"You mean, the earth has entered the interstellar age"

In a huge manor specially built by Taibai, Qi Jun, who was lazily enjoying a robot massage, was shocked by Bruce Banner's explanation.

When was the last time you returned to Earth? The Earth at that time didn’t even have a spaceship! How could it be that the Earth had already entered the interstellar age before even one year had passed when it was in retreat? “That’s it! of,....."

Regarding Qi Jun's surprise, Bruce Banner didn't find it strange at all and continued to explain to Qi Jun calmly.

After nearly a year of interstellar mercenary career, Bruce Fire Magician Banner has successfully settled down and is no longer as hot-tempered and hot-tempered as when he first became a Fire Magician.

As Bruce Banner slowly explained, Qi Jun gradually understood what it was like for the earth to enter the interstellar age.

........................ It turns out that with Qi Jun's confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... They were reselling information with Hydra at the same time, which led to a fierce battle and killing between the two parties.

In this battle, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... and Hydra both fell. The two super-large organizations that thought they would win announced their collapse at the same time.

This battle, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... and Hydra are both losers, and the major countries around the world are the final winners, especially the top rogue countries that gain the most! S.H.I.E.L.D.


....and the collapse of Hydra, resulting in the resources of these two very large organizations being quickly divided up.

All major countries have obtained a large amount of advanced scientific and technological materials and related scientific research talents.

Of course, some of the top scientists were killed by the Earth.

..The group took it away, and other countries did not stop it. After all, they were also afraid of this... The scientists learned from Zola and came up with a paperclip plan or something.

After all, not all forces are.

.., without the influence of the secret soul magic circle, who can guarantee the absolute loyalty of his subordinates? However, after obtaining a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D.


....and Hydra's high-tech information.

With the scientific reserves of major countries and the research of a large number of scientists, Earth's science and technology has entered an era of development! Especially later, the United States Federation united with some national forces to attack Wakanda, which led to Wakanda's exposure.

Forced by the explosion of science and technology in major countries, even though Da had a large number of vibranium weapons, he finally had to open his country under the 'threat' of major rogue countries.

As a result, with the frequent exchanges of science and technology between countries, various new technologies have developed rapidly. Today, one country will have a controllable nuclear fusion, tomorrow another country will have a dark energy ingestion and utilization theory, and the day after tomorrow, another super super Aerospace engine technology, etc....

Coupled with the assistance of vibranium's black technology level, and the knowledge that the earth is not alone in the universe, most of the cosmic forces are not even friendly, the major countries intentionally formed a temporary alliance, the earth's resources are too few, there is no It was necessary to destroy the mother planet for such a small amount of resources, so the alliance decided to go all out to enter the universe, and the earth quickly entered the cosmic age.

A large number of fighter jets, transport planes, battleships, and even aircraft carriers, with the help of vibranium technology, have all transformed into aerospace vehicles! It is worth mentioning that in this great change, the power of individuals is unstoppable. , whether it is the Stark Group, the Osborn Group, or even the earth.

.. The group has all integrated its strength to enter this era of violent development.

It was also at this time that the Earth Temporary Alliance discovered the Inhumans hiding on the moon.

Faced with an overwhelming number of fighter planes, battleships, and war robots from the Stark Group.

..Produced by the Group, the Lunar Inhumans surrendered on the spot, very neatly and without any sloppiness! The Lunar Inhumans: Do I dare to resist? Dare I? It’s too difficult! With the appearance of the Lunar Inhumans, the Earth.

..group took advantage of the situation and announced the super warrior plan.

After a large number of scientists, soldiers, and special talents became super warriors, the Earth Alliance developed faster and faster! Soon, it was no longer just a real spaceship relying on vibranium black technology, the universe Battleships began to be produced.

The pace of expansion of Marvel's Earth Alliance has skyrocketed again, and Earthlings have begun to spread throughout the solar system.

Marvel Earth has truly entered the interstellar age.

..................... "You mean, those on Earth...scientists, warriors, special talents, etc. The super warriors are all cultivated through the 'Dream Super Power Incubation Base'."

Although the changes on the earth are huge, what shocked Qi Jun the most was the earth.

..The group’s saucy operation! All super warriors are trained through the ‘Dream Super Power Incubation Base’. Doesn’t that mean...

I, Qi Ren, have become the uncrowned king of the earth without even knowing it. "This feeling..."

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 287 Sequence Problem

"This feeling..."

“It’s just beyond words.”

When Qi Jun learned the truth, his face was full of weirdness.

How to put it, it's like you didn't mean it originally, but your subordinates did it directly.

Why did Qi Jun leave the earth before and enter the starry sky? The development of the earth cannot be called a leap forward. Although the future is wonderful, it is the future.

Secondly, Qi Jun really has no intention of becoming the uncrowned king of the earth. For such a small five-ball, why don't I just go to the universe to find a random star field to surround and divide the territory? What's more, I have become the boss of the earth. , then we have to solve the problems that the earth faces at any time.

Those many demonic dimensions that want to devour the earth are enough to make people upset, and Qi Jun doesn't want to take on so much trouble.

Who knew that Qi Jun would just go into seclusion once and have the earth under his control.

..The group actually wiped out all the top combat forces on the planet. You have to take care of these shitty things even if you don’t want to.

What the hell... If Qi Jun's strength hadn't reached the level of a single universe, Qi Jun would have really wanted to throw this mess away.

"never mind"

"Since the matter has come to this, then so be it."

Shaking his head, Qi Jun threw these .........annoying things behind him.

It's not that Qi Jun doesn't care...

After all, Kama Taj, who is in charge of the mysterious side, has lost a lot of strength since the "disappearance" of Ancient One.

Without the 'prophet' used by the 'Eye of Agamotto' to spy, although Kama Taj has a lot of heritage, it cannot withstand the invasion of many dimensions.

However, the magicians on the mysterious side are dying, but Chao Fa has also taken on a lot of pressure for the magicians.

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