This is actually the reason why Qi Jun never terminated the retreat but came out directly! With visible and clearly visible progress, who would easily terminate it and give up halfway... .........Time slipped away quietly amid Qi Jun's endless insights.

Even, unknowingly, even the 12 million alien symbionts from the unknown galaxy, after being successfully 'formatted' under Taibai's operation, perfectly hosted 12 million advanced biochemicals. people.

After going through the 'Dream Space Marine Hatchery', Qi Jun truly had 12 million more Space Marines under his command.

With such a large number of talents, the 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries' also quickly developed into the 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries'! After experiencing some experience in various star fields in the universe, the 'Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries' grew up 'Begins employment with 'Star.

..Group' began its aggressive expansion into the known universe! In response to the two, in almost every major star field, 'Interstellar.

..The group's branches have become local iconic stars! ........ On this day, a sudden incident broke out on the Steel Star Due to the bright fluctuations, the entire Steel Star seemed to be in some confusion.

"Drop detects burst of unknown energy"

"Di is tracing the source of the energy explosion"

"Didi is analyzing the energy attribute "Creating Steel Star Central City Timestamp Chaos"

"Zi Link Universe Star Network Correction"

"Time is accelerating"

"Time is running backwards"

"It has been detected that time has accelerated by ten years!"

"It has been detected that time has gone back one day!"

"Time to nourish..."

Almost instantly, the new Steel Star, which has completely transformed into a new one that can coexist happily with humans and omnics, suddenly erupted with countless alarms! Almost instantly, different areas of the entire Steel Star automatically detected different Time flows quickly and triggers a large area of ​​​​alarm sound.

......................"what happened"

"Why did Steel Star erupt into a massive alarm!"

In space, on a huge integrated processing ship in the orbit of the Iron Star, Bruce Banner, who had completely transformed into a fiery red hair, asked the auxiliary Transformer in front of him with a hint of panic.

I can't help Bruce Banner not panicking. There can't be any accidents in this Steel Star class. You know, Qi Jun is retreating on this tightly guarded Steel Star. If something goes wrong, it will be a lot of fun. !Although it has been so long, even almost a year, Steel Star has not had any problems, but caring is confusing. Bruce Banner has never thought about whether this accident was caused by Qi Jun himself. "Report to the duty officer, an investigation is underway!"

A 'little' management-assisted Transformer that 'squatted' in front of Bruce Banner projected a large amount of screen analysis while responding to Bruce Banner's questions.

That's right, after nearly a year, the power of Qi Jun's team has already been on the right track, and everyone has found their suitable position.

Bruce Banner has become the leader of the "Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenary". Today it is his turn to return to Steel Star to perform defense duty.

........ What Taibai is coming? Just when the words to manage the auxiliary Transformers were spoken, an interstellar transmission light gate appeared. He suddenly appeared in the duty room of the integrated processing ship.

A dark, shiny mechanical body about the same size as Qi Jun walked out of the light door.

"Chief Taibai!"

As the immediate boss of the omnic clan, all the Transformers in the duty room immediately greeted Taibai.

These... are all real intelligent beings in Transformers that have both "soul fire" and "life fire", and they all have their own characters and personalities.

Of course, these guys are all absolutely loyal to Qi Jun. This is the lowest level and an unchangeable rule! "Butler Taibai, you are here."

"Do you know what's going on?"

Bruce Banner also said hello to Taibai.

With Qi Jun's acquiescence, as the second-largest figure in Qi Jun's family, Taibai can be regarded as a person inferior to billions of people. Even Bruce Banner and others respect Taibai.

Of course, Taibai also has absolute strength to convince these guys.



Taibai simply nodded in response.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 284 Time Control!

"The source of the energy explosion is Mr.'s retreat."

Taibai looked at the projected picture and explained.

"Although due to unknown energy, the scene in Sir's retreat cannot be detected."

"But according to analysis, this unknown energy only caused time chaos. There were no other accidents. It was handled in a timely manner and there were no accompanying accidents."

"Besides, I believe that sir will be released soon!"

Taibai itself is a robot with a terrifying amount of calculations, not to mention the amount of backup calculations after the explosion, as well as the amount of calculations hijacked from other forces.

By analyzing various data collected, it was found that the unknown energy, or the 'time energy', had leveled off and had even begun to shrink. Taibai naturally concluded that Qi Jun should be out of isolation soon.

Although Taibai doesn't know exactly what kind of energy this unknown energy is, according to the huge data analysis, it is at least related to time transformation, so he temporarily named it 'time energy'. As for the specifics, it will naturally I will wait until Qi Jun is released from quarantine before consulting again.

.........In fact, Taibai's judgment was not wrong! The energy that burst out in the Steel Star was indeed the power of time! This It was caused by Qi Jun's unfamiliarity with using the 'Time Stone' for the first time after he initially took control of it, which caused a slight ripple to the surrounding environment.

That's right! After nearly a year of understanding, Qi Jun finally took control of the 'Time Stone', a rare treasure in the universe.

It has to be said that it is indeed difficult to understand the rules of time. Even if Qi Jun has the mutated gem to secretly help him, Qi Jun's control over the 'time gem' is only preliminary.

Compared with the initial control of the 'Time Stone' and the complete control of the 'Space Stone', there is naturally a big difference.

But since it is control, even preliminary control, Qi Jun no longer has to worry about someone taking the 'Time Stone' away from him.

What's more, with the initial control over the 'Time Stone' and the difficult understanding of the rules of time, although it is not to the extent that he can control time easily, with the help of the 'Time Stone' as a medium, Qi Jun actually has control over the rules of time. It's also a high ground.

As long as Qi Jun is given enough energy, Qi Jun can wave the 'Time Stone' to directly restore the universe back to the time when it was first exploded! .................. ."It's not easy."

"It's not easy!"

In the retreat, Qi Jun looked at the green time gem floating in front of his eyes in the training room, and was filled with emotion for a moment.

Although the outside world has only been around for almost a year.

But who knows how many worlds Qi Jun has passed through? However, in fact, even Qi Jun himself does not know how long he has experienced.

Qi Jun only knew that when he finally understood time to a certain stage, Qi Jun's soul, or spirit, suddenly entered an indescribable state.

In this indescribable state, Qi Jun directly experienced the 'past and present life' of the 'Time Stone'! From the collapse of the previous universe to the explosion, to the condensation and formation of the six Infinity Stones, and then to their respective dispersion, to ' The Time Stone wanders around the universe until the first living being finds and collects it, and then until the Time Stone finally falls into the hands of Qi Jun.

Along the way, Qi Jun could be said to have completely experienced the "past and present lives" of the Time Stone.

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