Boom!!! An explosion shock wave comparable to the strength of a single universe-level powerhouse almost instantly turned Hela's cannon fodder troops into ashes! On the other side, Aspen was fighting with the cannon fodder brought by Hela. Nearly 99% of the Garde warriors were also wiped out by this huge energy level shock wave in an instant, leaving not even a scrap left.

And the few remaining strong Asgardian warriors were all seriously injured and fell to the ground under the impact of this energy shock wave! Except... Queen Frigga saw the situation Something was wrong. She tried her best to cast all the defensive magic she knew, but she was only moderately injured in this shock wave.

Even Thor, the God of Thunder, who was desperately protected by Frigga, collapsed again and was seriously injured.

Even more dangerous than the previous serious injury.

.........But that's not all.........The most desperate thing for Asgardians! Let These Asgardians are the most dangerous. As the central pillar of Asgard collapsed, they were swallowed up by the cracks in space. As the shock wave spread, the entire Asgard began to collapse! "No!!!"

Queen Frigga tried her best to hold Thor in her hands and tried her best to maintain the magic shield, but she could only watch in despair as the entire Asgard quickly collapsed! "No! !!”

Also watching the collapse of Asgard, except... Frigga and Thor, including all the remaining seriously injured warriors of Asgard, were also killed in this collapse. Destroy! The collapse of the entire Asgard is also accompanied by a powerful energy level explosion.

In this state, those...the remaining Asgardian warriors who were so seriously injured that they could not move at all were also wiped out! "Ahhhh!!!"

"I am going to kill you!!!"

"Kill you!!!"

Ignoring the only remaining Frigga and the even more seriously injured Thor, Odin's eyes turned completely red and he went crazy. He exuded unrestrained energy level fluctuations and headed directly towards Hela regardless of the cost. Pounced over.

...........But no wait: Odin and Hela died together. Odin and Hela, who were essentially linked to Asgard, were instantly attacked. The backlash of Asgard's collapse! Poof Odin is still there: halfway, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, and the whole person's momentum collapsed instantly, directly seriously injured! Poohela was still not much better, a mouthful of blood spurted out, Directly seriously injured, the strength instantly dropped to the Heavenly Father level, and even fell below the Planet level! .................. "Tsk"

"This battle"

"There are no winners!"

"Both sides suffer,!"

Qi Jun smacked his lips and shook his head.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 259: Hela self-destructs?

As Asgard completely collapsed and completely disappeared from the universe, not even a fist-sized fragment could be found.

Odin and Hela, who are intrinsically linked to the continent of Asgard, instantly suffered the backlash caused by the collapse of the continent of Asgard.

Odin was seriously injured and his strength dropped directly to planet level.

Hela was seriously injured, and her strength dropped below the planet level! In this state, Qi Jun's subordinates could easily kill Odin and Hela.

Of course, the most seriously injured were Frigga and Thor.

Asgard's final collapse unleashed a larger energy level explosion that directly seriously injured Frigga.

Under the heavy protection of Frigga, Thor, the god of thunder, was almost in a state of breathlessness, and it seemed as if he might die at any time.


"You are so cruel!"

"This is Asgard where you were born and raised!"

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out as if it was free of charge. Odin's eyes looked at Hela, full of resentment, annoyance, regret, and boundless murderous intent!...... .........."Hahaha"

"You actually accused me of being cruel"

Hela didn't care at all about her seriously injured body, but instead roared at Odin crazily.

"Who is so cruel that he wants to kill his own daughter?"

"Who is the one who cruelly sealed and imprisoned his daughter?"

"Who is so cruel to wipe out all the achievements of Hela?"

"Who is cruel?"

"who is it"


The madly roaring Hela shot out extremely happy pleasure, the pleasure of finally having her great revenge! And there was also a trace of sadness that Hela herself had not noticed. Although Hela did not say it, in fact, deep in Hela's heart, she felt that ..This Asgard who gave birth to her and raised her still has a trace of nostalgia for her.

It's a pity that from now on, there will never be an Asgard in this universe! "Since you like your Asgard so much"

"Then I'll send you directly to see it!"

.........Well Hela's last words made everyone stunned.

Asgard has been destroyed and wiped out, so how can we see it and so on...! She wants to self-destruct, even though Odin is seriously injured and his strength has dropped to planet level.

But Hela, whose strength has dropped below the planet level, can't kill him. What's more, the collapse of Asgard did not destroy the Destroyer armor Odin wore.

Although the Destroyer Armor was slightly damaged due to some influences, it was still no problem for Odin to escape from the hands of ordinary Heavenly Father-level powerful men.

Let me ask, in this state, how can Hela, whose strength has dropped below the planet level, kill him......................self-destruct! Don't forget, Hela still has the soul gem in her hand! She forcibly gathers the energy of the soul gem, and even uses the soul gem to prop herself up until she explodes.

With the power of infinite gem energy, it is not difficult to self-explode to kill a mere planet-level guy!......................But at this moment, A huge crack suddenly opened and swallowed Odin! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 260 Odin = meat and potatoes?

I saw with my own eyes that Odin seemed to be swallowed up by something similar to 'Void Terror'.

Hela, who was gathering all her energy and preparing to use the powerful energy level of the Infinity Stones to blow up Odin, suddenly became stuck like an inflating balloon whose inflating port was strangled.

But the next moment, the big hand holding the throat could not withstand the impact of the energy of the infinite gems, and suddenly let go of the inflator.

The inflation port was instantly expanded, and violent energy overflowed instantly, saving Hela, who almost succeeded in self-destructing.

Not to mention Hela, even Qi Jun was almost stunned by this sudden change.

If Qi Jun had not become a true single-universe-level boss and had greatly improved his understanding of space rules, Qi Jun might have been almost as dumbfounded as Hela.

........... Of course, although Qi Jun discovered it in advance, Qi Jun did not stop it from happening.

Because, the 'fear of the void' that swallowed Odin whole was, in fact, just one of the thousands of dimensions that Qi Jun deceived into attacking Asgard! In fact, these things that Qi Jun deceived into coming here .........The Lord of Dimensions arrived in Asgard's Outer Territory early.

Of course, to say they have arrived is actually to open a link between their own dimension and Asgard.

In fact, neither Asgard nor their respective dimensions have moved.

These... dimensional lords cannot leave their planes. Of course, those like Dormammu and Ancient One who are fully integrated into their dimensions can also leave their dimensions who have not fully integrated into their own dimensions. The dimensional master of his own dimensional plane, but after leaving, his strength will be greatly reduced.

At that time, Asgard had not yet collapsed. Qi Jun was focused on the scene and did not notice them. And Asgard, which was intact, was not like these... Those who can swallow it, some dimension lords temporarily hide themselves.

It was not until the moment of Asgard's collapse that Qi Jun discovered that countless plane connection points and even passages had quietly appeared in the outer realm of Asgard.

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