As for the inner universe, there is probably another yolk inside this egg.

Of course, this probabilistic condensed yolk is very small, very, very small, otherwise why would it be called a small universe? The reason why it is called a small universe is because this small yolk has its own system of rules and regulations inside, just like a real Same as the universe.

Of course, it is indeed another universe, but compared to the fully developed main universe, the small universe is an embryo that is not fully developed, or simply cannot develop anymore! This is exactly the same as the subspace where Qi Jun often hides. Two concepts, subspace and even dimensional planes, are also subsidiary spaces derived from the main universe.

Strictly speaking, the small universe and this universe are two different universes! ........................ This is a good explanation, For so many years, no matter which cosmic force it is, it has not researched this thing.

The rules and laws of the universe are not the same in the first place. The chaotic space explosion does not give you a chance to study. How can these cosmic forces be analyzed analytically? It can even be said that It’s not that Qi Jun had such profound knowledge in order to learn spatial abilities, even if he has now been promoted to a single universe level strength, he is still blind:.

Of course, with Qi Jun's universe-level strength, there is no danger in passing through the world barrier of the small universe to explore. In other words, those...threats can no longer threaten Qi Jun today.

........................"This is a small embryonic universe that does not have enough energy supply and is dead and not yet fully formed."

"Thankfully, this universe and this small universe come from the same source. Although they are mutually exclusive, they are connected to each other."

"Otherwise, as long as this 'embryo' is still developing, this small universe will not be discovered."

"However, it really gives me an advantage."

"It's simply...a perfect base camp!"

Qi Jun smiled happily.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 292 Entering

Qi Jun was really happy to have discovered this small inner universe.

Although this little universe is the kind of... incompletely developed stillborn baby, it is not as good as those... little universes that can continue to develop and grow.

But even the 'stillborn' small universe is still of great help to Qi Jun today! ..................First of all, a small universe, It itself contains almost complete rules and laws.

Even if this small universe is not fully developed, even if this small universe is already a 'stillbirth', the rules it already contains will not dissipate.

It can even be said that this is better for Qi Jun! After all, every universe, even if it does not have its own way of heaven, will have its own cosmic will, or cosmic instinct, and this instinct promotes the universe operation, evolution, etc.

For a cultivator, if you can swallow this instinct that contains all the rules and principles, you will become omniscient and omnipotent in the universe almost instantly! Of course, since it is called instinct, it is naturally impossible to do so. It's so easy to swallow that it can't even be caught.

But the small universe in front of Qi Jun has become a 'stillborn', and its will and instinct have dissipated, leaving only various rules and laws floating around the world, well, within the small universe.

However, the collision of various rules and laws will also produce various results. Without the guidance of will instinct, these results will naturally be good or bad, and even the majority of them will be bad.

This is why these in the Marvel Universe...the cosmic forces have been observing various irregular explosions, collapses, etc. in the small universe...

With Qi Jun's current strength, it can even be seen at a glance that the already sparse rules and laws of the small universe have begun to become more sparse due to various collisions over a long period of time.

Qi Jun can even conclude that if there is no expert to sort out this 'stillborn' small universe, in hundreds of thousands of years, this small universe will really collapse naturally! However, this does not matter to Qi Jun.

This means that Qi Jun can more smoothly understand, comprehend, and even absorb the power of these rules and laws! .............Secondly, precisely because this small universe is 'Stillborn' is precisely because the various forces in the small universe have been weakened a lot.

It also allows Qi Jun to smoothly straighten out this small universe and then capture it! Then, he can use it as his base camp in the Marvel Universe and use the resources in the small universe to develop it into a world that can crush all other The transcendent existence of cosmic forces!........................"But"

"I'm going to take down this 'small universe' first."

"It's better to deal with Thanos and the other Infinity Stones first before we come back."

Standing in the starry sky of the universe, Qi Jun suddenly let out a sigh of annoyance, "If I deal with Thanos and the other Infinity Stones, my heart will itch, thinking about the small universe."

"If I enter the small universe, I don't know how long it will take."

"What if it takes too long and Thanos hits the earth?"


"It seems that with the current strength of the earth, plus...

..With the power of the group, Thanos can defeat him with just one mind gem, I’m afraid he’ll be looking for torture.”

"In that case"


"Hey hey hey"

Qi Jun chuckled secretly, dodged, and shot towards the small universe. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark the three things you should do when reading, recommend

Chapter 293 Promote!


Outside the Destiny Star Territory, in a surveillance ship, a strange-looking alien with several long fluff floating in the wind had the ability to shout the language of his nation to his superior officer.


A humanoid alien with more and longer hair 'floated' over.

"I just saw a person flying directly into the Destiny Starfield without wearing any auxiliary equipment!"

The guy who shouted the report spoke immediately.



"The monitoring equipment is not responding!"

"You confirmed that you saw a person who was not monitored by surveillance equipment and did not wear any peripherals flying into the Destiny Star Territory."

The officer with more fur and longer hair was stunned for a moment, and then he confirmed the report to the soldier with a serious look on his face.



"I believe my eyes!"

The guy who reported it shouted back.

"Has anyone else seen..."

The chief asked the others.

"Report, no!"

"Report, no!"

"Report, I saw it too!"

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