Qi Jun nodded, very satisfied.

Fortunately, these people didn't call him Emperor Qi Jun or anything else, otherwise Qi Jun would really feel a little embarrassed.

Qi Jun... I still remember how he pretended to be a powerful emperor in front of Xinxing Supreme. Now think about it, if there are more middle twos, there will always be middle twos. Ah "Let's take a good look at their performance!"

Qi Jun directly materialized a chair and sat down: He had no idea of ​​​​appearing directly and started watching the "live performance" directly through the battleship's side wall.

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Qi Jun has set the rules, and Taibai and others will naturally follow them.

A group of people stood obediently behind Qi Jun and began to watch the performance.

However, the difference between them and Qi Jun was that Qi Jun looked directly at the scene, while others could only look at the huge projection in the command center.

Of course, except for...Taibai, no one else can directly see through the bulwark the battle in the starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers away.

........................"What to do this time?"

"It's better if we just bang bang bang bang from a distance and be done with it."

While flying, Bruce Fire Demon Hunter Banner asked his companions through his mental power.

In fact, Bruce Banner used the magic circle to imprint a mental communication magic array in everyone's mind, and these... mental communication magic arrays are connected with each other. , a mental power communication system was directly constructed. As long as everyone is within a certain distance, everyone can communicate directly through mental power without having to speak with their mouths.

A physical and biochemical scientist who can't construct communications is not a great fire magician! ............. "No!"

"I mean, it's more than just that!"

Dr. Samuel Blue, who had never spoken before, was following the crowd with a speeding car-like device carrying Hulk and Abomination, but he gave a different message at this time.

"Didn't you carefully analyze what Butler Taibai said?"

Dr. Samuel Blue Stern "Which Sentence"

Skye asked.

"The bad news is: Sir, he is very dissatisfied with our results!"

Dr. Lan answered word for word, even his tone was imitated.

........................"Does this sentence have any profound meaning?"

Hulk scratched his head, looking confused.

The haters on the side also picked their heads and looked confused.

Bruce Banner on the other side, scratched his head, ah bah, "What do you mean?"

Bruce Banner asked meaningfully.

"I think so!"

Skye said equally meaningfully.

They were a little excited just now, but now they calmed down, especially when they were reminded by Dr. Blue, who had the highest IQ, Bruce Banner and Skye came to their senses instantly.

........... Seeing them playing riddles, several other action executives, as well as Hulk and Abomination, looked confused. .

What they are talking about seems to be a very profound sample paper. They look like they understand the sample paper. What exactly do they understand? Why do they always have the feeling: If they sell it, we will help them count the money for the sample paper... ...................."fool!"

Seeing everyone else's confused expressions, Skye was speechless and choked up.

What kind of subordinates have I brought with me? It's so difficult for me! "That's what Boss Taibai said."

"You taste it!"

"Taste it carefully!"

"Taste it carefully!"

Skye directly mouthed the three consecutive products, with an expression of hatred for steel.

......................... Bruce Green Doctor Banner and Samuel Blue Doctor Stern looked at each other and shook their heads in amusement at the same time. Didn't explain much.

Except for a few people from the "Symbiotic Interstellar Mercenaries" who followed Dr. Green, and Hulk and Abomination who followed Dr. Blue, the rest were all Skye's men.

Yes, there are no Transformers here, because all the omnic legions are scattered on the periphery, besieging Thanos and not letting him leave. In other words, as the number two figure in Qi Jun's power group, including Doctors Blue, Green and others, Internally, they also have to listen to Taibai's Qi Jun retreat, or when they cannot be contacted.

With the emotional intelligence of Dr. Green and Dr. Blue, they naturally would not explain anything at this time.

Of course, Skye didn't try to appeal to others.

"Butler Taibai already said that he is not satisfied with our results!"

"Don't you understand what results are?"

"This shows that our previous plans were all wrong!"

"This so-called Thanos is not that important in my heart!"

"What we need is... to do it! To do it hard! To do it to the end!"

"Later, all of you will try your best to feed me!"

"We must fight out that...purple-skinned monster Yoneda Kou!"

"Did you hear everything?"

Skye was so angry that she didn't even bother to address Thanos as Titan Lord.

In addition to being angry at these clumsy men, Skye was also furious at Thanos, who was like a turtle shell.

Thinking about Skye's ability, once it reaches a high level, she can even collapse the universe. Who knows, but she fell into trouble at the hands of Thanos who has the Mind Stone.

"heard it!!!"


"We should treat the overlord of one party with the respect we deserve."

The mental communication system set up by Bruce Banner was like a fiction to Qi Jun, and Skye's words were naturally heard in his ears.


"She is still a child"

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