Otherwise, the name of the Polar Star Territory would be in vain... "Prepare a clean room for me, I need to practice well I have been practicing for a while."

"Just don't let anyone disturb me. Everything is business as usual. You can handle these matters in the outside world by yourself."

Now that things have developed like this, Qi Jun doesn't want to take any more care.

Although it is obvious at a glance that these... cosmic forces are afraid of this omnic civilization and at the same time want to lock the omnic civilization led by Taibai within the polar star field.

But since these forces only dared to surround without fighting, Qi Jun did not want to fire the first shot.

Even, under Taibai's control, the Polar Star Territory is almost filled with Taibai's space battleship group, which can be said to be Qi Jun's safest place in the Marvel Universe.

Taking advantage of this moment, Qi Jun decided to learn more about the space gems and time gems on the Iron Star!...................... "Yes, sir!"

Naturally, Taibai has the highest priority in executing Qi Jun's orders.

While not attracting too much attention from many other external forces, Taibai mobilized a dense and huge group of space battleships to 'wrap' the Iron Star tightly, layer after layer, preventing any force from having a chance to break in. !Without the knowledge of the outside world and the lack of attention from Qi Jun, Iron Star has become a place outside the world that even a nano flying insect cannot fly into... ........"Taibai"

"What happened?"

The outside world doesn't know about the changes in Steel Star, but that doesn't mean Hela doesn't know either.

What's more, Hela herself is on the Iron Star, so it's impossible for Hela not to notice such an obvious change.

"Ms. Hela, don't worry. It was your husband who came to Steel Star and activated the first-level defense mode."

Taibai's voice came from a housekeeping robot next to Hela, and it was unhurried and unhurried.


"Has my Lord come?"

Hela was not as absolute as Taibai, so she jumped up and prepared to meet Qi Jun.

"Where is my lord now?"

Qi Jun was present, and Hela didn't dare to pry at will, so she could only ask Taibai.

"Sir, he has gone into seclusion to practice. Please don't disturb me. Ms. Hela doesn't need to ask any more questions."

Taibai's voice was still calm and calm.

"All right"

Hela paused for a moment and had to sit back again.

Taibai's 'straight man of steel' Hela has already learned the lesson, so there is no point in asking.

"Then do my lord have any other instructions?"

Hela asked.


"Business as usual!"

Taibai responded.


"Oh well"

"Do you still need me to continue injecting the power of the 'Soul Stone' into the new Transformers?"

After thinking for a moment, Hela asked again.

"No need."

Taibai refused.

"Fifty thousand reborn Transformers have been born into true intelligent beings possessing both the 'Fire of Life' and the 'Fire of the Soul' under the simultaneous blessing of the 'Source of Fire' and the 'Soul Stone'."

"They are qualified enough to serve as the top management of the omnic family."

"The remaining middle-level management and grass-roots warriors only need to use enough 'fire source' to catalyze the life of omnics with the 'fire of life'!"

Taibai didn't explain too much. In fact, these 50,000 brand-new Transformers are actually too rich.

You must know that due to different structures, one intelligent life form of the Transformers omnic family is enough to command a huge scale of subordinates in a galaxy.

Let's look at how big the Polar Star Domain is. Even if it is filled with densely packed space battleships, it can't even consume one ten thousandth of Taibai's computing power.

From now on, Taibai only needs to command these 50,000 intelligent life-level Transformers, and he will be able to perfectly control the entire expanding and developing omnic family. One can imagine how terrifying it will be once the Transformers family completely explodes. A force.

Once this huge power develops, annihilating today's so-called three top cosmic empires will seem like a joke.

Of course, with the geometric increase in military strength, the energy consumption will naturally increase geometrically, and even the energy consumption will be more and more intense than the consumption of other resources.

In fact, this is also the reason why Taibai only occupied the Polar Star region and did not quickly continue to explode troops.

The daily energy consumption of such a huge community of space battleships is enough to bring down countless cosmic forces.

This kind of explosive development is not something ordinary people can afford.

......................"Alright alright"

"Although Asgard has been destroyed, my strength has also dropped a lot."

"Since there is no need for me anymore, I will go and restore my strength."

"After that, I have to resurrect my... subordinates who were killed. There are still many things to do."

Hela thought, since her master Qi Jun has gone into seclusion to practice, her subordinate cannot be left behind. What's more, her strength plummeted due to detonating Asgard before, so she must regain her strength as soon as possible.

With the soul gem in hand, Hela still has some confidence in... recovering her strength as soon as possible.

Of course, the top priority is to repair the physical injuries first. Previously, because of Qi Jun's order, Hela had been urging the soul gems to inject soul power into the newborn Transformers. Hela herself had not had time to recover from her injuries.

Since Taibai no longer needs her, it's time to recover.

...........Ever since, after Qi Jun devoted himself to cultivation, the major forces also restrained their subordinates, and the universe seemed to be restored again Calm.

Of course, this is only within Qi Jun's sphere of influence. In the depths of the universe that Qi Jun's tentacles have not yet explored, what is normal is what it is still like today.

But amid this calmness, Qi Jun's forces began to increase dramatically.

While Taibai created more blank 'fire sources' and secretly launched them to more galaxies to 'steal' energy, he also recycled some of the 'fire sources' that had absorbed enough energy to activate enough Transformers.

Also on Earth... To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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