Infinity stones are not invincible, the key depends on who is using them! ............. Odin fell into self-doubt, but Hela did not Yes! As a person who has experienced it, Hela quickly understood what happened to these layers of protective shields that suddenly appeared.

Seeing Odin's expression of disbelief, Hela felt extremely happy inside.


"That's not enough!"

Since Qi Jun is helping her behind the scenes, Hela will naturally not let Qi Jun down.

But if there was a head-on fight, Hela also knew that she could not be the opponent of Odin in the explosive state.

Therefore, she ignored the space cracks and space turbulence torn apart by Odin and her own burst of energy.

Hela directly pressed against the energy turtle shell laid out by Qi Jun, uncharacteristically, closed her eyes and began to actively communicate with the original power of Asgard.

........................"Take action!"

"What's the point of hiding in a turtle shell?"

Seeing that Hela actually closed her eyes during the battle, Odin immediately went crazy.

Damn it, how can I bear it! Crazy Odin began to frantically attack the protective turtle shell that Qi Jun had laid for Hela.

But no matter how much force Odin exerts, no matter how hard this protective turtle shell changes its shape after being hit, it is... unbreakable! The Hela inside it has no impact at all! .....Boom!!!Crash!!!But soon, Odin knew what Hela was doing! "Hela!"

"how dare you!!!"

The entire Asgard began to shake crazily, no matter the land, sea, or space! Whether it was Asgard's warriors or Hela's subordinates, they began to lose their balance! "Stop!" "

"Stop it!"

"You will kill all Asgardians!!!"

Feeling that Asgard's original power was being drawn out crazily, Odin went crazy.

Gun in hand: Crazy poke.

But unfortunately, the ‘Shell of Hella’ remained unmoved............. “Tsk”

"Hela, this is..."

"A bit cruel!!!"

When Qi Jun saw it, he suddenly felt a little bit sour. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 257 Determined

Boom!!! Boom!!!! Every shot of Odin carries with it immense power.

Every shot carrying great power: When it poked and stabbed Hela's energy protective shield, it also erupted with a huge energy level explosion, shaking the already shaking Asgard space. The ground became more violent.

But! No matter how angry Odin was, he did not hesitate to unleash all his power, even using the Destroyer Armor and Space Stone.

But Hela, who was in the protective shell of the turtle, was not affected at all.

Odin knows very well what Hela is doing! Hela wants to forcibly extract and mobilize the original power of Asgard! Regardless of whether Hela forcibly extracts these... original powers and uses them No matter what you do, Asgard will be seriously harmed.

Forcibly extracting the original power violates Asgard's operating mechanism and can easily cause Asgard to collapse.

And once Hela forcibly draws out these... original powers, and then bombards Asgard in turn...

Then, Asgard will be blown into pieces by his own power! From then on, it will completely dissipate in the universe! But the continuous huge explosions will deform and twist Hela's energy protective shield, but Hela will Not even a trace of damage was suffered.

This scene made Odin almost crazy.

No! It should be said that Odin has gone crazy!......................"Ah!!!"


Odin was angry, angry, and crazy.

Thinking back on his actions over the years, Odin began to regret.

Regret, myself, regret, why didn't I kill it directly? Even if killing this eldest daughter who is essentially connected to Asgard will make Asgard weak for a long time, then how can it be better than now? Even Asgard Virtue must be destroyed!!! However, the original power of Asgard that is felt to be connected to the essence is still there: it has been greatly reduced, and Odin's whole person has collapsed.

Odin turned all these... collapse, resentment, and regret into the power of anger, and attacked Hela fiercely.

Slowly, Odin's eyes turned red, and he even began to fall into irrational obsessions! ........................ "Haha"

"If I had known today, why would I have done it in the first place?"

Seeing that Odin actually showed signs of becoming possessed, Qi Jun couldn't help but sneer.

It is true that everyone is selfish and no one has to be nice to anyone.

Even Odin and Hela are the same.

Odin was afraid that Hela would grow up and seek his throne.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

But who said that Odin's methods are not...thorough, not enough...absolutely ruthless!...................... Either don't do it, a loving father and a daughter Xiao Er was very thorough and used direct methods to kill Hela.

Now that we take action, we must do it to the point where there is absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

It's a pity, but Odin only imprisoned and sealed Hela.

Now, Hela breaks the seal and wants to kill Odin to avenge his previous shame. It can only be said that it is Odin's own fault.

Moreover, Hela's methods are indeed much more ruthless than Odin's! ........................ "Goodbye!"

Suddenly, Hela opened her eyes suddenly.

He glanced at Odin sadly, but in an instant he became firm again.


Hela's eyes returned to calmness, and she took one last look at Odin.

Then, as if he was throwing something, he waved his hands forward fiercely! ........................Boom!!! To be continued: Watch For the non-underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 258 The Destruction of Asgard!

The energy-level reaction of the ball was extremely strong, even comparable to the huge energy of a single blow from a single universe-level boss. Hela just waved his hand and smashed towards Asgard! This power is invisible to the naked eyes of ordinary people. The level energy group, in Qi Jun's eyes, was so dazzling, like a fireball, it hit the central pillar of Asgard with a whoosh!!!! Boom!!!! Huge energy The moment the super energy group collided with the central pillar of Asgard, a huge energy explosion broke out! This original power extracted from Asgard by Hela returned to Asgard in another way. When virtue is gained, what is brought to Asgard is not recovery.

But... Destruction!!!... The unexpected explosion directly tore apart the central pillar of Asgard, shattering it with powerful energy. Under the first-level effect, a huge space crack was instantly torn open at the center of the explosion! Asgard, the fragments of the central pillar that still had a chance to use the power of the source to recombine, were instantly swallowed by the space crack. Empty.

The next moment, a huge energy level shock wave was centered on the explosion and pushed in all directions.

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