Dream, the train has departed! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 271 The radiation field is completed

As a space battleship that was decommissioned shortly after entering service, the Dream is certainly not the first one, and it will definitely not be the last.

But as someone who retired just after serving and was immediately rebuilt as a training base for superpowers, the Dream is absolutely unprecedented, and may even be unprecedented! The Dream could not be built even with the power of the entire earth. ’, but he was used as a training base by Qi Jun without feeling any distress. Such inhumanity could only be achieved by Qi Jun, who has a lot of money.

After Taibai learned more about the universe, he made deeper modifications to the Dream. He was not afraid of confronting the gods, but Qi Jun wanted to modify it into a super warrior incubation base. It's also a 'trench' ground. As the saying goes, 'You can't buy it with money, but I am happy with it.' Qi Jun expresses this sentence vividly. Of course, in the long run, the 'Dream Battleship' will bring more benefits to Qi Jun than the 'Dream Battleship'. The incubation base can bring more benefits to Qi Jun. If you think about it carefully, it seems that the "Dream Incubation Base" can bring more benefits to Qi Jun. After all, a steady stream of super warriors seems to be more cost-effective no matter how you look at it. Hey, you said this was going to be fixed, but why do you always feel that something is wrong?............ Under Taibai's control, 'Dream After an ultra-long-distance space jump, it easily arrived at the highest orbit in outer space.

With accurate spatial coordinates and more advanced spatial technology, this operation is extremely simple for Taibai.

Without the knowledge of all the major forces in various countries on the earth, Qi Jun began to transform the training area of ​​the "Dream".

First, establish a ‘simulating cosmic radiation field’.

This thing is definitely different from the single-body simulation device developed by 'Rubber Doctor'.

The 'simulated cosmic radiation field' that Qi Jun plans to build must satisfy the radiation mutation evolution of many people at the same time. It must be able to satisfy at least thousands of people at one time for radiation mutation evolution! As of now, Qi Jun has three million people under his command. Advanced biochemical warriors need to undergo radiation mutation evolution. If they do it one by one, it will take years and months to radiate mutations to a thousand people at the same time. That is just the minimum requirement. When operating at full capacity, at least tens of thousands of people must undergo radiation mutation evolution at the same time. ,This is Qi Jun’s psychological bottom line.

For such a huge project, it was natural for me to do it myself.

Of course, those who actually took action were only the mutated gem Qi Jun or so: they just provided an idea and some energy.

'Imitation cosmic radiation field', the most important thing is to imitate the origin of the universe! In other words, it is simply the power of the origin of the universe contained in the radiation energy created by sharp gems! For this thing, whether it is Qi Jun today or Too white, it's impossible to do it.

If you want Qi Jun to absorb the power of the origin of the universe, that's no problem, but if you want Qi Jun to create the power of the origin of the universe, that's just overthinking! The single universe level only has the ability to destroy the single universe. It's just strength, not... the ability to create a universe.

This matter will eventually come down to the mutated gems.

.......... Under Qi Jun's thoughts, billions of energy were consumed instantly! "Well..."

"This energy consumption is a bit scary!"

"Fortunately, I have some reserves, otherwise I wouldn't have squeezed my brother dry."

But at the same time, a "simulating cosmic radiation field" that can accommodate tens of thousands of people to "awaken" at the same time was also built in an instant! "Huhu"


“With this beginning, we only need the ‘black hole-like energy extraction device’ to continuously supply energy, which is enough to consume the ‘Dream’!”

While restoring energy, Qi Jun clapped his hands. Seeing that the 'simulating cosmic radiation field' was completed instantly, Qi Jun was still very satisfied.

Moreover, while using mutated gems to instantly materialize this 'imitated cosmic radiation field', Qi Jun also used mutated gems to change some rules, allowing the 'black hole-like energy extraction device' to continuously supply energy while also producing Release some of the original power of the universe! Of course, only within the 'simulated cosmic radiation field'.

Qi Jun also didn't want to come to the "Dream" from time to time to replenish the original power of the universe. In that case, it would be against Qi Jun's original intention.

I spent billions of energy to manifest something, isn't it just to liberate myself? If I still come back from time to time to replenish it, what's the point? However, after this change, as long as the 'Dream' is not destroyed, as long as With the continuous "awakening" of the follow-up soldiers, Qi Jun will be able to have a steady stream of super warriors! It's quite embarrassing to think about it...................... "The remaining time is just to wait until the 'Life Foundation' discovers the asteroid meteorite containing three million alien symbionts, and then the 'Dream Incubation Base' can begin its official operation."

"However, I happened to be fine during this period."


"Go and see how that guy Odin is doing."

"By the way, it's time to 'get' the space gem back!"

Qi Jun muttered to himself, teleporting away from the ‘Dream’. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 272: Siege \u0026 Misery

It was supposed to be a quiet and peaceful day in a certain dark dimension. At this moment, due to a series of wars, even the dimension itself was on the verge of collapse.

The first time Qi Jun teleported here, he saw such a surprising scene.

A large group of dimensional masters surrounded the city in a large circle, like a duel field, where the two parties were fighting heartily.

Well, I should say, one of them was beaten heartily! The other side was beaten from beginning to end.

........................"A group of people fight one person"

"What the hell, they are all dimensional talents"

"You can think of any way to duel like this!"

Qi Jun's eyelids twitched when he saw it, and he felt that the picture was full of comedy... Well, a group of people, the masters of thousands of dimensions, and one of them was seriously injured. Ding, that's right! This is a wonderful scene where a large group of people gather in a circle to watch a group of people challenge one person,! But because everyone is a master at the level of the Heavenly Father, and because the two sides have no hold on each other.

Even though the scene looked like a group of people bullying one person, the powerful fluctuations caused by the fighting between them almost shattered the dimension where these people were located.


"The tiger fell and the whole sheep was bullied by the dog"

"Oh, no"

"Once you lose power, everyone will bully you!"

"Haha, Odin, Odin. How proud you were before, how miserable you are now!"

A reassuring smile appeared on Qi Jun's face. Seeing this scene, it seemed as if the indignation of being hunted by Odin all over the world had disappeared.

Qi Jun did not take the initiative to show up, but just like in Asgard, he hid in the dark and continued to promote his behind-the-scenes identity!...................... ..Don’t look at Odin being suppressed and beaten by a group of Heavenly Father-level masters.

However, it is really not easy to completely defeat Odin.

After all, Odin is a veteran Heavenly Father-level master who once shocked the nine worlds and thousands of dimensions.

Wearing a slightly dilapidated Destroyer armor and an infinity gauntlet inlaid with space gems, his true combat power is stronger than that of any dimensional master! How could the power of the infinite gems be so simple if it hadn't been for Hai Hai before? Ra directly destroyed Asgard from the root and caused Odin to be seriously injured. These... dimension masters, even if they were besieged, Odin was not afraid! But unfortunately, Odin was seriously injured. Even with the Destroyer Armor and the Infinity Gauntlet, the many dimensional masters were like flies that saw the 'delicious food', buzzing around it.

Odin knows the power of the Infinity Stones, and so do the other dimensional masters! Why do these dimensional masters directly attack them without any regard for face? Isn’t it because they know the characteristics of the space gems? , not giving Odin a chance to use the Space Stone to 'escape'! These... dimension masters not only know the power of the Infinity Stones, but also know how harmful the use of the Infinity Stones is to the user. Side effects! Even though the space gem in Odin's hand is embedded in the Infinity Gauntlet, which greatly weakens the user's load, the side effects have not disappeared! A group of people teased Odin like walking dogs, no matter what Odin did. Counterattack violently, just... not giving him any chance to escape from the battle.

It is conceivable that once the side effects of using the Infinity Stones for a long time break out, what awaits Odin will inevitably be the miserable ending where many dimensional masters swarm him! "Tsk tsk tsk"

“It’s so miserable”

Qi Jun smiled fakely and compassionately. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 273 The end of Odin


Looking at the thousands of lords of dimensions who tightly surrounded him, Odin felt angry in his heart! He was even more aggrieved! Odin didn't know where to vent this aggrievedness. Odin only knew that from the beginning When a hot man appeared when he was about to crown Thor, his life completely entered a dark mode! First, he caused havoc in Asgard, smashing his own Rainbow Bridge, and then... Stealing his own steel, uh, eternal gun:.

In order to regain the Eternal Spear:, Odin even offended thousands of dimensions. At this moment, the masters of these dimensions who besieged him were all offended at that time! Tens of thousands Over the years, Odin has offended many dimensional lords, but not this many! They were so densely packed that at a glance there was no gap. Odin was desperate! He knew that his end had come! Asgard was still there At that time, no one dared to provoke him.

Before he was injured, no one dared to provoke him! But all this changed after the hot man appeared! To be honest, in Odin's heart, in addition to endless sorrow and anger, there was also... With some regret.

Odin also regrets it! Why did he provoke that...'disaster' if you just let him go? Why did he incur such tragic consequences for the so-called majesty of the royal family! Knowing that the appearance of that guy can give the reckless Thor A lesson, why do you have to 'kill' him? He can clearly befriend a hot man, but why do you have to force him to be the opposite of you? The majesty of the royal family is more important than the survival of Asgard! Every time I think about it At this point, Odin will shed tears of regret. At this moment, Odin hopes so much that the infinity stone in his hand is not a space stone, but a time stone! Unfortunately, there is no turning back, and there is no turning back. "But!"

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