“Let’s get some good news first to offset the bad luck.”

Bruce Banner, the fire magician on the side, was also agitated.

Think about him, the famous "Fire Demon Hunter" on the Universe Star Network. Because of this "unequal" war with Thanos, his reputation was completely ruined and he became a "Fire Baby" that everyone can bully. Damn it. Yes, those... harsh and mean comments make me want to explode after just one look at them. Wasn't it that I was slapped away by Thanos, that... inhumane guy? Didn't I see you? Didn't everyone else get slapped away in the same way? With physical strength, whoever can defeat Titan will become a "Fire Baby"...... ...."All right"

"Then let me tell you the good news first."

Seeing that everyone in the combat command center, including the generals of the Nova Corps, looked like this, Taibai said no more.

"The good news is..."

"Sir, you have returned from the Destiny Star Territory!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 304 Skye goes crazy

Before the people in the Nova Corps understood what Taibai meant, everyone in Qi Jun's power group stood up in an instant, with their eyes widened.

"came back"

Skye and others asked loudly.

"The boss is back"

Hulk, who was depressed after being beaten and punched by Thanos, also jumped up and his two 'giant pupils' widened with hatred.

"That guy is back"

A certain gunner who was lying paralyzed just now jumped up, his whole body was instantly energized, and the scar on his forehead disappeared in an instant, and he asked in surprise.

As everyone in Qi Jun's power group, we naturally understand who the gentleman Taibai is talking about is.

Everyone naturally understood that if the gentleman Taibai mentioned was back, it was naturally Qi Jun who was back.

As the leader and spiritual leader of Qi Jun's power group, he naturally brightened up the dejected crowd in an instant.

"That adult is back"

At this time, seeing the reaction of Skye and others, everyone in the Nova Corps naturally reacted quickly.

The big boss who can defeat the elders of the universe is back! While sharing this surprise, everyone couldn't help but finally heaved a sigh of relief.

With that person here, Thanos and the like are simply not enough to look at. This is... Qi Jun's prestige! .................. "Then, What’s the bad news?”

As the only person in the audience who was not caught up in the excitement, Tony Space Cannon King Stark asked with a hint of worry.

However, Tony Stark already had a trace of doubt in his heart.

"I hope it's not what I thought."

Tony looked at Taibai, but he was beeping quietly in his heart.

Tony didn't realize it when he asked this question.

When everyone saw the trace of worry in Tony's expression, they couldn't help but feel a thump in their hearts.

Is something bad going to happen?........................"The bad news is..."

"Sir, he is very dissatisfied with our results!"

Good things don't work but bad things don't work. Taibai didn't whet everyone's appetite and directly said what Tony didn't want to hear.

At the scene of the accident, it instantly became extremely quiet, as if everyone was not standing in a battleship, but in the vast universe.


Tony suddenly shouted, startling everyone.

"Then what, I suddenly remembered that I still make coffee at home."

"I have to go back and watch, otherwise the house will easily catch fire."

For some reason, Tony was a little reluctant to meet Qi Jun on such an occasion.

Subconsciously saying something that no one believed, he 'passed' through the steel wall of the battleship with energy, entered his armor storage and maintenance workshop, put on the armor with two swishes, and with a swish, He flew out of the battleship and shot towards the nearest wormhole [] jumping point.

........................"Just...that's it, let's go"

Bruce Banner opened his mouth wide and looked at Tony Stark's magical operation, dumbfounded.

"Hasn't he been here for several days?"

"If we go back now, the house will have been burned down long ago."

Hulk scratched his forehead in an "honest" manner and muttered.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly recovered from their confusion and glanced at this guy with contempt.

........................ Woo woo woo Just when everyone was about to say something, a series of shrill alarms sounded.


"'Dehumanizing Thanos' is here again!"

A combat officer of the Nova Corps stood up and shouted loudly.


"The double clicks are coming again."

All the generals of the Nova Corps were dumbfounded.

Damn it, I just pushed you back not long ago, why are you here again? Is this a perpetual motion machine? That means Thanos doesn’t know what these people are thinking, otherwise he would just throw a mind gem over to let you know. What is the infinite energy of infinite gems! "That..."

“Please continue to help me”

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't defeat him, why would the Nova Supreme ask for help from Qi Jun's forces in the first place? Since Taibai and others led the team to kill Thanos' Dark Legion, this group of Nova Legion soldiers have completely lost the ability to do anything. .

It's not that you can't move, but you don't dare to move. Thanos can wipe out a group of you with just a wave of his hand. Go up and die...!!! ..."Do not worry!"

"Just leave it to us!"

"Now that the boss is back, this purple-skinned monster is no longer a threat!"

When Hulk heard the cry for help from the general of the Nova Corps, he immediately jumped up and waved his palm as big as a leaf fan, feeling filled with pride.


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