Qi Jun laughed and said, Taibai's ability, he should have thought of this a long time ago. Qi Jun was completely relieved! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: bookmark three things about reading, recommended

Chapter 277 Twenty million symbiotes?


"Two 2"



"Tsk tsk tsk"

"This asteroid was actually divided into nine pieces."

Qi Jun was a little surprised when he saw the data and pictures displayed on the projection.

You know, from outside the Kuiper belt, from outside the solar system into the solar system, the speed is not small at all.

Such a high-speed collision did not stop the impact until the asteroid belt finally hit a larger asteroid.

It is conceivable how fast the asteroid carrying the alien symbiont was originally! But at such a fast speed, the asteroid that passed through the Kuiper Belt and finally stopped in the asteroid belt was actually only divided into How hard does it have to be to reach the ninth level... Of course, in fact, this asteroid is not just divided into Nine parts.

But Qi Jun didn't bother to pay attention to other tiny, even indistinguishable pieces.

In Qi Jun's opinion, by collecting these...large pieces of asteroid fragments, enough alien symbionts can be obtained.

Qi Jun didn't bother to collect some scattered alien symbiotes that might have even 'inactivated' when they were smashed.

That's right! Qi Jun's idea was... the alien symbionts on the other eight larger asteroid fragments... In Taibai's detection data, this small one crashed into the asteroid belt There are a total of three million alien symbionts 'accommodating' the planetary fragments, but it is only a medium-sized asteroid fragment among the nine asteroid fragments! Qi Jun I don’t believe it, but Qi Jun believes that there are many alien symbionts on the other eight asteroid fragments! Not to mention more, Qi Jun believes that there are at least 10,000 alien symbionts... ..................."gentlemen!"

"Your judgment is correct!"

"Among the remaining eight asteroid fragments, a total of more than 16 million alien symbionts have been clearly detected."

"However, according to the instrument detection on the detection battleship, a large part of them have been completely necrotic, and only about nine million are left: the alien symbionts maintain the minimum life requirements and survive!"

Not long after, the latest information was projected and broadcast by Taibai.

"More than sixteen million"

"So to say"

"If you count the three million in the asteroid belt, plus those 'non-chief' symbionts that may have been dissipated in the universe as a result of the impact."

"There may be 20 million alien symbionts on this asteroid flying from an alien galaxy."


"This is about exploring the universe."

“It’s better to immigrate directly”

Qi Jun didn't care about how quickly Taibai found out the information. With the technology that Taibai now possesses, coupled with the special characteristics of shape-shifting life, the detection warship built is so efficient. Isn't it more than what it should be? Qi Jun's attention Point, it all depends on the number of alien symbionts.

Before time travel, Qi Jun knew a lot about Marvel, but as a pseudo-Marvel fan, Qi Jun didn't know that the alien symbiote had such a big 'background'!...... ..........."Catch the other eight asteroid fragments!"

Qi Jun issued new orders.

"in addition"

"Based on the path of this asteroid and the star map of the known universe, we can work backwards to figure out where this thing came from."

Although a lot of them were 'consumed' in the impact, the remaining alien symbionts... are a total of 12 million! Qi Jun is still very I was very happy. However, besides being happy, Qi Jun also wanted to find out where these guys came from... It was really just a way! Even if Taibai really deduced it in reverse, Qi Jun also wanted to find out where these guys came from... Not necessarily going to see it.

After all, for Qi Jun, who is now powerful, tracing back to his roots is just a curiosity. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 278 Tidal Wormhole?

"Sir, there is good news and bad news."

"The good news is that the route of the asteroid carrying the alien symbiote has been traced."

"The bad news is that the route traces back to a tidal wormhole [], and that ends there. There is no way to trace it back any further."

With Taibai's explosive development, how fast is Taibai's computing speed? Currently, there are already trillions of supercomputing centers that hijack light quanta and dark particles from major cosmic forces as computing backgrounds.

Before Qi Jun finished speaking for more than two seconds, Taibai had already calculated all the flight directions and routes based on the proven star map of the universe, the star movement data recorded by major forces, and the flight trajectories of asteroids. !Finally, Taibai traced it back to an extremely irregular tidal wormhole【】.

.........................What is a tidal wormhole []? The tidal wormhole [] was actually made by Qi Jun through Taibai when he was on the Zaidar Star. I learned about it by the way when I invaded the Nova Empire's national information database.

The so-called tidal wormhole [], in fact, Qi Jun prefers to call it a space-time tide! Because the 'space-time tide' itself does not have a fixed location, or even a range.

It is as elusive as time and space, and may appear anywhere in the universe.

It may appear and exist for a long time, or it may appear for a moment and then disappear in an instant! The reason why this thing is called a tidal wormhole by these... cosmic forces【 】, in addition to...because it sometimes comes in waves like a tide, it is also because the tidal wormholes themselves contain an undetectable number of wormholes【】 !Because of the internal time and space of the tidal wormhole [], you don’t know what you will face if you get into this tidal wormhole [].

Maybe it will be shattered by the terrifying time and space flow, or maybe you will be lucky enough to be able to travel through time, go back to the past, or even lead to the future. It is also possible to travel through space, directly from this star, to another star field or even other multiverses! Of course, According to Qi Jun's later records from various major forces, it was found that there were only a handful of people who were lucky enough to pass through the tidal wormhole.

Most of the guys who wanted to give it a try were torn to pieces as soon as they entered the tidal wormhole [ ]! And those who...... entered the tidal wormhole [ ] smoothly , except for those who traveled through space, the others have never come back. Because of this, Taibai said that route tracing can no longer be done. This is indeed bad news.

However, Qi Jun was... a little bit interested in this and wanted to check it out.

Of course, not now! Although Qi Jun's strength has reached the level of a single universe, it can almost be said to be the peak strength of the current Marvel universe.

But facing the unknown tide of time and space, Qi Jun did not dare to be too confident.

In Qi Jun's plan, he is still planning to use the time gem and the space gem to advance his understanding of time and space to a few more levels.

At that time, with enough means of self-protection, Qi Jun can go on adventures with confidence.

A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall. Qi Jun still understands this sentence... "Mark the coordinates of the space."

"Observe this 'tidal wormhole []' at all times and record the data."

"At the same time, try to analyze it. If it can be analyzed, that would be the best!"

Qi Jun looked at the image of the tidal wormhole displayed on the projection, chuckled, and gave instructions.

That's right, this tidal wormhole [] has not dissipated at present, and is standing brightly in the starry sky of the universe. To be continued: Feilu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 279 Nanotechnology

Qi Jun didn't ask any more about the tidal wormhole.

Qi Jun didn't want to worry about where the asteroid carrying the alien symbiote came from.

Qi Jun was just a little emotional. He thought there were only about three million alien symbiotes, but he didn't expect that there were as many as 20 million in the end! Even if the total number of them that could be used was only 12 million. , but it is indeed a bit unexpected. Even Qi Jun does not have enough manpower for 'boarding and symbiosis'!......................But , Qi Jun thought about it carefully, but he didn't go back to Earth again to reincarnate the base's advanced biochemical human production center or something.

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