"You guys still know how to ask for help!"

"Didn't you run very smoothly just now?"

"How come you see an old friend doing better than you?"

"I'm sorry"

Instead of responding to Tony Stark's request for help immediately, Qi Jun happily teased Tony Stark through Taibai's communication system.

......................... However, while making fun of Tony Stark, Qi Jun glanced at the overwhelming Thanos from the outer universe in the projection. The Dark Army.

Qi Jun was thinking about whether he should hit the Infinity Stones in his hand again sometime. You know, Qi Jun almost had a full set of Infinity Stones in his hands now.

The space gem, the time gem, the power gem, the soul gem that was just snatched, and the soul gem that was temporarily given to Hela.

There are only six Infinity Stones in total, and Qi Jun already has five in his hands! What a huge fortune! With only the last Reality Stone missing, Qi Jun can snap his fingers and control the entire Marvel Universe. The universe did whatever it wanted for the Power Stone + the Jianbao, and they collided with the Mind Stone, and actually tore a hole in the barrier of the universe.

With such a magical thing appearing in front of his eyes, how could Qi Jun not be curious about what would happen if he collided with several other Infinity Stones? If multiple Infinity Stones were to collide with each other, would it directly tear apart an unhealable universe? Not to mention the cracks in the barrier and even the direct collision of a passage linking different universes. Thinking of this, Qi Jun really felt a little itchy in his heart.


"get rid of"

"Brother Qi Jun, come and help me."

The real-time propagation attribute of quantum communication naturally makes Tony Tucker probably have a venomous tongue in normal times.

But what a pity now, Tony has a vicious tongue and has no interest in fighting back.

In fact, as long as Qi Jun can come to Earth to kill Thanos, who he thinks has carried out the plan of "secretly destroying Chen Cang", you can ask him to do anything as Tony "Real Man" Stark.

....................."Ha ha"

"Alright alright"

"We'll be right over!"

Seeing Tony Stark's reaction, Qi Jun laughed and comforted him.

Speaking of which, after Qi Jun traveled to the Marvel Universe, he had almost no friends.

Skye and others are more of subordinates than friends.

Even if Taibai is promoted to become an intelligent life form of Transformers, then he is even less of a friend.

Taibai more often appears as Qi Jun's housekeeper. When he is not with Qi Jun, he is the person in charge of the Polar Star Realm.

After counting, Tony Stark, a rather venomous guy, seemed more like a friend.

..................... "You should handle the follow-up matters here yourself."

He gave instructions to the generals of the Nova Corps who were waiting for instructions.

"let's go!"

Without waiting: the generals replied, Qi Jun directly drew a teleportation door and stepped in.

Taibai nodded to the generals, signaled, and then stepped into the portal.

Skye and others naturally hurried to follow.

To them, the Earth is their home planet, and they also want to see what Thanos is like on Earth.


"Brother Qi Jun!"

"Finally you guys have seen it!"

“It’s really great!”

On Earth, a space portal suddenly appeared on the battlefield, but Tony Stark, who was tired of running for his life, was overjoyed and hurriedly flew over to join them.

"How about it"

"Are you going to run away as soon as you hear my name?"

Seeing Tony Stark rushing towards him as if he were seeing a long-lost relative, Qi Jun couldn't help but tease him again.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 316 The powerful outer universe

The three 3 Thanos generals who had been chasing Tony Stark saw the mysterious way Qi Jun and others appeared, and couldn't help but stop their pursuit and observe from a distance.

Of course, he might be reporting something to Thanos, waiting for new orders or something.

"I didn't expect that the Earth, which had changed so much, would still be so vulnerable when faced with Thanos' army pressing down on it!"

Not paying attention to the three Black Glory generals under Thanos who were eyeing him not far away, Qi Jun instead looked at the entire battlefield on earth and sighed with emotion.

That's right, what Qi Jun saw was not the Earth's power group that was different from the past fighting against Thanos' army.

The real scene is that Thanos’ army directly suppresses the entire Earth’s army! ............. “Perhaps it’s because most of the Earth’s power is released. It’s in the universe”

With Qi Jun by his side, Tony Stark finally breathed a sigh of relief and was ready to answer the question.


Qi Jun shook his head but didn't say much.

Perhaps as Tony Stark said, although the power of the earth has skyrocketed due to Qi Jun's butterfly effect, precisely because the earth has entered the interstellar age, there is not much power left on the earth.

The emergence of Thanos, especially this Thanos from the outer universe, came directly with an extremely large interstellar fleet, which directly overwhelmed the earth.

.........................But with Qi Jun's current strength and vision.

But in these... visitors from the outer universe, we see strengths that are very different from those in this universe! That's right! This Thanos fleet from the outer universe is even more powerful than in this universe. The strength of the interstellar fleet that has been wiped out by Taibai will be at least several times greater! Not to mention anything else, the three Black Glory generals under Thanos who are chasing Tony Stark are actually as strong as each other. They are all God-level strength! Damn it, no wonder Tony Stark, who is completely different from the one in the plot, is still being chased away like a dog even if he joins the battle in a hurry.

Qi Jun saw very clearly that these three black generals were all of Heavenly Father level strength.

Although these three guys are just entering the Heavenly Father level for the first time, they are definitely not something that Tony Stark can handle.

The Thanos of this world is also a powerful boss with Father-level strength. Tony Stark can't do anything to him. Even though the Thanos of this universe is the top of the Father-level, these three 3 have just entered the Father-level. Naturally, it is impossible for a powerful warrior to be dealt with by Tony Stark.

....................."So to say"

"This unexpected discovery of the outer universe"

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