"Report, no!"

"Report, I saw it too!"

A surveillance ship has more than one manual observation window. After a series of responses, the officer counted that a total of four people had seen this scene.

"Tell the others the location, keep an eye on him, and continue to observe."

"Those who observed it took turns to come over and draw the images they saw."

"Record this information and send this information back to the country."

The commander did not hesitate at all. After giving an order, he floated back to the main dock and immediately started operations.

"Yes, sir!"

Similarly, the other operators also began to operate.

........for these............The major forces in the Marvel Universe are dispatched outside the Destiny Star Territory For those who have been conducting surveillance for many years, it is strange that they have never seen people who can move around in the starry sky without wearing any equipment. How many experts are there who can block the surveillance equipment of surveillance ships? But! In the understanding of these people, those who can live alone in the universe without wearing equipment cannot escape the surveillance of surveillance equipment.

Those who can shield surveillance equipment must wear more bulky anti-surveillance space suits, but they cannot escape naked eye observation. This is why all surveillance ships are equipped with manual observation windows.

But! This group of guys has never seen a strong man who can be alone in the universe without wearing any equipment, and can not be monitored by any equipment without wearing any equipment.

But the person who can be sent to the Destiny Star Territory may not be the kind of tough guy who fights on the battlefield all year round, but he can definitely face all kinds of dangers without fear.

Therefore, although it was the first time to observe such a strange scene, the commander still issued the order very calmly.

...........the same operation, the various forces around... who observed this scene were simultaneously performed on the surveillance ship.

But obviously, the guy who 'flew' all the way into the Destiny Star Territory doesn't know.

In other words, this is... that guy, who made it for the outside world to read! .......................Yes, this guy is... ..Qi Jun! In fact, Qi Jun wants to pass these... these......the cosmic forces that have been guarding outside the Destiny Star Territory all year round... News of his entry was sent back.

The purpose was just to inform the known cosmic forces in the near future that this territory would be taken over by Qi Jun as a way to pave the way.

At the same time, it also tells those cosmic forces that this place will have an owner from now on, and they should not make any more plans for this place.

As for why those...surveillance equipment didn't capture Qi Jun's figure...just kidding, the image of a single universe-level boss can be captured at will, so what the hell! ......... Qi Jun doesn't know, nor does he care, how those cosmic forces will react after receiving this information.

Under the "watching" of all the supervisors, Qi Jun "safely" flew across the "world barrier", flew even more safely through the outer "safe zone", and penetrated deep into the star field that no force has ever explored. Place! Of course, after flying through the 'safe zone', no inspector can 'see' Qi Jun anymore.

Even the most outstanding ‘visual effects power users’ among the major forces are the same.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 294: Too Annoying

The Destiny Star Territory, as a small inner universe, must have many rules and laws that are out of sync with the universe.

This is why when observing the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory, you can see scenes of space explosions and collapse happening everywhere inside the Destiny Star Territory at any time.

Although there is a "world barrier" between the small universe and this universe, they are of the same origin and were both formed after the explosion of the universe in the previous era. This also led to the "world barrier" between the two small universes and this universe. 'Almost in name only.

The rules of the small universe and this universe are incompatible with each other, which has led to various explosions, collapses, etc. seen by the major cosmic forces...

In fact, even if you can hide at will in other places in the universe without being detected, here it is not possible due to various influences.

Things that can exist simultaneously in other places, either neither can exist here, or only one can exist.

.............Of course, these ............ explosions, collapses, etc... situations are very important to Qi Junlai, there is not much of a threat.

At most, it just... caused some obstacles to Qi Jun's progress.

For Qi Jun, the various space cracks, energy explosions, energy level collapses, etc. on the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory... are considered ordinary at best for Qi Jun, who has already reached the level of a single universe. People play throwing cannons during the Chinese New Year.

Throw the cannon with force, and when it hits, it will sound like a firecracker, but its power is really weak.

All these...various situations in the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory, to Qi Jun, were like cannons falling and exploding one after another.

But the power is small, and the power is small. If there are too many of these things, it will be annoying! It is like the slight stinging sensation when a cannon explodes. Once there are too many, it is not something that can be ignored.

What's more, the smell of smoke and the burn marks left after the explosion of a small amount of gunpowder can also be annoying.

Qi Jun is almost... in such an environment right now.

All kinds of inexplicable explosions, collapses, and attacks, although none of them were fatal, still made Qi Jun a little tired of dealing with them.


"There are too many situations here!"

Just as he broke through the magic with force and emerged from a space crack that had been swallowed up, a planet suddenly exploded not far away, followed by extremely powerful shock waves, which made Qi Jun extremely annoyed.

However, before Qi Jun could recover from the shock wave, Qi Jun's position collapsed without warning, and the figure disappeared in a whoosh.

Boom!!! Another punch was used to break the spell. Not far from the previous position, Qi Jun came out of a gap in the space that was blasted open.

"Oh no, this is simply unplayable!"

"If I hadn't already achieved the strength of a single universe, I would have been killed sooner or later!"

"No wonder this place has been around for who knows how long. Those... veteran universe elders, gods, and veteran Heavenly Father-level masters like Odin don't come here to hang out."

"I guess I paid a lot of tuition here."

Qi Jun dodged an inexplicable attack while muttering nonsense.



There was a buzzing sound, and Qi Jun instantly disappeared again, swallowed up by the turbulent flow of space.

........................Boom!!! "This is not the way to go!"

"We have to find a way to avoid it."

"Otherwise, even if I am a single universe-level boss, I don't know how long it will take to pass through this peripheral area."

After breaking the prison cell again and coming out, Qi Jun began to think.



“This method should work”

After a while, Qi Jun suddenly shouted to be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark the three things you need to do when reading, recommend

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