“The resources here are really abundant8”

Qi Jun ignored the "capture" of himself by various planets, and walked towards the interior of the small universe, observing between various planets, and at the same time, he was astonished by the various resources he discovered.

"In the main universe, apart from a veteran universe elder who controls the resources of a planet, there are only a few resources on the earth for vibranium."

"But, along the way, I have at least seen seven or eight resource planets made of pure vibranium!"

"And in the main universe, the Uru magic metal is only available in Asgard. There must be more than a dozen pure Uru planets here!"

"No wonder there aren't even mutants in the main universe outside."

"The main resources of this universe of emotions are all in the small universe!"

While Qi Jun was flying at high speed, he was also numbed by the huge amount of resources in the sky.

Especially the further you go towards the center, the more top-notch the various materials become.

Qi Jun even saw many planets made of materials that he had never seen before.

Obviously, those materials do not need to be tested. Qi Jun can know that they are more precious resources than vibranium and Uru! No reason.

Just because, from such a distance, Qi Jun could feel the huge energy contained in those...unique planets! "What if this small universe collapsed and exploded?"

"Then the main universe..."

Qi Jun suddenly thought of the conclusion he had roughly observed before.

This small universe only has hundreds of thousands of years left. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Three things to read when reading. Recommended

Chapter 297 Refining

Qi Jun roughly judged the methods he learned from the embodied knowledge when he was outside the Destiny Star Territory.

This so-called small universe probably has the last few hundred thousand years left. After that, it will either collapse and form a super super super black hole, or it will cause a super violent explosion due to various imbalances.

But whether it is a super black hole or a super explosion, for the main universe, it will only cause harm and no benefits! ............. Of course , this so-called last few hundred thousand years refers to the main universe and the small universe that have been formed for countless billions of years or more.

But for Qi Jun, hundreds of thousands of years are really too long! You know, from the time Qi Jun traveled through time until Qi Jun became a single universe-level boss, it was just a short time. Several years.

Even if Qi Jun has lived for more than twenty years before time travel, Qi Jun's transformation from a baby to a single universe-level boss has only taken twenty to thirty years. It can even be said that it has been thirty years in a row. None have arrived.

What kind of concept is this that makes Qi Jun care about these hundreds of thousands of years? It's impossible! With that... free time, Qi Jun has already become a transcendent existence.

On the other hand, I'm afraid this so-called Marvel Universe is just a memory of a brilliant life... It is impossible for Qi Jun to ignore it.

After all, Qi Jun is Qi Jun, and Qi Jun's subordinates are Qi Jun's subordinates.

The reason why Qi Jun can increase his strength so rapidly is because Qi Jun has a golden thigh.

But Qi Jun's subordinates did not. Even because of Qi Jun, the strength of Qi Jun's subordinates increased much more rapidly than other beings in the universe.

But without the golden thigh, even if they have the golden thigh, they can only make progress step by step: step by step.

In this way, for Qi Jun's subordinates, time is a long time.

......... Qi Jun is not a heartless being who is a cultivator. He is also a person with feelings, not a machine without feelings.

Qi Jun knew that he would leave the Marvel Universe sooner or later, but Qi Jun would not ignore these subordinates who could not keep up with him without concern. He must make arrangements, not to mention perfect arrangements, at least he must give them Let your subordinates have a base camp where they have nothing to worry about! This is also the most fundamental reason why Qi Jun wants to inspect the so-called three 3 reserve bases.

The small universe is... a base camp that Qi Jun is very satisfied with.

The premise is that Qi Jun wants to solve the fate of this small universe that will perish in hundreds of thousands of years.

Otherwise, whether it is the collapse of the small universe or the explosion of the small universe, it will eventually cause the destruction of the main universe.

In that case, it would be better not to care about anything from the beginning...

Now...!!!......................The small universe is a small universe that is not fully developed and 'dead'.

This also leads to the fact that although the resources in the small universe are extremely rich, there is no life nourishing them at all.

Of course, at the same time, at the very center of the small universe, the central 'placenta' that should have been integrated into the origin of the universe according to normal development has survived.

Although this placenta is a stillbirth, it is equivalent to the controller of this small universe! Or, to put it another way, if the small universe is regarded as a computer, then this 'stillbirth' is the center of this small universe. Qi Jun only needs to 'refine' it ', you can control the entire small universe! Of course, after refining, it must be activated.

Otherwise, a 'stillborn' chip is equivalent to a chip that is not powered on and connected, and is useless.

As long as it is activated, Qi Jun can reorganize all the operating rules and regulations, and even reinstalling the system will not be a problem at all.

However, now, what Qi Jun needs to do is to 'refining' this 'stillbirth' first!......................"This is"

"It's so big!"

After passing through thousands of various resource planets, Qi Jun finally arrived at the center of the small universe.

However, when looking at the 'stillbirth' hanging in the void in the center of the small universe, which is similar to the Asgard continent but dozens of times larger than the Asgard continent, everyone is speechless. .

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 298: Taking Tricks

Although the 'controller' at the center of the small universe is very huge.

But fortunately, this small universe is not fully developed and is already 'dead'. It is entering the countdown to collapse.

In this way, refining this 'controller' is relatively simple for Qi Jun.

Otherwise, as long as this thing still has "vitality", Qi Jun will have to catch it blindly:! It's not that the small universe that still has "vitality" cannot be refined, but that... the price is too high.

Being 'vital' means it can resist. It is very simple to crush it. Qi Jun can do it with his current strength, but it is very difficult to refine it in its resistance.

At least, this is the case based on Qi Jun’s description from his embodied knowledge of the universe.

.....................After carefully reading the knowledge about the small universe several times, Qi Jun began to have a deep understanding of the behemoth in front of him. 'Stillborn' action.

Qi Jun dodged and rushed into the center of the 'stillbirth'.

In fact, after carefully reading the relevant knowledge of the small universe, Qi Jun knew that if he wanted to control this small universe, he did not need to refine all the 'round sky and earth' that are dozens of times larger than the continent of Asgard. .

Of course, if not all, the remaining parts that must be refined and mastered account for at least half of it, which is also not a small project.

However, since it is a dead thing, Qi Jun naturally has many ways to 'make tricks'.

For example, Qi Jun abandoned the long-term cultivation process similar to cultivation.

Instead, it directly uses its own spiritual thoughts as the foundation, and uses mutated gems to directly ‘reveal’ a large group of ‘spiritual nano-robots’.

...........First of all, Qi Jun drove the 'spiritual nanorobot' to take the lead in removing all the parts that were judged to be useless for controlling the small universe' Nibble it away! Once it comes, it can be used as garbage to clean up.

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