Secondly, you can also cultivate and expand the 'spiritual nanorobots'.

Secondly, use the expanded community of 'spiritual receivers' to 'devour' the entire core of the small universe more quickly! Then, swallow these... After being 'assembled' again, after going back and forth, these.........the dead objects that originally belonged to the small universe were all refined by Qi Jun.

Finally, according to the embodied knowledge in the small universe, it is reorganized and a mature ecological cycle of the small universe is set up.

Well, with Qi Jun's will as the core, there is a mature ecological cycle of the small universe.

Although, in this way, this dead small universe still cannot be revitalized.

But after re-flashing the phone, the entire small universe changed from 'dead' to a 'half-dead' state.

After all this trouble, the lifespan of the small universe has at least... increased dozens of times out of thin air! It is no longer a problem for this small universe to survive for hundreds of millions of years or something. .

As for what the ending of the small universe will be after hundreds of millions of years, Qi Jun will not care about it anymore.

........... And when Qi Jun was 'devouring', 'combing' and 'reorganizing' the control center of the small universe.

The entire small universe began to change rapidly.

The ones that show the highest priority, and the ones that have changed the most, are the peripheral areas that are considered to be the ‘Destiny Star Territory’ by the major forces in the main universe.

The changes in the Destiny Star Territory can be said to be from evolution to era, and then to great changes to 7.

It can even be said that as long as you are not blind, it is impossible not to attract the attention of those... supervisory forces.

............. "Sir!"

"Great changes have taken place in the Destiny Star Territory!"

With Qi Jun's sorting out, reorganization, and huge changes, it has naturally attracted the attention of all the monitoring forces in the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory, and they have uploaded reports to the forces behind them.

"Continue monitoring!"

"Also, unite the alliance forces, and send out reconnaissance teams to explore in batches at different times!"

Soon, the major forces that attached great importance to the Destiny Star Territory unanimously sent back almost identical orders.


As for...the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory has always been an environment of various explosions and collapses. It has become peaceful inexplicably, and everyone will want to explore it carefully.

Soon, one small reconnaissance ship was heading towards the Destiny Star Territory, flying slowly but firmly with the determination to die.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 299: Change the rules?

At the center of the small universe, Qi Jun's work of 'devouring' and 'recompiling' the core of the small universe is still continuing.

On the periphery of the small universe, a large group of various small reconnaissance ships have swarmed in.

Although each force only sent out a few scout ships.

But how big is the entire known universe? How many known cosmic forces are capable of inter-star domain operations? These data may be calculated by some people and forces, but judging from the current situation outside the Destiny Star Territory, the scale is inevitable. Not small.

Each force only sent out a few small reconnaissance ships. When they were gathered together, they could actually become a dense mass, with a huge scale that could not be seen at a glance.

However, these... small reconnaissance fleet groups that each belong to different forces all keep to themselves, or in other words, all follow the "Principles of Peaceful Coexistence". Before the change, everyone lived in peace and harmony.

It has to be said that many of these forces that are mortal enemies of each other can temporarily live in peace, which shows how vast the interests of the Destiny Star Territory are! I don’t know if there has been a similar pure vibranium planet outside the Destiny Star Territory before. Or the scene of planets such as the pure Uru magic energy planet flashing or collapsing. In short, it can make these... Whether they are large or weak: the cosmic forces spend a lot of manpower and material resources to monitor them all year round. This can be seen in the Destiny Star Territory! Especially for those... small forces, it will definitely cost a lot to allocate part of the force to monitor this place.

And even if it costs an extremely huge price, you have to stay here all year round, which shows how coveted the interests contained in the Destiny Star Territory are! .................. .."boom"


Suddenly, groups of 'fireworks' unfolded in the starry sky.

The spark that suddenly appeared attracted the attention of all the forces.

"Keep exploring!"

All forces began to be on alert, but they did not stop exploring the Destiny Star Territory.

Another wave of small surveillance ships surged towards the Destiny Starfield from all directions.

Boom!!! Boom This time, under the witness of the supervisors from all major forces, the scene of the explosion of various supervisory ships was all seen before their eyes.


"There is an invisible and unexplorable barrier appearing on the periphery of the Destiny Star Territory."

"This barrier has replaced the previous dividing line between the Destiny Star Territory and the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Any ships, mechas, etc. that touch the diaphragm will be completely destroyed."

"Except for... naked eye observation, all methods are ineffective!"

The strange sight did not make the supervisors of the major forces work harder. They even temporarily united and tried their best to conduct detailed observations of the star field that had undergone tremendous changes.

Unfortunately, the mutated Destiny Star Field, as they reported to the forces behind them, was impossible to observe.

The Destiny Star Territory, under various detections, disappeared directly into nothingness.

If it weren't for the observers from the major forces, it would be visible to the naked eye.

If it weren't for the major forces... all kinds of records in the Destiny Star Territory would still be in the books.

If the junction between the Destiny Star Territory and the Milky Way hadn't evolved into the dividing line of death, those... destroyed battleships and mecha wreckage would still be floating in the starry sky.

Almost all forces almost think that the Destiny Star Territory only exists in legends.

.........................But! What a pity! The Destiny Star Territory still exists! But! The Destiny Star Territory no longer has anything to do with these forces. !"Continue monitoring"

"The rear has dispatched a battle fleet and the most advanced scientific research fleet."

It's a pity that no force knows about these changes.

This group of cosmic forces even thought that they would have the opportunity to 'obtain' the Destiny Star Territory......... However, in fact.

From the moment Qi Jun refined the core of the small universe.

This inner universe, the destiny star field, has nothing to do with all the forces in the universe.

As for the arrangement of the small universe, Qi Jun had already made fundamental long-term plans when he was 'reorganized'.

As Qi Jun, who regards the small universe as his base camp, he will naturally not let the small universe be exposed to various cosmic forces.

That is, when 'recompiling' the core of the small universe, Qi Jun made large-scale changes to the operating rules of the entire small universe! To describe it with a vivid metaphor: comparing the entire Marvel Universe to a computer.

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