Chapter 313: Punishment? Or is it a bad idea?

Thanos opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. The anger he felt when Qi Jun scolded him from the beginning disappeared, and he seemed to be stunned.

"I turned out to be such a Titan" was scolded by such a strong man as Qi Jun, and Thanos suddenly fell into deep self-doubt.

"I turned out to be the kind of villain who bullies the weak and fears the strong." Thanos thought back on his life and found that what Boss Qi Jun said to Yazi seemed to make sense: "No!"

"That's not the case!"

"How can it be!"

I don't know what Thanos thought of, but he suddenly shook his huge head and refuted Qi Jun's conclusion.

Just kidding, what is my identity as Thanos? I am the overlord of the Sugarcandy universe. How can I be the kind of person who is responsible for causing trouble? I bully the weak and fear the strong! What’s more, I have adhered to the concept for so many years. Is it because you are wrong when you say it is wrong? It’s so nice to think that you can defeat me, Thanos, just because you are who you are! I, Thanos, act in my whole life, so why should I consider other people’s opinions! “I still insist on my opinion!”

"Those cosmic elders were not taken into consideration before. That's just because their number is very rare compared to the infinite public."

“But now that we’ve discovered it, it’s not too late!”

"In the future, in addition to destroying ordinary living beings, I will add another one to destroy those... elders of the universe who only know how to take without knowing anything in return!"

Thanos has Thanos' own persistence, which is a prejudice and obsession rooted deep in the soul. It is impossible for Qi Jun to make Thanos change his mind with just his mouth.

Unless Qi Jun is willing to use mutated gems to add an "invincible mouth cannon" ability to his mouth.

But obviously that is impossible, Qi Jun is not bored to that point........."Tsk"

"Deceiving oneself and others"

Hearing Thanos' words, Qi Jun couldn't help but sigh.

He's a tough talker. Since Thanos doesn't admit his mistakes, Qi Jun can't force others to admit they are wrong.

But since the reasoning didn't make sense, Qi Jun naturally didn't bother to waste any more words.

“Logically speaking”

"You have attacked my allies."

"He keeps trying to kill my men again."

"I should have just killed you."

"But I appreciate your persistence, although in my opinion, it is not correct."

"For this persistence, I forgive your death penalty!"

"But death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided!"

"Go to Saka Star and reflect on it!"

.....................Bang! Qi Jun casually waved his hand towards the outside of the command ship.

A door to space suddenly opened, a bright blue, illuminating the approaching Nova Legion command ship as if the entire ship was dyed blue.

Ignoring those...the Nova Legion generals were shocked, Qi Jun once again shook his hand and grabbed Thanos.

Thanos had just jumped up from his seat and was about to resist, but he seemed to be grabbed by a big invisible hand and imprisoned, unable to move at all.

Thanos struggled hard.

Unfortunately, it was a completely useless effort.

Ignoring Thanos's deadly glare, Qi Jun gently shook his hand.

A crunching sound came from Thanos' body.


Finally, I don't know if Qi Jun pinched Thanos's pain point, but Thanos finally couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.


Qi Jun stopped his movements, held his palms empty, and threw them out of the battleship.

An unpredictable space fluctuation flashed past, and Thanos immediately disappeared from the command ship. When he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the space door emitting blue light, but in the next moment, he rushed 'Entered the door of space and disappeared without a trace.

Bang! With a snap of Qi Jun's fingers, the space door that was emitting a blue light just now disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared at all.

The generals, officers and soldiers of the Nova Corps who witnessed all this happened did not dare to express even a single breath.

God! That's the famous 'Dehumanizing Thanos'. He was so easily taken care of by people, oh no, so easily taken care of by gods...... ..... "Although the action just now seems to have severely injured Thanos, Thanos still has the strength of a heavenly father."

"Gao Tianzun is also a veteran elder of the universe, or a veteran god."

"I wonder what kind of sparks will be produced when these two guys collide."

Xu squinted his eyes, Qi Jun secretly guessed.

.............................Yes, Qi Jun directly threw Thanos to the Sakaar planet where Gao Tianzun is located.

As Qi Jun said before, although Thanos provoked him, well, his men, Qi Jun himself had no intention of killing Thanos.

But Thanos offended Qi Jun's face. This is an undisputed fact, so he must be punished.

It just so happens.

When Qi Jun was refining the control core of the small universe, he also mastered most of the rules of the main universe almost at the same time.

Although the small universe and the main universe are mutually exclusive, they are actually linked to each other.

Having the same origin means that while Qi Jun controls the small universe, he also almost controls the main universe.

Although it is only equivalent to controlling most of it, it is also equivalent to the absolute god of space in this Marvel universe.

As for the location of Saka, Qi Jun knew where it was just by thinking about it.

Maybe it’s out of bad taste, or maybe Qi Jun wants to see what it’s like when Thanos actually fights a strong man equal to his own strength, or even a strong man stronger than him. Performance.

So, just with such an idea, Qi Jun punished Thanos' "Little Earth" and threw it away to Sakaar.

With Thanos and Gao Tianzun's behavior, character, and personality, Qi Jun is not worried that these two guys will join forces.

What's more, even if we unite, we will still end up being dealt with by Qi Jun... "Sir, what should we do next?" "

Seeing that everything had been dealt with, Taibai slowly stepped forward and asked Qi Jun.

Taibai knew what he should do when, just like when Qi Jun was pretending to be beeping just now, he naturally became a crowd-pleaser.

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