Chapter 282 Shattering the Void?

While the number of Transformers under Taibai rapidly increased.

On Earth, no, I should say on board the Dream.

The number of new super warriors also began to increase rapidly.

With various embodied 'conceptual' instruments left by Qi Jun, a total of three million advanced biochemical humans quickly merged with the alien symbiote that was first 'formatted' and became a brand new creature with various abilities. Power warriors who work perfectly with each other! For Qi Jun, he does not need the memory, personality, or even knowledge of these alien symbiotes.

Of course, before using the 'conceptual' cleaning instruments embodied in mutated gems to 'format' these... nearly 12 million alien symbionts, the 'Dream' There are also enough knowledge extractors on the Internet. After these huge amounts of knowledge and information are extracted, Taibai will naturally filter them, remove the essentials, and retain and absorb useful knowledge! In fact, , Qi Jun does not need any memory of these... alien symbiotes, even if these... alien symbiotes have memories Under this condition, the increase in the host's ability will be even more powerful.

But in Qi Jun's view, strength can be cultivated, but if the previous memories and personality are retained, this will not be conducive to the creation of a super space warrior.

What's more, these... advanced biochemical humans are themselves created, and Qi Jun only needs to train them in the direction he needs.

Instead of... letting these symbionts preserve their memories and personalities. Although the individuals are strong, the team is mediocre. It is better to average the individuals from the beginning and strengthen the team strength! Of course, even if they are biochemical people, but after contact with the outside world After entering the world, he will gradually form his own personality and character, and Qi Jun only needs to quietly guide him in this.

......... Qi Jun didn't know that when he was cultivating, the super warriors hatched in the 'Dream Power Warrior Incubation Base' There are more and more space warriors.

If the production of advanced biochemical humans had not been able to keep up, the 'Dream Incubation Base' could even have hatched twelve million super-powered space warriors in the shortest possible time.

After some calculations, Taibai, who had been authorized by Qi Jun, began to deliver the formed super space warriors to various stars in batches. Territory, he really went to become an interstellar mercenary! Of course, since he was a 'new' super space warrior, Taibai recalled everything that had been wandering around in the Polar Star Territory before.

..The members of the action team, each leading a team of 1 super space warrior, began to act as a new mercenary organization in various star fields.

.........Of course, when Qi Jun was concentrating on training, the most famous among them was not the 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenary'. Even though the 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries' are the only large-scale mercenary group among all interstellar mercenaries in the entire known universe that are composed entirely of super-powered space warriors.

Well, 'Symbiosis Interstellar Mercenary' is... the name given by Qi Jun. It doesn't have any unique meaning, it's just... the image is easy to remember.

Originally I wanted to take ‘.

..Mercenary Group’. After thinking about it later, I decided to forget it. In order to commemorate the ‘disappeared’ symbiote civilization, I simply called it ‘Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries’.

Apart from the popular 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries' on the Universe Star Network, the most popular one is naturally the 'Interstellar.

..the group’.

Unlike the mercenary group, which is nothing like a warlord no matter how strong it is, ‘Interstellar.

..If the group’s doing it, then it’s a big deal.

Under the auspices of Skye, and under the guidance of Dr. Blue, Hulk, Abomination and others, ‘Star.

..The group has established an alliance with all major, medium and small universes in the known universe to exchange what they have and share benefits.

This is a major event that shocked the universe! In history, this is the first force to establish a mutual aid alliance with all the large, medium and small cosmic forces in the universe, except for interstellar pirates! When this news broke out After that, it immediately shocked the entire universe! You know, this is something that even the Cosmic Bank established by the Galactic Federation has not been able to do! ........ ...Of course, in the minds of some people familiar with the matter, this result is not surprising.


..Who is behind the group? He is the god who beats the elders of the universe...!!!! Heavenly Father-level masters are vulnerable in front of such a god.

And these... cosmic forces that tremble in front of Heavenly Father-level masters dare to provoke the 'Interstellar.

..Group' And top cosmic forces such as the Kree Empire, which are more aware of the disappearance of the Sovereign clan, are even more secretive about Qi Jun! For top cosmic forces like the Kree Empire, Heavenly Father-level masters are not Don't mess with it, if you really have to make a serious calculation, the Heavenly Father-level master will still beat you to pieces! But for a strong boss like Qi Jun who has been promoted to the single universe level and far away from the Heavenly Father-level master, The Kree Empire...the cosmic forces, and even the many cosmic elders, simply do not dare to have any evil intentions.

The stronger one is, the easier it is to perceive the terror of stronger people.

If Qi Jun had shown Heavenly Father-level strength before, these...the top forces in the universe only wanted to win over or destroy him.

But when he learned that Qi Jun had broken through the Heavenly Father level and entered the single universe level that no one in the universe had reached, at least on the surface, the wind direction suddenly changed.

All plans were abandoned instantly, and all actions were stopped instantly.

The hostile ones started to flatter me, and the flattering ones knelt down and licked them directly.

In this case, ‘Interstellar.

..If the group cannot achieve this kind of achievement, then it can only be said that the person in charge of this group is a waste... Amidst the uproar of changes, time also began to run rapidly.

Qi Jun had no idea that understanding the 'space gem' and 'time gem' would consume a huge amount of his time.

When he comprehended the 'Space Gem', Qi Jun had a foundation in space ability, he was a space mage, and he had the experience of having his soul imprinted on the rules of space. When he comprehended the 'Space Gem', he was very quick, and even I don't feel any bottlenecks.

Qi Jun felt that his understanding of space seemed to come naturally and without any hindrance. From the power of space to the rules of space, step by step, he understood it quickly and firmly, and finally understood it completely. After the rules of space, he also completely mastered the space gems! Even after Qi Jun completely mastered the space gems, Qi Jun also mastered a trace of the origin of the universe.

Of course, this is only based on the space gem, or in other words, part of the original power of the universe can be mobilized through the space gem! And with the blessing of this part of the original power of the universe, Qi Jun clearly sensed that he could break the void at any time And go.

Well... In other words, Qi Jun can feel that he can leave the current Marvel universe at any time! "This is"

"Can travel through parallel universes"

"Or, you can leave the Marvel Universe directly and go to other worlds."

Although he felt that he could leave at any time, Qi Jun could not feel where he would go after leaving.

It might even be possible to enter nothingness directly. "Forget it."

"Let's continue working hard to get the time stone."

Scratching his head, Qi Jun temporarily gave up the idea of ​​trying and continued to focus on the time gem.

Compared with the smooth sailing of understanding the ‘space gem’.

Qi Jun realizes that the difficulty of the ‘Time Stone’ has skyrocketed exponentially! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read and bookmark, recommend

Chapter 283 One Year

Although Qi Jun learned a lot of basic knowledge of time magic from Kama Taj.

But this is really just basic knowledge! There is a difference between Weishan Emperor's series of magic and Qi Jun's self-taught magic system.

Not to mention that Qi Jun later learned Sithorne's dark magic. Sometimes it is not a good thing to learn too much.

These basic knowledge cannot be said to be useless for Qi Jun's understanding of the time gem, but in fact it is considered useless. It seems to be of some use, but in fact it is useless! After all, Emperor Weishan Most of the time magic in the system is based on the 'Eye of Agamotto', which is already an extremely mature time magic artifact, and more of it just needs to be learned to use.

But in Qi Jun's hands is the core of the 'Eye of Agamotto', the most basic time stone.

Qi Jun wanted to understand the rules of time. It could be said that he almost had to start from scratch. Qi Jun had no choice but to spend energy and use mutated gems to realize the [Complete Collection of Elemental Time Magic Skills].

...........Perhaps it is really difficult to master the time rules, or Qi Jun himself does not fit well with the time rules.

Even though Qi Jun directly clicked the skill book and instantly learned the [Complete Elemental Time Magic Skills], Qi Jun always stumbled when he used time magic, and was not at all as smooth as when he learned space magic.

Of course, stumbling, unsmoothness, etc. can't stop Qi Jun from digging deeper into the rules of time.

Although Qi Jun sometimes gets too lazy to be too lazy, sometimes when he gets serious, he has to drill a big hole out of his horn before he gives up! What's more, Qi Jun's understanding of the rules of time is slow, even compared to space. The rules can be said to be too slow, but they can always go on.

Moreover, with the [Encyclopedia of Elemental Time Magic Skills] as a foundation, Qi Jun's understanding of the rules of time began to get better and better.

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