper Asgard fell into hell. The further back he went, the more powerless he became! You can only fight hard! If you resist, the weather will be sunny after the rain.

If you can’t withstand it, let’s wait until the next life! .................. “Hela may not be able to bear it!”

In the subspace, the momentum seems to be getting colder and stronger.

When Odin's whole body began to glow with blue light, Qi Jun couldn't help but murmured.

"It seems that it is better to give it to Helga."

Qi Jun could see clearly that after understanding the cause and effect, Odin fully unleashed his whole body's potential, the Destroyer Armor increased to its strongest, and the Space Stone activated to its maximum.

As a result, even Asgard's original power was forcibly taken away from Hela. As a result, Odin began to gain the upper hand in absorbing Asgard's original power! And Hela Although he also exploded under such pressure, his foundation was not as good as Odin. Even if Hela tried her best, in Qi Jun's view, let alone victory, there was little hope of survival, but this obviously did not suit Qi Jun. Interests.

Although Qi Jun doesn't care about Asgard's ownership, it doesn't matter even if Asgard is divided and swallowed up by thousands of dimensions.

But Asgard is in the hands of Odin, and Asgard is in the hands of Hela, they are completely... two different things! In addition, Odin's pursuit of Qi Jun before, Qi Jun will never allow Odin to Ding wins!......................What a sneak attack on Odin, just kidding! Who is Qi Jun? Qi Jun is a single universe level master, in the hidden master Before the boss came out, Qi Jun was the strongest being in the entire known universe. Did you make a mistake in asking Qi Jun to do a sneak attack? It's almost the same as stealing. What the hell is a sneak attack? Qi Jun is so shameless... .........Ahem, in short, Qi Jun wants to save Hela's life! He even has to ensure that Hela is not seriously injured! Even, he has to make sure that Hela will survive in the future. Despite Ding's crazy explosion, he was still able to survive! "Yeah"


"If Odin were to self-destruct, I'm afraid no one here, except me, would survive!"

"Just in case, let's do some tricks on Odin!"

He did it as soon as he thought of it. Qi Jun never procrastinated. He first added several layers of power gem shields and time gem shields to Hela, and then Qi Jun began to play with Odin's hidden hand.

However, in order to avoid being noticed by Odin in his strongest state, Qi Jun still used mutated gems to act and quietly created an insurance policy on Odin.

Similarly, in order to prevent the space gem from disappearing for no reason, Qi Jun used the mutated gem to leave a trace of his soul mark without Odin being able to detect it.

In this way, Qi Jun can ensure that no matter what happens, he can grasp the location of the space gem.

......... As for why Qi Jun didn't just take the space gem away, Qi Jun was just here to watch the show.

If the Space Stone is taken away, Odin's strength will drop not just a lot, but at least a lot. What fun is there to watch? In short, it would be great if Qi Jun can guarantee that the Space Stone will not be lost again. .

And with the trace of soul mark imprinted through the mutated gem, Qi Jun will naturally not worry about the space gem disappearing.

........... Just as Qi Jun prepared his backup plan, Odin's energy storage also reached its peak! Buzz!!! Nope Any hesitation did not give Hela any preparation.

Odin directly concentrated all his strength to strike, and swept towards Hela! Kazika was struck by Odin's explosive blow, and the entire space began to collapse wherever the attack passed! Finally! Odin's full strength One blow hit Hela, who was fully defending! Boom!!! An extremely huge sound wave struck! An extremely dazzling light also flashed instantly! Odin's strongest blow exploded! At this moment, the entire space was It shook! Boom! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 256 Detonating Asgard?

Bang is like a mirror being shattered.

The moment Odin's strongest blow collided with Hela's strongest defense.

Powerful energy exploded, and the space where the two people were was instantly shattered.

A large amount of space turbulence overflowed from the collapsed space cracks.

However, these... space turbulences that exuded extremely ferocious power at first glance did not cause any harm to either Odin or Hela.

On the contrary, these... The space turbulence directly bypassed Odin and Hela, instantly destroying everything within a few dozen miles around them, whether they were Asgardian warriors or sea creatures. All of La's undead warriors were wiped out in an instant, not even a trace of residue was left behind.

............. "Damn!"

Odin saw all this and was filled with rage.

Of course, Odin does not feel sorry for those Asgardian warriors who... were wiped out by the turbulence of space.

For Odin, although these... Asgardian warriors were wiped out, causing Asgard a lot of losses.

But it was nothing compared to him. Hela, who was still standing in front of him alive and not even seriously injured, made people furious! "How could you possibly bear it!!!"

Seeing several pure energy shields emerging from Hela's body, including soul gems, power gems, and time gems, Odin simply couldn't accept it for a moment.

Since these... the protective shields are all made of pure energy, and these Infinity Stones can also be said to have the same origin, Odin did not notice it at all. 's mystery.

All Odin knew was that he shamelessly put on the Destroyer Armor and shamelessly put on the Infinity Gauntlet inlaid with space gems.

Under such an explosion, with a full blow, even Hela's energy shield was not broken. Odin fell into deep self-doubt... ...But in fact, Hela is not as perfect as she appears.

In fact, as soon as Odin's attack came into contact with Hela's defense, Hela's defense was instantly exploded! At that moment, Hela's mind went blank, and she only felt that she was afraid of going. Looking for her former Valkyrie subordinates.

But just as Hela's own defense was shattered, several pure energy protective shields were activated, covering Hela's entire body, completely blocking Odin's attack.

But even so, when Hela herself was broken, Hela suffered a lot of injuries. It was just that Hela didn't react at first, and then she didn't show it immediately. It was also the power that catalyzed the infinite gems. Ding easily broke Hela, but Qi Jun catalyzed the protective shield casually laid down by the two Infinity Stones, but Odin was helpless.

Indirectly, it directly shows the strength of Qi Jun, Odin, and Hela.

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