Taibai nodded, his eyes projected a star map projection.

"I don't know why, but in the past year, Titan Lord Thanos has changed his usual behavior and become very active."

Taibai is not Qi Jun. As a qualified subordinate, Taibai will not directly call the names of the people his master values, even if they are enemies.

In Taibai's code of conduct, the names of people who should be valued will be added with the prefix or suffix they should have.

"In the past year, I have personally led a large group of subordinates and legion troops to fight everywhere."

"But based on his previous behavior and comprehensive analysis of all information from the major forces in the known universe, Thanos, the Lord of Titan, most likely collects 'cosmic spirit balls' and conveniently destroys half of the creatures passing through the star field. The purpose of assisting.”

"Furthermore, Thanos, the Lord of Titan, is currently heading to the planet Morag where he visited before."

"Based on the above, the purpose of Titan Lord Sass is to... collect infinite gems."

Taibai quickly changed the projection and explained it.

The famous 'Extinction Thanos' in the universe, don't pay too much attention to his cosmic power, it's too easy to find his traces! ............. .."Um"


Qi Jun nodded with understanding on his face.

The purpose of Thanos is already very clear, it must be for the Infinity Stones! After leaving his hometown base, he collected and verified clues all the way, and headed towards the planet Morag. If he wasn't going to collect the Power Stones, what would it be for? As for why Thanos, uncharacteristically during this year, stopped clearing some targets on a regular basis and instead started to show off.

Others don't know, but Qi Jun still doesn't know. Is it because of the fall of Odin, the shattering of Asgard, and the disappearance of the Ancient One? A 'Time Stone', a 'Space Stone'! How is that possible if Thanos doesn't want it! But he can't defeat Odin. With Asgard around, his dark army is of little use, and even more so if he can use it. The Ancient One, who cheated on the Time Stone, had no choice.

It's okay now. Odin has fallen, Asgard is destroyed, and Titan Lord Thanos is still afraid of a hammer. If he didn't know that the Ancient One was really missing, or was pretending to be missing, Thanos would have taken him directly. The large army came to the earth.

However, the fall of Odin and the destruction of Asgard gave Thanos great confidence and motivation.

The Ancient One only has one Infinity Stone, the Time Stone. When I 'get' the Power Stone, and then add the Mind Stone, the two Infinity Stones together may not be able to beat you, the Ancient One. Although the information about the Ancient One has not yet been confirmed, Thanos did not want to wait any longer and started directly towards the destiny of collecting Dragon Balls, well, towards collecting all Infinity Stones! ... ............."Tsk"

"Is this really...fate?"

Thinking of Thanos' actions, Qi Jun sighed with emotion.

I was about to go find him, but I didn’t expect that this guy... came to me first. To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 290: Destiny Star Territory

"Are there any... new discoveries in the Destiny Star Territory?"

Now that he knew Thanos' route, Qi Jun was naturally not in a hurry.

Although the planet Morag is unfamiliar to Qi Jun, it is not unfamiliar either.

At least, when I went to 'get' the cosmic spirit ball, I also went there, didn't I? After learning that it would take several days for Thanos and his team to arrive in the star field where Morag's planet was located, Qi Jun was not in a hurry and went there first.

The Destiny Starfield is one of the three 3 preparation bases that Qi Jun originally chose to establish a foothold in the universe.

The Destiny Star Territory is also the star territory with the richest material resources among the three preparation locations, but it is also the most dangerous! It is so dangerous that all cosmic forces want to take it down, but no cosmic force can. You can see it by taking it off.

I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed since the discovery of the Destiny Star Territory. However, both the various cosmic forces and individuals can only look for some opportunities in the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory. This shows that its threats The speed is simply off the charts! For so many years, the Destiny Star Territory is still a mystery to any force or individual, and no one or force can study it clearly.

After years of research, the major forces can only come to one conclusion: this is a very strange area, just like a pot lid on a lake. Outside the pot lid is the area where everyone can live. But inside the pot lid, there is another sky.

It is as if there is a thin film that cannot be observed by any means, isolating the Destiny Starfield from the entire Milky Way. There are completely two rules inside and outside. Whether it is people or objects outside, they will be easily destroyed if they enter, while inside The space explosion spread out and then quickly disappeared.

....................."No big discovery, sir.

"After nearly a year of observation, the information collected by the reconnaissance fleet is almost the same as what has been recorded by other cosmic forces."

"After comparing various data and information, with our current detection methods, we can only detect the outer areas of the Destiny Star Field. If we look inside, it will be completely dark and nothing can be observed."

"Even, sometimes, through human naked eye observation, we can see more clearly and further than the top-notch observation mirror on the reconnaissance ship."

Taibai explained Qi Jun's doubts while projecting relevant information and images.

........................ "It seems that the Destiny Star Territory must have basic rules that are completely different from the outside world."

As a newly promoted single universe-level powerful boss, Qi Jun could see the difference in the Destiny Star Territory at a glance.

Especially after Qi Jun mastered the space gem, he became more aware that the Destiny Starfield must be wrapped in a layer of unobservable laws.

As for what category this layer of unobservable laws belongs to, and whether it is a space-based law, Qi Jun will definitely need to go and investigate in person before he can judge.

"Everything remains business as usual."

"I'll go over and see for myself."

Qi Jun gave instructions to Taibai and Bruce Banner, and then based on the data projected by Taibai, he drew a space portal and stepped in.

"Yes, sir!"


Since Qi Jun ordered everything to remain as usual, they must have no choice but to stay and not follow.


After walking out of the space portal and hanging in the starry sky, Qi Jun spoke in surprise as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"This place is actually a piece of..."

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 291: Inner Heaven and Earth? Small Universe

"This is not the so-called resource star field at all!"

"This is actually a small inner universe!!!"

Qi Jun originally thought that there might just be some strange rules and laws in the Destiny Star Field, but Qi Jun did not expect that he used his spiritual mind to investigate carefully and immediately discovered the difference! "There is a probability of 0.0% in a million, it can actually Encountered in this Marvel world"

"What the hell kind of luck is this?"

In order to deepen his understanding of the rules of space, Qi Jun specifically used mutated gems to realize very profound space knowledge.

Among this knowledge, there is a detailed explanation of the inner universe.

Although Qi Jun doesn't know what the principle is that allows mutant gems to embody these profound and unpredictable knowledge, Qi Jun understands this 0.0% probability of one in a million. How low is it? It can be said that it would take one million big explosions to form such a small inner universe.

What is even more realistic is that there may be millions of big explosions in the universe, and none of them can be formed! Just like Xinyue’s every activity, it is said that there is a 1 in 10 10% chance of winning, but when you are black-faced, you draw 100 in a row It’s like you can’t win a prize every time! .............................The inner heaven and earth small universe is described based on the knowledge Qi Jun has learned.

This is actually... when a new universe was formed after the collapse and explosion of the previous universe, with a probability of 0.0% in a million, an inner universe similar to a double-yolked egg was born! In other words, Compare this universe to one.

This universe is... composed of egg white and egg yolk.

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