Among them are the Fantastic Four, headed by 'Reed Richards'.

No, the Supernatural Science Research Department, headed by the Fantastic Five, should also include Doctor Doom, which is the most famous.

Of course, Mr. Fantastic here is not the kind of "Mr. Magic Stick" that Qi Jun knows in the comics... He can also change his own settings. Therefore, in the face of thousands of degrees of invasion, although the earth has a large number of super A capable warrior, but he can only maintain a relative balance.

"Let's deal with these things after collecting the Reality Stone."

In Qi Jun's view, dealing with these matters is not the first priority, not even in the front row.

At most, after obtaining the Reality Stone, you can take care of it and take a look at what the dark dimension of the Ancient One that swallowed Frigga and Thor has become.

.........In Qi Jun's plan, 'retrieving' the Reality Stone is not Qi Jun's current first-sequence goal.

The ether particles are still sealed in the cracks of the Nine Realms. Until the special period when the Nine Realms are unified, even the Infinity Stones cannot sense each other. Qi Jun is not afraid of anyone stealing them.

Even if he just guessed from the name, the Reality Stone should have a completely different meaning to his Golden Thigh Mutated Stone, Qi Jun still decided to 'retrieve' the Infinity Stone in the end.

The one currently ranked first among Qi Jun’s targets is naturally the Mind Stone in Thanos’ hand! It can even be said that even Qi Jun himself did not expect that he could snatch the Infinity Stone from Thanos so quickly! You know, when he first traveled through time, Qi Jun was even afraid that the U.S. federal police would arrest him as a gangster.

At that time, Qi Jun never dared to imagine that one day he would be able to calmly declare that he would snatch the Infinity Stones from the hands of the inhumane Thanos! .................. .....Of course, there is one more thing Qi Jun needs to confirm before going to snatch the Infinity Stones from Thanos.

"You mean, Star.

..During the development process of the group, it was harassed by ‘interstellar pirates’”

"So, by the way, we sent the 'Symbiosis Mercenaries' to clean the second alternative star field we originally prepared."

Qi Jun asked Taibai to confirm again.

Qi Jun: Why do I feel like a lifetime of things have happened during this year of seclusion. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 288: The Cleared Interstellar Pirate Star Territory


Qi Jun heard about things that ordinary people would never encounter in their lifetime.

After listening to this, Qi Jun not only didn’t want to laugh, but also felt sour! No, I, Qi Jun, will be in seclusion for a year, and you guys are just going to make things like this. The reason why other forces in the universe are against Taibai’s omnic clan No matter what, it's not because of the several "bold" cosmic forces that were eliminated before, but because of the "interstellar".

..Group’ + ‘Symbiosis Mercenaries’ + Omnic Legion’ jointly wiped out the largest interstellar pirate alliance.

A whole star region of interstellar pirates! A whole star region of interstellar pirates who are not afraid of death, equipped with powerful equipment, and even have interstellar annihilation cannons, a huge group of interstellar pirates in a star region, just annihilated by you "Such a powerful one" Who the hell dares to provoke you after showing off your fighting prowess?"

Regarding what Taibai said about the interstellar pirates who directly wiped out a star field, Qi Jun was speechless.

Qi Jun knew very well that at least half of the interstellar pirates in this entire star field were developed or directly sent by other cosmic forces to act. These guys are all extremely advanced real guys, and some of them are The reason why a huge pirate group has an interstellar annihilation cannon that can threaten an entire galaxy is because those big forces are behind it, isn't it?

..The three parties of the "Group" + "Symbiotic Mercenaries" + "Omnic Clan Legion" just went through it with such recklessness. It can be said that they are overwhelming! In such a situation, which force would dare to attack you?

..The trinity of the 'Group' + 'Symbiosis Mercenaries' + the Omnic Legion' must be careful! It's too late for them to escape, who dares to come and provoke you...... ........"no"

"This is the No. 2 star field in our previous plan"

A space portal was drawn with a wave of his hand, and Qi Jun stepped to the former base camp of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance.

However, looking at the empty starry sky and the pitch black sky, Qi Jun couldn't compare it with the pictures in his mind that he had viewed during previous investigations.


"This is indeed the No. 2 alternative star field planned by Mr. before."

Taibai followed Qi Jun's footsteps and was teleported to the universe where he was hanging in the starry sky while explaining to Qi Jun.

However, Qi Jun glanced at this faceless guy, and no matter how he listened, he could feel that there seemed to be some embarrassment in this guy's voice.


"This is indeed the base camp of the Interstellar Pirate Alliance."

Banner, the Bruce fire magician, also followed the steps of Qi Jun and Taibai, crossed the portal, and came to the starry sky of the universe.

Bruce Banner, whose whole body was glowing with fire energy, did not suffer any harm that ordinary people would suffer if they were independent in the universe without wearing a space suit.

In fact, over the past year, Bruce Banner's progress has been extremely exaggerated. Although he has not yet reached the Heavenly Father level, he is already on the verge of reaching it.

With this kind of strength, Bruce Banner has already mastered the use of fire energy. Not to mention the stars in the universe, Bruce Banner has actually been to the stars and the sun.

Although he dared not enter the interior of the sun, Bruce Banner's feat of playing on the surface of the sun for several days stunned the entire "Symbiosis Mercenary"! By the way, the current "Symbiosis Mercenary" was led by Bruce Under Banner's leadership, even Hela was just a deputy assisting in management.

Of course, with Hela's ability, the deputy must be inferior to his talents.

Therefore, Hela actually holds several positions, and her status in Qi Jun's family is not low at all.


"You should also know that Butler Taibai has a powerful 'Nano Combat Force' under his command."

"It is precisely because of such a powerful 'nano combat force' that we can attack this star field so easily and simply."

Bruce Banner, hanging on the other side of Qi Jun, explained.

"'Nano Combat Force'"

After Qi Jun heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

This was originally developed under the leadership of Qi Jun. How could Qi Jun not know, "If you say that, then I understand!"

Looking at the completely empty starry sky in front of him, how could Qi Jun not understand what was going on? The Nano Combat Force was not only powerful, it was like locusts passing through! Whenever "Nano Combat Force" is released, Troops', the enemy has no way to survive at all. "This is not annihilation!"

"This is completely...cleared!"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 289 Thanos’s Actions

"Where is Thanos now? Do you have any information?"

The interstellar pirate star field has been completely wiped out by the demolition army of Nano and Pimi robots under Taibai's control. Naturally, Qi Jun did not take another look at it, and directly passed through the portal and returned to Steel Star, and faced Taibai. asked.

Qi Jun had already ordered many things before going into seclusion, and finding Thanos' address was naturally one of them.

Although the star field where 'Dehumanizing Thanos' is located is famous in the entire universe, there is no need to worry about not finding it.

But Thanos is not a stone man, so he can't stay in there forever. What's more, even if he is a stone man, can't he move? In the Marvel universe, there are all kinds of weird things.

Therefore, it is very necessary to control Thanos' position in real time.

............. "Yes, sir."

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