In Qi Jun's view, having such an advanced biochemical manufacturing center is actually enough.

The production speed of super soldiers is just slower.

Qi Jun doesn't care about this at all.

It's not like Qi Jun wants so many super soldiers to go to the battlefield immediately.

Besides, if we really want to fight an interstellar war, Taibai is enough! What's more, after these days of development, many of the 'fire sources' that have been cast widely have been retrieved by Taibai and entered the 'quantity' in advance. The schedule for the production of 'Transformers' is up.

These days have passed, and tens of thousands of freshly made Transformers have appeared on the Steel Star in the Polar Star Territory! These.........are all genuine, real Intelligent beings! Especially the tens of thousands of Transformers in Hela holding soul gems, they are all intelligent beings with real soul fire! They are not intelligent beings simply given by the 'fire source'. Of course, In an interstellar war, even thousands of Transformers would be of little use.

Especially once you fight against a superpower like the Kree Empire, once a war breaks out, at least it will cover several galaxies and tens of thousands of Transformers. What can really make Qi... What Jun values ​​​​is those who can fight a 'super interstellar war' without fear of other forces, or those who are created by violent explosive troops under Taibai's guidance.

Super space battleship group!......................Not to mention anything else, in less than half a month since Qi Jun returned to the solar system, Taibai has already The space battleships built by his explosive troops are all over the entire Polar Star Territory! Such a terrifying scene has also led to the absolute safety of the Polar Star Territory! Although the Polar Star Territory itself is a representative of the poor star field, in the poor, He originally had some interstellar pirates who often came to fight against the autumn wind and so on.

But under Taibai's terrifying explosion, those so-called interstellar pirates had long since disappeared without a trace.

...........Of course, the price is...the densely packed celestial bodies in the original polar star field.

It actually began to disappear in geometric multiples! Qi Jun was very clear about the reason why it could do so quickly.

Because this basic technology was first developed by Qi Jun! Nanotechnology! PiMi Technology! No, it should be said that it was the nanotechnology studied by Qi Jun, and later the PiMi Technology that was perfected, optimized, and even promoted by Taibai! There are countless densely packed Nanorobots and Pimi robots swarmed in, and a planet with 1 resource was directly visible to the naked eye and disappeared in a moment! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 280: The ‘Surrounded’ Polar Star Territory

Devoured by countless trillions and trillions of nanometer and picometer robots, a 1-resource planet was swallowed up almost in the blink of an eye.

Then, the devoured resources were instantly transformed into huge space battleships one by one according to the preset procedures. Nano and Pimi robots were assembled one by one! 1 The disappearance of the resource planet means...the establishment of a huge space battleship group. Those...the interstellar pirates who came to the polar star field to fight against the autumn wind can't even defeat one, let alone one. To say that there are so densely packed space battleships in the entire Polar Star Territory! In other words, the Polar Star Territory has long been famous on the Universe Star Network! Even the old cosmic forces have begun to be afraid of the Polar Star Territory.

What they are afraid of is not the space battleship built by Taibai.

Although these battleships are also very tough, there are always ways to deal with them.

What these forces are afraid of is Taibai's extremely terrifying expansion speed! Think about it, once a war breaks out, we just blew up one of your battleships, and then you took advantage of this time to swallow up another planet. In seconds, Another group of space battleships appeared in seconds! For the opponent, the more you fight, the more you lose, but the enemy fights more and more. It is extremely terrifying to think about it! It is simply... so terrifying! It can be said that this section of the Polar Star Territory This time is also the most prosperous time in history.

In addition to...the detection mechas and battleships of the major forces on the periphery of the Polar Star Territory, the Polar Star Territory also welcomed spies from various forces.

For a time, the major civilized planets in the Polar Star Region were simply... overflowing with people, and the countries on each planet were making a lot of money............. .....If Iron Star hadn't opened the routes to and from the Polar Star region and belonged to an independent planet, I'm afraid those... spies from the external cosmic forces would have been able to take on a completely new look. The Star of Steel is packed to the brim! After all, the source of such a big change in the Polar Star Territory is... starting from the Star of Steel.

It can be said that within the Polar Star Territory, every planet open to the outside world is crowded with spies from various forces who want to go to Steel Star to investigate.

It's a pity that under Taibai's management, except for...a negligible few, the Iron Star came from the earth.

..Except for the members of the group's action team, all of them are intelligent machines and tens of thousands of Transformers. Under such circumstances, these spies from all major forces in the universe can't be fooled. Before going to the Star of Steel, after Taibai destroyed many spaceships that wanted to forcefully attack the Star of Steel, these spies set their sights on the Earths active in the mercenary star network.

..on the members of the Group Action Team!......................"In other words, all the forces in the known universe are now turning their attention to Put it in the Polar Star Territory."

Looking at the information projected by Taibai, Qi Jun rolled his eyes and was speechless. All the asteroid fragments of the alien symbiote have been captured by Taibai. On the 'Dream', Qi Jun has laid out a complete method of incubating super soldiers, whether from Qi Jun has already made all the arrangements whether to bring over advanced biochemicals from the earth or use magic circles to brainwash the super soldiers after symbiosis.

After hearing Taibai talk about the excitement in the Polar Star region, he then left the solar system and returned to the Iron Star.

Although in Qi Jun's plan, he should first go and get the present back at this time.

However, the ether particles are sealed in the abyss of the nine realms, there is no overlap of the nine realms, and the special situation of nine conjoined stars, Qi Jun is not worried about who will snatch or steal the reality gem.

Qi Jun simply came to the Polar Star Territory, wanting to see what kind of ‘prosperity’ it was! “Yes, sir!”

"With the explosion of nanotechnology and picotechnology, the changes in the polar star field cannot be hidden from the eyes of the cosmic forces."

"Nowadays, although the Polar Star Territory is completely controlled by us."

"However, these living planets in the Polar Star Domain are also crowded with spies from various forces."

Taibai naturally knows everything about Qi Jun and talks about everything, and answers all questions... "It's like this in every city"

Looking at the projections of various planets, Qi Jun asked with interest.

Not to mention, through the projections of various living planets, Qi Jun discovered that these planets are really "full"! On the Sky Blue Star where he went for a "travel" before, every city is crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder. , it was almost more crowded than when watching the National Day military parade at the scene! Qi Jun felt that no matter how he looked at it, it felt like he was catching a train at the train station during the Spring Festival before traveling.

Especially that kind of..., the closer it is to the New Year, the more crowded it becomes! "Yes, sir!"

Taibai responded, continuously changing the projection.

"This is too exaggerated."

Through Taibai's changing pictures, Qi Jun discovered that on every living planet, regardless of the size of the city, or even in the wilderness, there are countless convenient houses! Not to mention, the outer orbit of every living planet, It was even more densely packed with spaceships swarming in! "How did they get here?"

"Why so many spaceships?"

Looking at the densely packed spaceships in the projection that almost enveloped the living planet and made it difficult for even sunlight to penetrate, Qi Jun gained some insights... ........."At the beginning, the changes in the Polar Star Territory were not very obvious, and spies from some forces came over on interstellar spaceships, all in the name of tourism. "

"Later, as our development became faster and faster, and the changes in the Polar Star Territory became greater and greater, more and more of these spies came."

"Later, they didn't even bother to use the name of tourism, and just drove in in a spaceship."

Qi Jun raised his eyebrows, and he understood. However, seeing so many spaceships, he still felt that it was a bit nonsense. "Why do I think these are civilian spaceships?"

"It's impossible for all forces in the universe to be so reasonable."

Qi Jun observed it carefully and asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Among them, there are also some forces, under the name of interstellar pirates, forming battleship formations to break in."

"But after all the fleets of my organization were wiped out, those... battleships with powerful firepower never entered the Polar Star Territory again. They were all patrolling outside the Polar Star Territory."

"Sir, do you need Taibai to eliminate them all?"

At the same time as Taibai asked, the projection screen changed, and in the endless starry sky, large areas of battleship skirts shining with this light appeared.

Obviously, these are the battleship fleets of major forces that were forced to park outside the Polar Star Domain due to Taibai's powerful combat power.


"Don't worry about them"

"As long as they don't attack, let them be."

Qi Jun grinned and said speechlessly.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 281: Retreat into seclusion again

Although the Polar Star Domain is a planet with ordinary resources, it is precisely because of the countless densely packed celestial bodies and planets concentrated in one star domain that it is famous in the universe.

But now, Qi Jun looked up. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, Qi Jun discovered that the countless celestial bodies and planets that used to cover the sky have become sparse countless times! In the past, it could only be seen when special celestial bodies met. The Steel Star, which has a little sunshine, can now be bathed in the sun all the time! One can imagine how exaggerated the resource consumption of the current Polar Star Territory is under Taibai's extreme explosive force! Then What disappeared was not... piles of materials! What disappeared were celestial bodies and planets! Of course, even so, there are still many more celestial bodies and planets in the polar star field than in other normal star fields.

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