In fact, looking at it from another direction, if Qi Jun has done everything as soon as he comes, then what is the point of asking them? In this way, this is also a kind of training for them by Qi Jun. In short, in order to perform in front of Qi Jun Even more brave, Spanna and the others were not disappointed because the Temple's protective cover was instantly repaired.

Instead, a group of people became even more energetic and majestically rushed towards the Temple where Thanos was.

Well..., at least, that's how it seems to those...interstellar reporters who have been around for a week.

After all, in the eyes of them, Skye and others' charge was really the most powerful one! Even Bruce Fire Demon Hunter Banner, who seemed a little sluggish due to releasing the forbidden spell before, took out the After injecting himself with an injection, he recovered instantly and sprinted towards the Temple with even more arrogance.

That posture, as if he, the 'Fire Demon Hunter', was a long-famous melee berserker, was completely incompatible with his status as a magician as a 'mobile turret'.

Of course, as a 'native' of the Marvel Universe, even if he practices the 'fire magic' provided by Qi Jun, it seems that there is nothing surprising when the long-range mage gradually evolves into a close-range fight. At least, when Qi Jun saw Bruce Banner didn't frown at all when he completely transformed himself into a 'fire elemental body' and slammed into the protective shield provided by the Temple's Mind Stone.

After all, this is the Marvel Universe.

The famous Thor can be stunned! Even Quicksilver can be killed by bullets. A long-range mage suddenly turned into a violent melee fighter, and he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with the style. .

Time quickly flew away in the wonderful explosions.

After a while.

Watching as the warring parties once again reached a stalemate due to the problem of the Mind Stone's energy shield.

Qi Jun knew that it was time for him to take the stage! ........................Buzz!!! A huge palm suddenly appeared in the middle of the anxious battle. above the center.

Almost everyone was stunned for a moment.

Boom!!! The next second, the palm fell.

Thanos' Temple.

Exploded instantly.

Falling apart! The entire universe seemed to have stopped at this moment.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 310 Meeting Thanos for the first time

This is stillness in the true sense! At this moment, everyone who is paying attention to the battle between Thanos and the ‘Pole Star Domain’ on the cosmic star network can’t help but fall into shock.

Who is Thanos? What is the strength of Skye and others who represent the 'Pole Star Realm'? All of this was clearly detected by countless battleships around him in this week! Thanos is the veteran Heavenly Father. I won’t talk about the top level bosses.

Skye and others are not bad at all! Although the group of people representing the 'Pole Star Realm' have not yet entered the ranks of the Heavenly Father, they are infinitely close. Almost most of them are that kind of people. …There is only one step left to enter the Father-level existence.

Especially Hulk, this guy has not reached Heavenly Father level strength, he is just in a normal state. Once he gets angry, the Heavenly Father level bottleneck will be easily broken through.

There are so many boss-level experts on both sides of the war, and their battles can easily blow up the Zaidar Star not far away seventy or eighty times a day.

But now, what happened at the scene? A huge hand appeared inexplicably. With a random slap, it blew up the entire Temple, which Skye and others were unable to break through the protective shield of the Mind Stone for a week. Oh, buy it, stare. Hmm! What kind of terrifying power is this? Suddenly, I saw the huge palm in the center of the battlefield, pinching towards the center of the explosion, as if it had caught something, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant. Only the Holy Spirit was left on the entire battlefield. The countless ammunition originally stored in the palace hall exploded with fireworks, as if announcing to the whole universe that another veteran Heavenly Father-level boss had come to an end... Skye and others communicated through the mental communication system, reacted immediately, and then flew towards the Nova Legion's combat command ship at high speed with faces full of joy.

..................... On the other side, the Nova Corps was under combat command, but Qi Jun did not pay attention to the 'unrelated personnel' who were in shock.

At the same time, Qi Jun ignored the generals and soldiers of the Nova Corps who were also in panic inside the ship.

Qi Jun just looked at the tall guy he captured and smiled slightly, and said hello: "Nice to meet you, Titan Lord Thanos!"

That's right, after Qi Jun smashed the Mind Stone's energy shield with a slap, and also smashed the Temple, Qi Jun conveniently caught Thanos in front of him.

........................ However, Thanos himself was not so honored.

Even Thanos himself looked shocked.

His purple face, which had never changed its expression all year round, showed his shock at the shocking change in his current situation.

"It seems that you are the strong man who... took away the power gem in advance!"

Taking a deep breath, Thanos forced himself to calm down.

Although he knew that Qi Jun was a super strong man much stronger than himself.

Even just now, when his Temple number was instantly smashed to pieces, he had already personally felt the power that only belongs to the Infinity Stones! But then... so what, I, Thanos, have been doing everything in my life, and I have never been afraid of anyone. ....................."good!"

"Actually, I have to thank you."

"If you hadn't come here in person, I would have had to put in a lot of effort to get the Mind Stone."

A scepter that had been completely deformed and destroyed was casually discarded aside. Holding an infinity stone that shone with yellow light, Qi Jun said with a smile on his face.

However, in Thanos's eyes, this is an unthankful attitude.

Of course, Thanos's true heart definitely doesn't want to see this scene happen.

If he had known that this trip would lead to this outcome, Thanos would never have left his home base.

As the saying goes, only magic can fight magic.

But in Qi Jun’s view, Infinity Stones are better able to deal with Infinity Stones! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommended

Chapter 311 Conversation

In fact, when Qi Jun took action to smash Thanos' Temple into pieces, Qi Jun himself did not use much power.

In addition to...transforming a giant hand and smashing the protective shield formed by the power of the Mind Stone, it was also because of the combined power of the Power Stone and the Space Stone.

Although Qi Jun's current single universe-level top-level strength can break the protective shield condensed by Thanos using the Mind Stone.

But since there is an easier way, why would Qi Jun waste his energy? What's more, wouldn't it be better to use infinite gems to defeat infinite gems... ....."Speaking of which, I've known you for a long time."

Turning his hand, Qi Jun put away the Mind Stone, whose light had dimmed slightly, and said to Thanos Thanos.


Qi Jun waved his hand, and a large sofa-like seat slid over from the side of the command hall and slid to a stop behind Thanos.

Thanos nodded, not realizing that he was trapped in the enemy camp at all. As if he was back home, he sat down casually, his huge body pressing the sofa-like seat to the ground and creaking.

However, fortunately, this thing is still a military product of the Nova Corps, and the quality is still excellent. Although it screamed very loudly, it did not really fall apart.

Of course, it is also possible that Thanos is restraining his own power.

With Qi Jun's eyes, he could easily see that even though Thanos was just sitting there casually, if he really wanted to start a fight, he could still enter combat status in an instant.

............."Then should I feel honored?"

Sitting on the seat, Thanos stared into Qi Jun's eyes and said calmly.


Qi Jun responded casually, but he felt a little emotional in his heart. It had only been so long since he had traveled through time, but he never expected that he would actually be standing in front of Thanos, and he was the winner.

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