“Don’t think about this anymore”

Shivering, as if he had seen some horrifying scene, Qi Jun shook his head and expelled the scene from his mind.

.............Speaking of it, Earth.

.. where the group is located, it is rare to see good weather on weekdays. Today, it seems that the weather is clear and sunny just to welcome Qi Jun's return.

In fact, no matter what.

..After both the Stark Group vigorously promoted clean energy, even international metropolises such as New York began to have the opportunity to see the sun more often.

Smog and other things are not... something that only exists in ancient Eastern countries. When it is serious, the United States Federation can still prevent you from seeing the sun for a whole year! Next, Qi Jun lay on the luxurious and soft sofa on the top floor, basking in the sun. Looking at the comfortable sunshine, quietly watching the clouds roll and relax... Time drifts away quietly, like a naughty child, in a flash Missing.

A series of footsteps sounded, and the person Qi Jun was waiting for finally arrived. "Look for me."

With a hint of surprise on his face and a head of fiery red hair, Bruce Banner quickly came to Qi Jun.


With a snap of his fingers, Bruce Banner discovered that there was an extra coffee table in front of him, and a tea set appeared on the coffee table, as well as a pot of green tea with a fragrant fragrance.


Bruce Banner was stunned for a moment, then immediately came over, pulled up the seat, and sat down obediently: "Sip tea and wait quietly for the boss's instructions."

For a period of time under Qi Jun, Bruce Banner became accustomed to tea from the ancient Eastern country.

It can even be said that in order to cater to the general preferences, the entire...

..The group, from top to bottom, began to drink tea subtly.

The entire ancient Eastern country inexplicably discovered that their own tea culture had become popular around the world. Even later, because of the interstellar...

..The reason for the group is still there: it spread rapidly throughout the known universe and became popular......................"Hey"

"Banner, when did you dye your hair red?"

After taking a slow sip of tea, Qi Jun looked at Bruce Banner, ready to tell him what to do next.

However, when Qi Jun set his eyes on Bruce Banner, Qi Jun was stunned.

The Bruce Banner in his memory, that... doctor with the image of an elegant scholar, has disappeared from unknown time. The Bruce Banner who now appears in front of Qi Jun is dressed in a hot punk style, even with the hair on his head Her hair is all fiery red.

What kind of refined scholar is this? He is just...a super-social non-mainstream gangster!......................"Hehe"

Perhaps because of Qi Jun's surprise, Bruce Banner smiled, but... he still looked a bit honest like before he became a magician.

",I am really not dyeing this"

"Maybe it's because I practice fire magic."

"I don't know when it changed."

"But it really turned into this color on its own."

Bruce Banner shrugged helplessly, he really didn't pay much attention to this issue himself.

By the time Bruce Banner discovered it, his hair had already turned completely fiery red.

However, perhaps because of his practice in fire magic, Bruce Banner himself did not rule out having hair of this color, but rather liked it, and even deliberately grew his hair long.

I just...want that...feeling of airiness when casting a spell. Bruce Banner thinks that look is so cool!...................... ..."Forehead"

"All right"

"As long as you like it, it doesn't matter if it turns green."

Qi Jun was just slightly stunned, but he didn't particularly care.

However, Qi Jun... clearly felt that Bruce Banner's personality had changed a lot.

In other words, after practicing fire magic, especially after experiencing it in the Polar Star Realm, the image of a scholar from before has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the former Bruce Banner was timid and a bit indecisive, the current Bruce Banner can definitely be called brave and decisive.

Especially after having the experience of being an interstellar mercenary in the universe, the current Bruce Banner is absolutely neat and tidy in doing things.

........................"I'll call you back this time"

"The main reason is that Skye and the others have transferred to Zhaidar Star. There are no senior officials here, and they are going to put you in charge of the earth.

..management of the group.”

"But looking at your current state, I can give you another choice."

"You and I will soon have a huge group of super warriors."

"But these... super warriors have no actual combat experience. If you are willing, you can lead them to form an interstellar mercenary army and have a good experience in the universe. "

"In other words, two choices."

“One, stewardship on earth.

..all things of the group.”

"Two 2, lead three million super warriors, form an interstellar mercenary army, and conquer the universe!"

"You can think about it"

Seeing the great change in Bruce Banner, Qi Jun temporarily changed his mind and preached.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 269 Banner’s Confusion

In fact, after seeing the changes in Bruce Banner, Qi Jun secretly changed his previous decision.

Qi Jun also believes that Bruce Banner, who is currently dressed in hot clothes, may not be able to stand the constraints of the steward of a global group on earth.

If it were Bruce Banner from before, with his scholarly aura, he might be able to take over the Earth if he endured it for a while.

..The position of chief steward of the group.

But now, after practicing fire magic, and because of his experience in the cosmic battlefield, if Bruce Banner is asked to be the butler of a planet-level group, he will definitely feel conflicted in his heart. It would be bad to do twice the result with half the effort.

However, Bruce Banner is now willing to be active on the interstellar battlefield. It can even be said that Bruce Banner has not had enough of being an interstellar mercenary. Let him return to the universe again, and it will definitely be 10,000%. Willingness!......................In fact, it is indeed the case! As soon as Qi Jun finished speaking, Bruce Banner immediately made his choice.


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