No wait: Hulk enjoyed it for two more seconds before a female voice directly interrupted Hulk's words.

"Shut up!"

Seeing Hulk blushing and wanting to argue a few words, Skye suddenly glared at Hulk like a cat with a sting.

"Shut up, just shut up, why are you yelling?"

Seeing Skye's "ferocious" look, Hulk subconsciously shrank his neck and muttered softly.

"If it weren't for the fact that you helped me handle a lot of finishing matters, I wouldn't listen to you."

In the end, Hulk was still comforting himself.

Of course, if he really had to confront Skye, Hulk didn't want to go and didn't dare to go.

Since developing and awakening his powers, with Taibai's huge body of knowledge and Taibai's teachings to Skye, Skye's shock wave ability has been developed to a sharp level! Don't think that the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger he gets, but if you dare After confronting Skye, he stopped immediately.

Because Skye has learned to induce resonance from within matter.

No matter how hard the Hulk's skin is, Skye will directly vibrate from the Hulk's internal organs, and the Hulk will lose his combat effectiveness in an instant.

Even if Skye is more cruel and shocks Hulk's mind...then........."You It’s so embarrassing to say it!”

Seeing Hulk shut up, Skye was still furious.

"You know clearly that Thanos has the Mind Stone in his hand, why are you so stupid and rushing forward?"

Skye remembered several times that Thanos had influenced Hulk through the Mind Stone, which in turn caused chaos in his own formation, and he became furious.

Where do you think the scar on Tony Stark's forehead came from? It's not the Hulk. He rushed to fight Thanos, but Thanos used the Mind Stone to fight with him. He immediately lost his mind and could not distinguish between friend and foe in an instant. Just hit.

Tony Stark was just here to show off, letting Qi Jun know that he was here to help, and that he was only wearing the previous generation steel suit, but the suit was completely destroyed by the crazy Hulk.

If Tony Stark hadn't realized something was wrong and immediately changed into the latest suit and ran away, this girl might have been the first inexplicable wretch to die in the battle between the two sides.

Of course, Thanos was not the only one who used the Mind Stone to influence the Hulk, but no one else had missed it.

It's definitely a win-win situation, Thanos is not someone who favors only one person! .................. Fortunately, all the members of Qi Jun's power group People have been subtly affected by the soul magic array arranged by Qi Jun for a long time.

The power of the Mind Stone was greatly reduced when it came to fighting against Skye and others. It could only affect the mind but not control them.

Otherwise, relying on Thanos' long-term combat experience, he would have killed all the guys who originally just wanted to trap him.

Speaking of which, the Infinity Stones are indeed Infinity Stones.

Even if Skye's strength has grown to this point.

But when confronting Thanos, who is holding the Mind Stone, he still looks like a dog biting a hedgehog, with nowhere to bite.

The Infinity Stone is indeed an Infinity Stone, especially in the hands of a strong person who knows how to use it, it is simply...a universal treasure.

Don't look at the fact that the ability of the Mind Stone is only to control others, or to influence other people's minds and hearts.

But as a common characteristic of infinite gems, it is linked to the origin of the universe, and it itself has infinite energy.

Each Infinity Stone can provide the user with an all-round defensive shield.

This thing can not only expand and enlarge, but also fit closely to the skin without anyone noticing.

In this way, Skye's ability can only be used as a concussive shock wave generator with Thanos, which naturally makes Skye very angry.


“Still the old rules”

Skye took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart and asked Taibai.

As Qi Jun was away, Taibai was automatically promoted to the supreme commander. Taibai's opinion was still required for the actions of Skye and others.


"Then let's follow the old rules!"

Taibai paused for a moment, but recovered in an instant. Skye and the others didn't even notice. He nodded and agreed to the battle plan of Skye and the others.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 305: Break into the Temple and capture Thanos alive!

Real-time contact with Qi Jun has been restored. Taibai originally wanted to ask Qi Jun for instructions.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jun asked Taibai to act according to the previous plan, which is why Taibai paused.

However, because Thanos's twins appeared again, everyone was distracted and did not notice this detail.

........................"Everyone, please pay attention."

"Has returned."

"But our previous actions have been disappointing."

"This time, we must use our strongest skills to directly 'attack the Temple and capture Thanos alive'!"

Skye as Star.

..The leader of the group is very good at mobilizing before war.

After some passionate speeches, a group of people rushed out of the battleship in a furious manner.

While shouting, "Invade the Temple and capture Thanos alive," he formed a formation and rushed in the direction of Thanos.


"It's... quite a bit imposing."

A space door opened out of thin air, and Qi Jun walked out of the space door and appeared in the frontline command ship.


"Meet His Majesty!"

Seeing Qi Jun's appearance, Taibai and the Nova Corps immediately came forward to pay their respects.

As the top commander, Taibai will naturally not appear in person.

Of course, even if Thanos comes on stage and Thanos has the Mind Stone in his hand, there is nothing Taibai can do.


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