"Ah That's good."

"I'll go back to Earth first."

"Taibai, remember to rest the Dream. It will be used after I come back from Earth."

After giving the order, Qi Jun teleported and left.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 264 Life Foundation!

"Boss, you are back"

Qi Jun just teleported to Earth.

..On the top floor of the group, someone immediately came up to say hello respectfully.


"Good job!"

"Serious! Diligent! Come on!"

Qi Jun nodded and encouraged with a smile.

Skye, Hulk, Dr. Blue and their team are still on the Zhaidar planet to deal with the interstellar.

..group of things, earth.

..The group is naturally only managed by some middle and senior managers.

Although Skye and others were not on Earth, they had arranged everything before leaving, regardless of whether Qi Jun teleported to Earth.

..Wherever the group is, someone will immediately come up to greet you and wait for instructions.

"You guys go down"

"When Bruce Banner comes back later, ask him to meet me on the top floor."

Qi Jun ordered again.



A group of people hold high positions in the eyes of the major forces on Earth, and they can cause changes in the global situation just by stamping their feet.

..The middle and senior management of the group are respectfully waiting for Qi Jun’s orders.

After seeing that Qi Jun had no other instructions, the group of people immediately exited the attic in an orderly manner and went to do what they were supposed to do.

........................"too white"

I found a comfortable position and lay down, snapped my fingers, took out a pot of top-notch green tea, took a sip, and then started calling Taibai.

"Sir, Taibai is always at your service! A virtual projection of reality is projected in front of Qi Jun. The 'lifelike' Transformer Taibai bends down to say hello to Qi Jun.

Of course, Qi Jun knew that this was just a clone program left by Taibai on the earth.

However, its power is comparable to that of Taibai before he became a true omnic race Transformer.

What's more, this clone intelligence is always connected to Taibai who is far away in the polar star field. As long as he needs it, Qi Jun can get assistance from Taibai in his strongest state at any time.


Qi Jun lazily twisted his body to make himself more comfortable on the expensive sofa.

"The 'Life Foundation' you mentioned before has launched their first spaceship."

Qi Jun asked as he brought the teapot to his mouth and took a sip.

"Yes, sir."

"According to your prior explanation, once the situation you described occurs at the Life Foundation, we will report it to you immediately."

"At this moment, the first spacecraft of the 'Life Foundation' has flown over the moon and headed towards the asteroid belt."

Another projection was projected, but it was a real-time view of the Life Foundation's first spaceship.

............. "But I remember that their first spaceship should not have been built so quickly."

"What's more, this has already successfully flown into the universe."

Qi Jun asked strangely.

"This is because of the earth.

..The group’s recent actions have greatly promoted the development of aviation technology on the entire planet.”

"And, because of the Earth.

..The group has grown too large, so the United Nations has specially increased its investment in the ‘Life Foundation’ and assisted its vigorous development.”

"That's why the Life Foundation's first spaceship was able to be completed so quickly and successfully fly into the starry sky."

Taibai, Mo De explained emotionally.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 265 Suppression? ask

"Because of the Earth.

..The group developed too fast, causing the United Nations to start suppressing the earth.


Qi Jun was speechless and couldn't believe it.

"Don't they know how to push the earth harder?

..The group can be faster and easier than in the interstellar era."

"Is it possible that among these forces, there are no smart people or wise men with a long-term vision?"

"The development of the human race on the entire earth is dominated by a group of capitalists who only have money in their minds. What hope is there for the future?"

"Is this human nature?"

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