Let's just say that Thanos himself is a top-notch Heavenly Father-level powerhouse.

Although Thanos is not the Almighty Heavenly Father, he has not yet reached the level of a single universe.

But this kind of top Heavenly Father-level powerhouse is not something that Taibai and a group of people can deal with! He can't be beaten.

It was impossible to let him go! So, Taibai and others discovered that, inexplicably, a lightning-fast victory had been turned into a confrontation between them.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 303: Everyone in troubled moods

Taibai and others were depressed.

But what they don't know is.

Qi Jun was also depressed.

In fact, Qi Jun was not only depressed, he was also angry.


"A bunch of 2-2 coin guys!"

Qi Jun, who drew a space door and returned directly from the small universe to the main universe, was so angry that he laughed after learning about the achievements of Taibai and others.

The famous "Destroyer of Humanity Thanos" is related to the universe, and it also involves the forces under Qi Jun, the strongest man in the universe.

The battle outside Zaidar Star has long been spread on the cosmic star network, and everyone knows about it.

Various forces attach great importance to this battle, and even broadcast the battle live across the universe from various angles.

Qi Jun hasn't logged into the Universe Star Network yet. As soon as he connected to the Universe Star Network, the portable smart terminal started a series of vibration reminders. It was difficult for Qi Jun not to know.

...........Qi Jun really can't imagine that Etaibai and the others and the troops they led would go to fight Thanos and Thanos' team. It can be said that a king abuses bronze, at least it is also a king who abuses gold.

But in reality, Taibai and the others were slapped in the face, and their trump card was beaten to pieces. Instead, they were given a golden blow: an explosion, which revealed the strength of a diamond, and in turn, a slap in the face: a chaotic high, beating the king to a halt.

However, after recalling the "combat meeting" held by Taibai and others a week ago, Qi Jun...understood why Taibai and others beat a pair of trump cards to pieces. .


"After artificial intelligence becomes a truly intelligent life, it will not be without side effects."

"Because my attitude towards Thanos is similar to my attitude towards Tony, so I didn't kill Thanos."

"This shit, it's still my fault."

"If Taibai was just an artificial intelligence, how could there be so many idiots?"

"If Thanos dares to fight, he will fight right back!"

"Where did the caution come from..."

After checking the 'meeting minutes', Qi Jun was dumbfounded. Qi Jun himself did not expect that there were such things in it, but Qi Jun... did not blame Tai Bai for this. Behavior.

Since Taibai has been promoted from artificial intelligence to an intelligent life, and has a soul and consciousness that are unique to life, he naturally also has the caution and worldliness that are unique to intelligent life.

I can't say whether this situation is right or wrong, but it won't make Qi Jun angry anymore.

........"Haven't you seen that I'm obviously much nicer to Tony?"

Although he said he was no longer angry, Qi Jun still felt a little unhappy.

I'm unhappy, Taibai doesn't understand the fundamental reason why Qi Jun is so good.

Speaking of which, although Qi Jun has some "love you three thousand times" and other...feelings for this universe Stark.

But if he wanted to be more serious, Qi Jun would be so kind to this guy, giving him various tips and awakening his superpowers.

In the final analysis, it was because Qi Jun received enough help from Tony Stark when Qi Jun needed help the most.

And what was obtained from Tony Stark, and what helped Qi Jun the most, was naturally the [Tony's Physics Knowledge and Skills Book] copied from Tony.

It can be said that [Tony's Physics Knowledge and Skills Book] played a decisive cornerstone role for Qi Jun's explosive development.

Without this knowledge, Qi Jun would naturally not be able to achieve maximum development in the shortest time.

Without these developments, Qi Jun would naturally not be able to compete with Ancient One or even Odin in the shortest time.

It can be said that Qi Jun remembers Tony Stark well in his heart.

Even Bruce Banner, Samuel Stern, etc. were of great help to Qi Jun.

Of course, without these..., Qi Jun would not necessarily go against Gu Yi or even Odin...

But now that it has happened, Qi Jun will naturally not kill him, even if Tony himself doesn't know that he has helped Qi Jun so much.

In comparison, what feelings Thanos has for Qi Jun is nothing more than... a feeling for... this 'mental patient' who died twice and wanted to destroy half of all living things in the universe, and, What's more, this is someone who can reveal the soul gem! At most, Qi Jun admires his persistence in achieving his goals.

"So, Thanos and all that, really can't be compared to Tony Stark."

For Taibai not being able to 'understand' him like he used to, Qi Jun also felt a little melancholy for a while.............Zaidar Planet The first line of defense in space, a battleship combat command center said "Everyone"

"Now there's good news, and there's bad news."

"Which one do you want to hear?"

Transformers leader Taibai, his eyes suddenly flashed, he clapped his hands, and after attracting everyone's attention, he asked blankly with no expression on his face.

“Let’s tell you the good news first.”

"Enough bad news, I don't want to hear it anymore!"

Before Skye and the others spoke, Tony Stark, a certain artillery master, was sitting on an artificial mechanics chair nearby, holding an ice pack in one hand to apply the scar on his forehead while moaning feebly.


“There’s been too much bad news lately”

"Let's talk about the good news first, Commander Taibai."

Skye, who was also exhausted, didn't pay attention to why a certain gunner whose superpower was the energy of the whole body didn't use his superpower to cure his own injuries. Instead, he lay down listlessly and pretended to be sick. She herself was the same. Responded feebly.

As a being who can shatter planets with all his strength, after confronting Thanos, he can only restrain his hands and feet, and he feels very irritable in his heart.


"On the Universe Star Network, do we still have enough negative news?"

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