Qi Jun really couldn't believe it, Mingming Earth.

..Groups can lead the earth to enter the interstellar era more quickly. Why are the interest groups on earth... unable to see this, and instead want to harm the earth?

..The group suppresses because they cannot see the earth.

..What is the advantage of the group as a leader? No! Each major force has its own think tank, and it is absolutely impossible for them not to see these...

They just don’t want to see it, let alone see it! In the eyes of these interest groups, the cake has already been divided and they don’t want to give in any more.

It is naturally good to lead global mankind into the interstellar era faster, but why.

..people since..

.. Groups can achieve this, why can't these interest groups unite to do better? So, in this context, the earth...

..The group was secretly suppressed on one side, but the 'Life Foundation' on the other side was suddenly injected with capital by major forces and entered the rocket channel of rapid development! It was also under such circumstances that Qi Jun's impression had been The first spaceship of the 'Life Foundation', which had just built a skeleton, was arrived so quickly and successfully flew into the depths of the starry sky! Taibai's projection did not speak.

If Taibai, the destined Transformer who has become a real life, is here, he may be able to understand Qi Jun's words, but now Taibai, who is just a clone intelligent program, obviously does not quite understand Qi Jun's emotions.

Although big data analyzed various response methods, Taibai still did not speak, leaving Qi Jun to sigh.

.........Of course, Qi Jun was really just sighing.

Just kidding, what kind of black technology does Qi Jun master? What kind of backward technology does the major forces on earth master? Just the official "Flying Sky" of the first spaceship of the "Life Foundation" has already been assembled. The top technologies of all major forces.

I want them to catch up with the earth.

..the pace of the group will last the rest of my life! What’s more,.

..The group is not just a part of the earth.

Now, interstellar.

..The group has already become famous throughout the world.

When the major forces on earth finally enter the universe,

..The group has already threatened the entire universe! ............." Project the real-time picture of the first spaceship of the 'Life Foundation' to the side .”

The whole earth.

..The top floor of the group is very spacious, it just projects a spaceship, don't make it too simple.

"Make a note. When they arrive in the asteroid belt, remember to notify me as soon as possible!"

Qi Jun knew very well that the four 44 alien symbionts brought back from the asteroid belt by the Life Foundation's first spaceship were just four 44s out of a mere three million! If there was only 'Venom' 'With these four 44 alien symbionts, Qi Jun will not put down a lot of things and run back to Earth.

If you have some free time, go and inspect the star field of the second base camp plan that you have already planned to check out. Isn’t it delicious? “Yes! Sir!”

Taibai replied respectfully.

"Also, over at the biochemical factory, are the three million high-level biochemical people ready?"

This is a basic requirement related to whether the three million super-powerful army under his command can be successfully formed, Qi Jun asked thoughtfully.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 266 Eight million biochemical humans?

Although Taibai has been vigorously developing in the Polar Star Territory, Qi Jun has no intention of setting his base camp there.

The main reason is that the Polar Star Domain is too ordinary, with an explosion of ordinary resources, but high-level resources are extremely scarce, especially top-level resources, which are scarcer than anywhere else in the universe! Even if Qi Jun can pass Mutated gems use energy to manifest various high-end and top-level resources, but Qi Jun does not want to be a tool man, especially when there are no resources in his own territory, and even more so when he wants to be a tool man for the rest of his life! In Qi Jun's case, In Jun's heart, Qi Jun actually still prefers the Destiny Star Territory, but he hasn't personally checked it out yet, and Qi Jun doesn't know whether he can solve the problems of space-time turbulence there.

If it really doesn't work, the second alternative star field is actually possible, but if you choose there, there will be a lot of trouble. At least the major forces in the universe will definitely keep secretly looking for trouble. Behind all kinds of interstellar pirates, there are actually many shadows of various cosmic forces. If Qi Jun wants to choose a second alternative star field, he will definitely have to... All interstellar pirates After annihilation, Qi Jun naturally stood on the opposite side of all the major forces in the universe.

Although Qi Jun is not afraid of these...the so-called major cosmic forces, it is impossible for Qi Jun to kill them all. What is the difference between that and the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit of the Family Planning Commission? What's more, when a force dies, a brand new force will be born. It is impossible to completely eliminate it, and it will only make people annoying.

Of course, this depends on whether the value of the second alternative star field is worth Qi Jun's taking it. If it is really worth it, these so-called troubles will not be worth it to Qi Jun. Junlai said, it was actually an easy solution... "Sir, the Red Alert-like factory and the advanced biochemical manufactur- ing center have been Since then, it has been running non-stop.”

"As of now, there are more than 8 million cyborgs in total!"

"Among them, the Red Alert-like arsenal produces about five million basic biochemical personnel such as basic engineers, basic medical soldiers, and basic engineers."

"The advanced biochemical manufacturing center will produce senior management biochemicals, advanced combat biochemicals, advanced scientific research biochemicals, etc..., about three million people!"

"With the Earth.

..With the group's explosive expansion and development, more than five million basic biochemical humans have spread all over the world to serve as the earth.

..Escorted by all branches of the group.”

"There are more than three million senior students, some of whom are scattered to various branches for management and protection, and some of whom have been following your requirements: learning all kinds of knowledge.

After intensive training, I now basically have city-level strength!"

City level: A full-strength attack can reach the level of destroying a city. It is collectively referred to as city level.

Listening to Taibai's story, Qi Jun's face turned pale.



"it's actually very good!"

Qi Jun was very happy that he had eight million subordinates so quickly.

You must know that these biochemicals were originally manufactured from the Red Alert Arsenal and the Advanced Biochemical Manufacturing Center where mutated gemstones are embodied. There is no need to worry about their loyalty to Qi Jun.

In other words, the team that is absolutely loyal to Qi Jun has now expanded to the level of eight million people, which is gratifying! These biochemical people are not... natives recruited on the earth. They completely obey Qi Jun's orders. What do you ask them to do? Whatever they do.

Qi Jun is...their king! Qi Jun is...their god!......................"Very good!"

"With these three million advanced biochemical humans, we can then fuse the three million alien symbionts."

"The mutated gems are then used to embody a cosmic radiation, so that each of these three million biochemical warriors have different but matching abilities."

"In other words, these three million city-level 'soldiers', with the increase of the symbiote, can instantly become three million planet-level space warriors!"

"Even if they can't all be increased to planet-level strength, at least one million planet-level super symbiotic warriors will be no problem!"

"What a huge force this is!!!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, just an interstellar pirate is nothing."

"Once the three million planet-level space warriors appear, who can compete with them in the entire known universe?"

Qi Jun seemed to have seen the scene where he led the three million super warriors to wreak havoc on the universe... "That's right"

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