"No matter how miserable I, Odin, am, I am still the God King of Asgard!"

"No matter how miserable I, Odin, am, I am still the God King of Asgard who is powerful in the nine realms and in thousands of dimensions!"

"The tiger fell on the plain and was bullied by the dog"


"You hyenas only dare to hide behind and grab food!"

"Dare to take action against the great God King Odin!"

"Then don't leave!"




Suddenly, Qi Jun realized something was wrong.

"This guy is preparing to die with these...the Lords of Dimensions"

It was obvious that Odin was seriously injured and disabled, but the energy fluctuations in his body suddenly became stronger, and anyone could tell that something was wrong.

For Qi Jun, he could see it more clearly, crossing a big realm. Qi Jun could clearly see that Odin was trying his best to mobilize every ounce of power in his body.

Qi Jun even 'saw' that the cells in Odin's body had begun to tear apart rapidly.

The tearing of every cell is like a spark exploding in a gas station, quickly igniting the air and then detonating the entire gas station! ............. ....."not good!"

"He's going to blow himself up!"

"Quick! Run!"

Qi Jun was not the only one to notice Odin's obvious anomaly.

In fact, Odin's obvious abnormality was clearly seen by the Lords of every dimension present.

But! If you see it, can you respond? Odin's eyes are filled with determination.

Will the decision he makes give these dimension lords some buffering time.........Boom!!!! In just the blink of an eye, O.K. Ding's whole body exploded! Exploding from the inside out, Odin exploded like a nuclear bomb with an extremely huge yield! A mushroom cloud composed entirely of energy fluctuations quickly swept away all the dimensional masters present. Swallowed up! Boom!!! Boom! The dimension masters who were instantly affected by the violent explosion of the Heavenly Father class had no time to respond, so they directly died in the explosion! There were countless mushroom clouds again. ' appeared, pushing the energy level of the explosion to a stronger level! The destructive power of such a terrifying explosion is also unparalleled.

In Qi Jun's sight, the current dimensional plane collapsed rapidly! Even some dimensional planes that were relatively close to each other also followed the pace and quickly collapsed and destroyed! Rumble!!! Click!!!!... .....................Suddenly, Qi Jun's pupils shrank! At the center of the explosion, a black! hole! Black hole! Qi Jun was suddenly stunned.

This is all right. Then, Qi Jun reacted quickly.

Odin, who was originally at the level of a heavenly father, even though his strength fell due to serious injuries, it was because he used the power of the space gem.

In addition, those who were affected... were all Heavenly Father-level dimension masters who died in the explosion, directly exploding a black hole. It is really not surprising... ............."Why"

"I didn't expect that I would have to clean up this mess in the end."

It is obviously not possible to allow this black hole to form and expand.

Shaking his head, sighing, and facing the extremely violent energy explosion, Qi Jun flashed and came directly to the edge of the black hole.

I saw Qi Jun stretching out a hand towards the black hole... To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

Chapter 274 Finally got the space gem!

"Destroy it!"

Possessing a mutated gemstone and powerful single universe-level strength, Qi Jun completely ignored the black hole's unparalleled suction and tearing power.

Even though this newly formed black hole has not yet stabilized, the surrounding space has been torn apart, shaken, and broken, but Qi Jun still calmly reached into the black hole, clenched his fist fiercely, and shouted loudly. Say "Explode!"

The so-called big bang didn't happen.

However, the newly born black hole, whose suction force was getting stronger and stronger, became more and more stable, but the opposite happened. The suction force began to become smaller and smaller.

Just like a suction machine with maximum power turned off, the suction force of the black hole is not only getting smaller and smaller, but even the space around the black hole that has begun to fragment begins to slowly and automatically heal. .

Seeing that the black hole was shrinking rapidly and the surrounding environment was quickly becoming clearer from blur, Qi Jun calmly withdrew his hand.

"black hole"

"It's nothing more than that"

Seeing the black hole rapidly dissolving, the space returning to normal, and the universe calming down again, Qi Jun said with a hint of anger.

.........Of course, Qi Jun also knows the reason why he can dissolve the black hole so easily.

First of all, he is powerful. A single universe-level being can directly destroy the entire universe. A small black hole that has just been born and is not even stable yet cannot absorb Qi Jun at all.

Secondly, because Qi Jun possesses such a magical object as the mutated gem, Qi Jun still uses the power of the mutated gem to dissolve this black hole. Otherwise, even if Qi Jun can blow up the newly formed black hole, the universe will still have It is like the mutual annihilation of positive matter and dark matter. It is destined to explode with huge energy and cause huge harm! Thirdly, it is because this black hole is too young! Calculate the time carefully. From birth to dissolution and annihilation, are there two seconds? The birth of a black hole - Qi Jun frowned and thought - decided to get rid of this hazard - take action to annihilate! The process is... so simple! A black hole that everyone talks about, A black hole that even the Kree Empire and other top powers in the known universe were afraid of was so easily destroyed by Jun.

If you tell me, no one will believe it... The premise is that you are old enough.

A black hole that is stable enough......................"Tsk tsk"

"Odin, Odin"

"Tell me about you, the imperial city's hegemony has come to nothing."

"Not only are you dead, but Asgard is gone too!"

"Oh, that's not right. Ancient One 'devoured' Frigga and Thor. I don't know if Ancient One will really 'eat' them."

"If these two people are really 'digested', there will really be nothing left in the Asgardian lineage."

"Do you think you are at a loss, Odin?"

Qi Jun closed his eyes and felt something, and Qi Jun did not forget to complain.



"There is still a seed left in Asgard"

"After all, Hela is also from Asgard, isn't she?"

"Moreover, Hela seems to be holding a Loki under her hand."


"Loki seems to have betrayed Asgard"

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