"Do this again"

"And then this"

"This is the last thing"

"Oh yeah!"

"Change this again"



.....................Qi Jun feels a little addicted to playing.

Qi Jun even almost thought that he had regained his childhood. However, the small universe was changing rapidly under Qi Jun's "changes".

Soon, the starry sky in the small universe was 'restored' to a situation similar to that of the main universe.

Most of the... densely packed resource planets in the original small universe have been 'hidden'.

Similar to the subspace and subsidiary dimensional planes of the main universe, Qi Jun also developed many dimensional planes directly based on the small universe.

For the sustainable development of the small universe, Qi Jun hid most of the super-high-level resources in these dimensions.

In the future, only when the resources of the small universe are consumed to a certain extent, these dimensional planes will slowly and automatically appear, allowing the successors of the small universe to continue to develop. .

Of course, these.........are just back-up tools.

The more obvious change that Qi Jun made is that...in the small universe, various energy levels are highlighted.

For example, the dark energy of the super-god system cannot be easily detected in the main universe, but in the small universe, it can be detected and used when technology reaches a certain level.

........I don’t know how long it took this day, but Qi Jun finally woke up.


“Finally done!”

Standing on the huge newly reorganized core controller of the small universe, Qi Jun stretched his waist and chuckled.



"Little universe!"

Even if I snap my fingers, I don't know how the sound comes out of the void.

With a snap of Qi Jun's fingers, an invisible wave spread from the core control of the small universe, quickly encompassing the entire small universe.

With a buzzing sound, the small universe core controller where Qi Jun was standing quickly disappeared into the void.

And the entire small universe, inexplicably, seems to have a little bit of vitality... To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 302: Riding a Tiger and Being Difficult to Dismount

The glimmer of vitality that suddenly appeared in the small universe was indeed just that glimmer of vitality.

After all, the small universe is a stillborn existence that has 'dead'. Even with Qi Jun's recompiling, even with Qi Jun's use of mutant gems to inject energy, the small universe cannot be reborn.

That kind of ability is not something that the current single universe-level Qi Jun can achieve.

To say that Qi Jun's full blow can destroy the small universe, there is no problem at all.

But it is impossible for a single universe-level powerhouse to rejuvenate a dead small universe.

.............Although there is a saying that ‘the single universe-level Almighty Heavenly Father’.

But that... just means that the heavenly father-level boss has understood the power of all laws and has become what people call omniscient and omnipotent.

However, the so-called omniscience and omnipotence here only means that one can initially and simply use the power of various laws.

The Almighty Heavenly Father, who was naturally promoted to the single universe level, is indeed the most attractive among the single universe level bosses, but he only wants to regenerate a 'stillborn' small universe by simply using the power of laws. Just kidding.


Although the small universe now has a glimmer of vitality.

But this glimmer of hope is just to allow the creatures that enter the small universe in the future to give birth to mutants with a probability.

Of course, with such a trace of vitality, it will also be easier for the creatures in the small universe to exercise or practice.

After all, this is a rule changed by Qi Jun using mutated gems, so there are still some benefits.

........... However, just when Qi Jun was happy because of the successful restart of the small universe.

On the other side, in the Nova Galaxy, a group of people in the first outer defense circle of Zaidar Star are having a headache.

These people are none other than some senior executives of Taibai and other groups.

Even Tony Space Cannon King Star came here, but I don’t know if it was because of Qi Jun’s unknown attitude.

.........In fact, a week has passed since the last time Taibai called everyone for a meeting.

Because of Qi Jun's unknown attitude, a group of people from Taibai discussed it for a long time, but in the end they still couldn't come up with any result.

In the end, they had no choice but to decide to take down Thanos' dark army first. As for Thanos himself, he would be trapped first and wait for Qi Jun to come out of the Destiny Star Territory before making a decision.

There is no way. Although the small universe has the same roots as the main universe, they are two different universes after all. There are still many differences. For example, this communication problem. Once it enters the Destiny Star Field, the outside world can no longer contact the inside. .

Of course, for people in the main universe, they have already acquiesced in this understanding.

After all, after trying various means for a long time, no one will think that one day, the Destiny Star Territory will be able to communicate with the outside world.

.........................But! Taibai and others suddenly discovered that they seemed to have thought of things too simply.

In the beginning, all situations did develop according to their imagination.

Although the dark army under Thanos intimidates everyone in the world, even the major cosmic forces have some scruples.

However, under the joint attack of Taibai's "Transformers Omnic Legion" + Super Battleship Group + Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries, they were defeated like a mountain. Most of them were wiped out with almost no effort, and all the rest were captured.

But! But! Thanos himself was not as restrained as they imagined. Instead, he attacked Taibai's group with all his strength.

......................This is just great.

Not to mention Taibai and others, because of Qi Jun's unclear attitude, they were restrained during the battle and did not dare to use the ultimate killing move.

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