"I have collected your information on purpose."

"You appeared very suddenly, so there is no record!"

"And after the records were recorded, it developed extremely rapidly to the huge scale it is today."

“It’s hard to imagine why such a huge accumulation has never been exposed before.”

"Looking at the way you act, you don't look like a low-key person!"

As if two old friends were meeting to chat, Thanos asked Qi Jun with a little curiosity.

"The universe is so big, there are always some places that others cannot explore."

"Isn't it?"

Qi Jun smiled slightly, but... he had no intention of explaining to Thanos.

Such a huge foundation has developed so quickly. There is a ghost foundation. It is just that the plug-in is relatively strong. The time traveler does not have the energy to break the rules. It is still called a time traveler. In fact, Qi Jun is not prepared to say that he belongs to the time traveler. for anyone to listen to.

.........................The generals of the Nova Empire who were watching were all confused.

What's going on? Aren't you hostile? Thanos, there's something wrong with your brain. He Qi Jun blew up all your battleships. How can you still "keep things together" so calmly? And you, Qi Jun, the winner, although Winner Broadband POW, but is it really okay for you to act like a "homely" person......................"Actually"

"I know what you want to do."

"I also know why you want to do this."

Taking a serious look at the wrinkles on Thanos's face, Qi Jun frowned. Looking at it from a close distance, he really didn't think it looked good. Qi Jun's aesthetic sense really couldn't appreciate it.

“But it’s a pity”

"I don't agree with your approach."

"Even those... ideas of yours, in my opinion, are quite naive, even insane!"

Seeing Thanos' somewhat moved expression, Qi Jun shook his head indifferently.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 312: Scolding Thanos to his face

It's ridiculous to say that, after witnessing the rise and fall of his own family group and planet, Thanos arbitrarily believed that it was necessary to limit population development.

Put aside any theories about what will happen if the population is inexplicably reduced by half.

Why don't you take other people's lives seriously? What's the difference between your approach and those people in society who......inexplicably represent others? You have your own ideas, then It's your right. Even if your idea is a bit extreme, we can understand it considering your experience.

But if you want to put these...radical ideas into action, then we won't do it! Why! Every thought comes out, are you naive? Stubborn If you have your own opinion, don’t consider other people’s feelings, and ignore the consequences, are you crazy! .................. “Really?”

"Don't you think that the resources of the universe are limited and there is no upper limit to the population explosion, which can only speed up the destruction of the universe?"

Thanos asked rhetorically.

Thanos thought he had met someone who recognized him, but before he could be happy, he was instantly slapped in the face by this turning point, and his purple face almost turned into black.

I'm Thanos, I'm crazy. I'm afraid you haven't seen a fist as big as a casserole. Well, the seemingly thin Qi Jun in front of Thanos is actually a powerful being who can easily defeat him.

Not to mention a fist as big as a casserole, even a fist as big as a planet.

In the Zhiwu territory, that huge head, as big as a planet, is also telling something invisibly.

At least Thanos still understands what kind of situation he is in now.

Qi Jun didn't kill him, it wasn't because he didn't dare to kill him.

That was just Qi Jun's kindness to him.

.................. "No!"

"Have you ever thought that if the population can skyrocket, the universe can't evolve?"

"The universe is an ever-expanding sphere. There are still a large number of river systems in the universe that have not yet been explored. You start to worry about the destruction of the universe."

"Besides, if the resources are consumed, will they disappear out of thin air? "No!"

"Just like our human planet, we are indeed consuming its resources."

"But the resource has not disappeared, it has just changed its form and continues to be stored on this planet."

"What we lack is the technology to rationally utilize resources!"

"The destruction of Titan is due to...in addition to the sharp increase in resource consumption, there are many other reasons, and you have not found that...sustainable development path!"

“That doesn’t put all the blame on the population explosion!”

Qi Jun answered directly in the affirmative.

"What's more, even if it is really because of excessive resource consumption, the destruction of the universe will accelerate."

"Then you go and do those... powerful elders of the universe, go and do those gods!"

"Tangtang Titan Lord North, how many... resources have you consumed to grow to your current strength?"

"The stronger the person, the greater the consumption of resources. You don't even know this simple truth."

"Or, if you dare to bully ordinary people and confront the elders of the universe and the gods, you are so stupid!"

To be honest, Qi Jun still admires Thanos's spirit of never giving up to achieve his goals.

But as for Thanos’ actions, haha! I don’t even want to complain! Looking at Thanos’ actions, Qi Jun only saw four words! Four bloody big words 44! Bullying! Soft! Afraid! Hard! Knowing that the earth There are space gems and time gems on the planet, but Asgard has Odin, Earth has the Ancient One, and Thanos just... doesn't dare to come.

According to the normal flow of the plot, even if cannon fodder is sent to test, it will be when Odin's strength declines.

But now, as soon as I heard about Odin's death, I immediately came out and wandered around.

It's really cool......... Seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, Qi Jun also understands this principle. In fact, Qi Jun himself also behaves in this way.

However, Qi Jun is actually shameless when it comes to bullying the weak and fearing the strong. To the extent of Thanos.

The whereabouts of the Power Stones. To be honest, Thanos doesn’t know that Thanos, who has been working hard to collect all the Infinity Stones, will not collect information about other Infinity Stones! He doesn’t even know that the Space Stone is on Earth and the Time Stone is in the hands of the Ancient One. Knowing everything clearly, he would not know where the cosmic spirit ball is! But why did Thanos never get it even though he knew it? I really thought Thanos couldn't stand the so-called curse of not being able to possess two Infinity Stones at the same time. In Qi Jun's opinion, this was just because of 'fear'! He was afraid that even if he got the Power Stone, he wouldn't be able to defeat Odin.

He was afraid that even if he got the Power Stone, he wouldn't be able to beat the Ancient One who had the Time Stone.

He was even more afraid that if he got the Power Stone, he would be killed by Odin and Ancient One together.

To be honest, Qi Jun really couldn't stand the fact that the overlord of the universe got involved in this kind of thing.

What the hell is the difference between this and Zhang Sanfeng who managed to become number one in the martial arts world? To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

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