"I choose the second one!"

Bruce Banner stood up suddenly, his face even more anxious, for fear that Qi Jun would disagree.

"I happened to be at Taibai's place to learn about the situation in the Polar Star Territory!"

"I know all about the forces in the Polar Star Territory and its surrounding areas and their strength!"

"I am definitely the best suited to do this!"

"Besides, I'm not a fire magician."

"The combat effectiveness of fire magic needs to be reflected on the battlefield."

"If you let me stay on earth, wouldn't it be a waste?"

Fearing that Qi Jun still wanted to keep him on earth, Bruce Banner quickly listed out the conditions that were more suitable for the second choice with a shy face.

Bruce Banner, whose personality has been almost completely changed by fire magic, feels a rush of pain when he thinks of staying on earth, sitting at his desk, and dealing with things from the group all over the world. Stupid! What the former scholar Bruce Banner couldn't do, the current Bruce Fire Mage Banner can't do even more.

Maybe sitting in the office and being angry, the whole earth is angry.

..The group headquarters building was burned down............."Haha"

"See how anxious you are"

"I told you to choose."

"I'm a big man. If I say something, it will be a waste of time. How can I regret it?"

Qi Jun shook his head in amusement.


"Since you chose the second one, after I take over these three million super warriors, you will take them back to the Polar Star Territory and form a mercenary army."

"Let's develop well in the universe and build our reputation! We must also create a strong momentum!"

After patting Bruce Banner on the shoulder, Qi Jun teleported and left.

Although the first spacecraft of the 'Life Foundation' has not yet arrived at the asteroid belt, nor has it found the large asteroid meteorite that hides three million alien symbionts, the preliminary preparations should also start. In order to simulate cosmic radiation, it cannot be done just by talking about it.

Although Qi Jun has a lot of energy, Qi Jun does not have the habit of using energy to manifest everything.

Use the least resources to do the greatest thing, this is Qi Jun's life motto! ..................Gulu "Three..."


Qi Jun teleported away, but Bruce Banner fell into shock.

Obviously, Bruce Banner never thought that the mercenary army that Qi Jun said he was going to lead and form would actually number as high as three million! Moreover, listen to the meaning of Qi Jun's words.

How the hell is it possible that these three million are all super warriors!!! There are not even one million super warriors in the entire Polar Star Territory! Bruce Banner was completely confused! To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 270 Super Power Inspiration \u0026 Training Base

Qi Jun didn't know that Bruce Banner would be shocked for just three million power warriors.

After all, Qi Jun has Taibai always connected to the cosmic star network, and can easily break through the dark networks of major cosmic forces.

Qi Jun is very clear about how strong the major forces are.

It can be said that if you find any famous force in the universe, their secret super warriors will be calculated in millions.

Not to mention, the only ones that Qi Jun could care about were those... who were the top forces in the entire known universe.

For example, the Kree Empire, the Shi'ar Empire, etc., the scope of the empire is ridiculously large, and there are several star-level superpower legions, casually calculated based on the number of hundreds of millions.

Being accustomed to numbers in the hundreds of millions, just three million, there is indeed nothing to be emotional about in Qi Jun's heart.............Of course, Power warriors don't win by numbers.

Let’s just say that the Skrull Empire, which is completely a mortal enemy of the Kree Empire, has no less powerful warriors than the Kree Empire.

But the Skrull Empire is often suppressed by the Kree Empire. Why is it because of the power warriors? In addition to quantity, what is more important is quality! Just like Qi Jun's current strength, casually Just hit thousands of dimensions.

Once Qi Jun trains all three million super warriors.

So, why don’t you dare to face hundreds of millions of super-powerful legions from all the major forces in the universe!......................Dream Space Flying City, Training area Qi Jun finally came here again.

As Qi Jun's strength increases, the help that external objects bring to Qi Jun naturally becomes smaller and smaller.

This giant spaceship that Qi Jun cherished before has now completely become Qi Jun's mount.

Maybe this mount is a little too big.

However, it was indeed of no help to Qi Jun.

"Sometimes, strength improves too quickly, and things that were originally a good match quickly lose their corresponding value."

"Sure enough, you still need to be strong to strike iron! "When you are strong, you will be afraid!"

Qi Jun grinned, boasting and enjoying himself.

.....................For the time being, the space gem has not been 'retrieved', so Qi Jun naturally has not taken the soul that is imprinted on the space rules. The force is withdrawn.

Naturally, the "Dream"'s functions such as space jump and wormhole travel are completely useless to Qi Jun.

Even if Qi Jun takes back his soul power from the rule mark in the future, Qi Jun will still have space magic.

In addition, the 'black hole-like energy absorption device' can no longer keep up with the absorption speed of Qi Jun, who is now powerful.

This 'Dream' space flying city is naturally idle.

But now, Qi Jun has found a way out for it! That is - the super warrior training base! ........................ Not bad! Qi Jun is Prepare to build a 'cosmic radiation' field in the training area of ​​the 'Dream'.

Although at present, Qi Jun may only have three million super warriors.

But in the future, there will only be three million in the future, so that’s impossible! With the power provided by the ‘black hole-like energy extraction device’, Qi Jun can keep running the ‘simulated cosmic radiation field’.

As long as he has the right "soldiers", Qi Jun can continuously obtain super warriors.

Even, one day, the scale of Qi Jun's super warriors will exceed that of all major cosmic forces. That is not impossible! ........ ..."Taibai, turn on the stealth system, locate the outer space of the earth, and start the space jump!"

"Let's go back to Earth!"

With an idea, Qi Jun came to the cab and said to the Taibai projection displayed on the bridge.

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai in the projection bowed respectfully to Qi Jun, and then Qi Jun felt an extremely slight earthquake in the entire Dream.

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