Chapter 295 Completely different

Qi Jun was avoiding attacks that might appear anytime and anywhere, while thinking about how to perfectly solve this problem.

Qi Jun checked the various methods he had used in his own practice one by one, but with little success.

The periphery of the Destiny Star Territory is also the periphery of the small universe. As a place bordering the universe, the rules and regulations are chaotic. Even if Qi Jun wants to create a space out of thin air to cover himself, it will still be broken quickly.

Space must rely on the world. In this chaotic space, how can Qi Jun hold up a space shield that will not break... ...."Yes!"

As a single universe-level boss, Qi Jun's thinking speed has already surpassed everyone else's. After abandoning all kinds of impossible solutions, Qi Jun finally came up with a perfect solution! "Idea Shield!"

But it was Qi Jun who suddenly thought of Ge Xiaolun's heroic core and mind protective shield from the Xiongbing Company.

Based on Xiongxin, Ge Xiaolun used the ability of void and anti-void compilation to directly define a shield that cannot be broken by any known attack.

So naturally, Qi Jun can do it too! Although Qi Jun does not have a 'heroic core', nor does he have the ability to compile void and anti-void.

But Qi Jun has golden thighs! Although the mental shield has an upper limit of energy tolerance, the mental shield made with Qi Jun's strength must not be broken by energy attacks below the single universe level! The periphery of the small universe Are there any of the various explosions and attacks that can break through the energy level of a single universe? Obviously, no! There are not even energy level attacks that can reach the single universe level! Although the various hazards of the small universe are a threat to the Father-level boss It's huge, but for a single universe-level boss, it can only be a trouble at best.

......... Do whatever comes to mind, this has always been what Qi Jun has always done. "The mutated gem gives me a portable weapon with all known attacks." Shield!"

Om Qi Jun's mind moved, and with a soft sound, an invisible shield created by using mutated gemstones instantly wrapped and protected Qi Jun's entire body.

In an instant, Qi Jun realized that no more attacks could hit him.

It consumes a lot of energy to form a protective shield. It has no other function except... being directly immune to all known attacks.

"Why the hell didn't I think of that before?"

Thinking about how embarrassed he looked before, Qi Jun just... had a toothache.

......................"never mind"

"It's better to hurry through the perimeter and see what it's like inside."

Shaking his head, Qi Jun no longer paid attention to the various attacks around him, and directly focused on shooting towards the depths of the small universe.

To be honest, Qi Jun is still very curious about the information about the small universe recorded in the embodied knowledge.

As a result, Qi Jun easily withstood various attacks, passed through the outer periphery of the small universe, and entered the interior.


"It's so completely different from the outside world!"

I don’t know how long the flight lasted, but Qi Jun didn’t even remember it.

Just like a light pop, Qi Jun seemed to have passed through a water curtain and entered a quiet and peaceful starry sky.

"What the hell!"

"The resources here are really too abundant!"

Seeing the peaceful and dazzling resource planets here, Qi Jun was stunned for a moment and got up.


"It is really"

“It’s so generous!”

“Compared to here”

"The Polar Star Territory is the most impoverished star territory in the entire universe!"

Qi Jun was really shocked to see all kinds of scarce resources in this universe, but resource planets that can be seen everywhere in the small universe.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 296 Shock

The inside of the small universe, because it does not border the main universe, has no different rules, laws, or explosions, but it is extremely peaceful.

But! In Qi Jun's sight, countless planets appeared densely in front of him.

Looking around, up and down, left and right, there are all kinds of planets.

"Are there no gravitational forces between these planets?"

After observing carefully for a while, Qi Jun's lips twitched.

"This is totally unscientific!"

Qi Jun discovered that the distance between these planets is only...a tiny distance between the earth and the moon.

When it comes to the previous polar star field in the main universe, the densely packed planets in it were already incredible.

But the distance between those planets is still relatively far, and they are all in their own orbits. At least they will not catch each other or collide with each other due to their mutual gravitational relationship.

But the planets in front of Qi Jun can be called weird! In Qi Jun's view, these planets, even one by one, seem to be strictly controlled, not to interfere with each other, not to interfere with each other, and not to interfere with each other. After the impact, the entire star field seemed extremely peaceful except for the densely packed planets.

Of course, when we talk about tranquility, we only mean relative tranquility.

But Qi Jun still observed that these planets were all slowly rotating around the center of the small universe.

It doesn't seem very obvious, but with Qi Jun's eyes, he can still easily observe it.

........................"The resources here are really scary!"

Taking a deep breath, don’t ask how you breathed it in the starry sky. Anyway... the single universe-level boss can breathe it!" Qi Jun sighed with emotion.

Look what Qi Jun discovered. Contrary to the main universe outside, the interior of the small universe is almost entirely composed of planets made of various high-grade and even scarce materials in the outer universe.

Qi Jun could not find a similar planet here in the planets he visited in the polar star field before! Because the planets in this small universe are all high-end and scarce! "But"

"When I think of the small universe and the main universe, they have the same origin."

"There can be so many high-end, top-level resource planets here"

"It's really true, it's not that surprising."

Qi Jun ignored his conscience and praised him.

To be honest, Qi Jun actually thinks this is really the case.

The small universe has the same origin as the main universe. If it were not for stunted development or even premature death, this small universe would eventually be able to evolve to the level of the main universe.

And once it evolves to the level of the main universe, these...the so-called high-end, scarce, and top-level resources that currently seem densely packed, actually mean nothing once they are spread out. ,,,,,,What a ghost!......................"What the hell"

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