"That thing is more inhumane than Butler Taibai's robot army."

Tony Stark: That's right! I've expanded! In the entire known universe, who dares to compete with us and who can compare with us......................None Wrong, Thanos found nothing on the planet Morag, so he turned his attention to the Nova Empire, to be precise, Zhaidar.

What Qi Jun guessed, Thanos' attack on the earth, did not happen.

At least, when Thanos only has one Mind Stone in his hands.

When the Ancient One, who possesses the Time Stone, is missing.

Thanos did not directly turn his target to the earth.

And as with interstellar.

..The Nova Empire, which has a strategic alliance with the group, asked for help from the Polar Star Territory as soon as the Thanos Legion attacked the Nova Legion.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 301 Restart


"It must be beaten!"

As the second-in-command of Qi Jun's power group, Taibai has the power of more than trillions of people under one person, setting the tone for Xinxing Supreme's request for help.

"We and the Nova Empire are in a galactic strategic alliance."

"The Nova Empire also contributed a lot to our previous expansion of our sphere of influence."

"We can't let people think that we only take from our allies without giving anything in return."

"Once we ignore Nova Supreme's request for help, our reputation in the universe will be ruined."

Taibai's nano-simulated eyes sparkled with wisdom, and his voice had an inexplicable appeal.

"not to mention"

"Mr. originally introduced 'Interstellar.

..The group’s headquarters is set up on Zaidar.”

"With the way Titan Lord Thanos behaves, once he leads the dark army to attack Zaidar Star."

"So, 'Star.

..The group’s headquarters will definitely not be able to escape his purge.”

"You know, as our power expands, 'Interstellar.

..The group’s headquarters has also grown larger and larger.”

"There are many of our own people on Zaidar Star."

"No matter what, we have to participate in this battle, and we must take the initiative to participate."

"Otherwise, wouldn't other cosmic forces think we are weak?"

Taibai's eyes projected the 'interstellar' on Zaidar Star very naturally.

..related scenes at the group’s headquarters, he said with irony.

........................"Then just send troops directly"

"Why are you calling us to a meeting?"

Tony Stark in the projection rolled his eyes, looking rather impatient.

You know, Tangtang Tony, the cannon king of the universe, Stark, had just hooked up with an alien girl with colorful waves all over his body, and was about to make a move when he was urgently summoned by Taibai... for a meeting, I feel like the boss is unhappy.

“This so-called ‘dehumanizing Thanos’ is also a sham.”

"Doesn't this guy know how powerful we are? Even the 'Interstellar Pirates... Cleansing of the Star Territory' incident that shocked the entire universe couldn't scare him?"

Tony Stark, very unhappy... beeping quietly.

........."That's exactly what I was going to say."

Taibai didn't pay attention to Tangtang Iron Man's complaints. Taibai knew that Qi Jun had a special...feeling for Tony. In short, this was also the reason why Tony was not targeted by Taibai because of his arrogant and venomous tongue. location.

"In fact, sir, I have been paying attention to this... Titan Lord Thanos for a long time."

"However, sir, he has never clearly expressed his affection or dislike for this...'Titan Lord Thanos'."

"Sir seems to know this...Titan Lord very well. He often pays attention to him, but he doesn't seem to care much."

"It seems contradictory, but it's true."

"So, after I couldn't contact you sir, I immediately sent a message to summon you."

"Let's discuss together how to deal with this matter."

Taibai could also 'see' that just like Tony Stark, Qi Jun also had an indescribable feeling towards... 'Thanos', as if he wanted to kill him, but also seemed to kill him.

When the attitude is uncertain, Bai feels it is more difficult.

If it weren't for Qi Jun's attitude, Taibai wouldn't have cared about whether he was a Titan Lord or a dehumanizing Thanos, he would have been eliminated directly.

But when he didn't know Qi Jun's attitude, Taibai couldn't make his own decisions.

What if Qi Jun doesn't want to kill Thanos, but Taibai kills Thanos instead? What if Qi Jun wants to kill Thanos, but Taibai lets Thanos live? What should we do? Even more, Taibai vs. Thanos There is a hint of complaint: Are you a qualified star master? You are so stubborn! "Of course"

"There is one thing about this...Titan Lord. Sir, I have made it clear. There is no need to discuss this point."

"That is, Titan Lord Thanos has an Infinity Stone in his hand. This Infinity Stone is the Mind Stone and must be snatched!"


"Let's discuss what to do after grabbing the Mind Stone."

Taibai waved his hand and projected Thanos and the entire dark army led by Thanos in front of everyone.

........ Small Universe Qi Jun didn’t know that because in his spare time, he expressed his feelings about...'Snap Finger Iron Man' and 'Poor Farmer Who Died Twice', Taibai became confused about the next action, and even gathered all the senior staff of Qi Jun's department to hold a discussion meeting.

At this time, Qi Jun was happily compiling the basic rules of the small universe and compiling the underlying program.

Hmm..., there seems to be something wrong. Anyway...that's pretty much what it means.


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