It was also at this time that Qi Jun realized that the 'Time Stone' was not controlled by Agamotto from the beginning! In the 'history' that Qi Jun 'watched', he was the first to find and collect the 'Time Stone'. He is an extremely powerful elder of the universe! In other words, he himself is the first batch of top powerful beings in the world who were born naturally shortly after the birth of the infinite stones! The first batch of top powerful people born in the universe , was born with... Heavenly Father level strength, and after growing up, it will be... single universe level. In the eyes of these strong men, the infinite stones are just interesting collectibles! But this universe is only a parallel universe after all, not In the super large multiverse, strength has its own upper limit.

So a group of bored super bosses studied each other, used the power of the six infinity stones, easily and without harm to break through the barriers of this universe, and went directly to other multiverses, leaving a place of chicken feathers alone. !"I don't know what kind of bad luck I got, but I can actually 'see' this way of traveling easily!"

Qi Jun was still a little emotional after taking back the 'Time Stone'.

You know, it's not like holding the 'Time Stone' that you can 'see' the things Qi Jun saw before.

If you want to watch this 'spectacle', you must have a prerequisite, which is to truly control an Infinity Stone! Power, mind, soul, reality, space, time, any of these six Infinity Stones can be used .

, Of course, the understanding of the rules of time must also reach a certain level, otherwise you can only use the 'time gem' as a tool to fiddle with time.

This is also the reason why Agamotto in this universe has obtained the 'Time Stone' for a long time, but he doesn't know anything about it.

Naturally, even the bosses of Emperor Weishan's family don't know about it, and it is even less likely that Kama Taj and his family know about it.

........................ "No wonder, after taking control of the 'space gem', I always felt that I could leave this universe at any time."

"It turns out that it's because I have touched the ceiling of this universe."

"In that case, the next step is to get the 'Reality Stone' first!"

Qi Jun stood up and shook his legs, which had not moved for a year but were not stiff at all.

"Moreover, my strength is the bottleneck"


“It seems like it’s starting to loosen up again.”

Feeling that his strength began to slowly increase again, Qi Jun was also speechless.

How long has it been since I was promoted to the single universe level and my strength has begun to rise again? "But"

“This is always a good thing”

"Is not it"

"No one"

"You will think you are too strong."


"It's time to get out of seclusion!"

After adjusting his clothes, Qi Jun directly opened the door and walked out of the training room that had been closed for a year.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 285 Understanding

“Nothing has changed at all.”

After walking out of the training room of the retreat, Qi Jun looked around, but did not find anything damaged.

You know, just now because Qi Jun initially took control of the 'Time Stone' and fiddled with it for the first time, time, due to his unfamiliarity with his hands, caused the power of time to spread out.

Although Qi Jun immediately reacted and took back the power of time, in Qi Jun's opinion, it must have had a certain impact on the surrounding environment.

However, I didn't see anything wrong in the training room just now, but considering that the training room was specially built to deal with various possible situations, it is not incomprehensible that there seems to be no change.

Unexpectedly, after walking out of the training room and looking around, Qi Jun found that there was no change at all around the training room. Qi Jun found that he could hardly see the traces of time on the surrounding buildings. ........................"Sir! Congratulations on your release!"

"!Congratulations on your great improvement!"

“Welcome the Creator to come out of seclusion!”

"Congratulations to the Creator for your great improvement in strength!"

This is because Qi Jun took back all the power of time and observed Taibai and others in the training room again. They ran over and greeted Qi Jun respectfully.

Although Taibai and Bruce Banner did not see any significant improvement in strength from Qi Jun, they were definitely right to flatter him. And following Taibai and Bruce Banner were a large group of truly intelligent beings. Transformers, these... are all Transformers stationed on Iron Star, numbering around a thousand. As for the others, they were assigned by Taibai, with a large number of them. Secondary and more secondary Transformers drove countless space battleships out of the polar star field to explore more and further unknown universes.

Because Qi Jun originally ordered Taibai to leave them alone as long as other forces did not attack his side. After analyzing it, Taibai sent the Transformers out of the Star Territory and did not go to those... There is a place where there is no master, but to explore the broader and unknown deep space of the universe.

There is no way. The endless source of "fire" has created superior and inferior Transformers. However, the resources of the Polar Star Realm are limited, and the places with masters are easy to invade, so we can only move towards the future places. Go expand.

Of course, other forces do not allow you to explore freely.

However, after paying the price of the destruction of several cosmic forces who dared to do so, the remaining cosmic forces let it go after discovering that the omnic clan under Taibai's management had no conflict with them.

Otherwise, what else can be done? Is it possible to start a super war that affects the entire universe... "Yeah"

Qi Jun glanced at the densely packed first-generation Transformers, which numbered nearly a thousand, and nodded calmly to Taibai and Bruce Banner.

At Qi Jun's current state, only a thousand Transformers could not induce any fluctuation in Qi Jun's mind.

"Have there been any changes around here before?"

Rather than caring about other things, you might as well care about your own... Qi Jun asked Taibai.

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai took a step forward and played the previous changes through the projection. While playing, he explained.


“So that’s how it is”

After some observation, Qi Jun understood.

It turns out that it is not the power of time that has no impact on the surrounding environment.

Instead, the power of time burst out, but was quickly taken back by Qi Jun, causing little impact.

Through the content of Taibai Projection, we can see that the longest impact is just to speed up the passage of ten years.

And the time backwards and forwards is also very short, not even a month. It has almost no impact on the surrounding buildings that have been under construction for a year.

In particular, because of the training room set up by Qi Jun and the base camp of Steel Star, all the surrounding buildings are made of vibranium alloys in different proportions.

Not to mention that time is only sped up by a mere ten years, even if it is sped up by a hundred, a thousand or a thousand years, the surrounding buildings will not be deformed at all.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 286 Great changes in the earth


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