"In other words, this accidentally discovered parallel universe in the multiverse is much more powerful than this universe!"

Staring at the huge "Temple 2" battleship in orbit outside the Earth's outer space, Qi Jun looked a little solemn.

"There are still two guys with Heavenly Father-level strength, and there are countless planet-level masters."


"That... guy who has reached the single universe level."

"I'm afraid he's Thanos from the outer universe!"

“I really didn’t expect that!”

"There has never been anyone of the same level in this universe."

"There are a lot of things in the outer universe...!!!!"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 317 Arrangement \u0026 Calculation

Take a look at the point.

Since Thanos in the outer universe can reach a single universe-level strength, then how can the strength of those who have always been against Thanos be lower than in this world of Thanos in the outer universe, there are so many powerful people at the Heavenly Father level? , and it can definitely be regarded as an existence that grabs a lot of them.

As for a single universe-level boss, he may be no less than double ten! ............. "Taibai"

"Send the strongest Transformers squad and the strongest fleet squad to return to the Earth as quickly as possible!"

Without much delay, Qi Jun directly issued the order.

If Thanos from the outer universe was just a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, Qi Jun could continue to treat him like a game.

But it is a pity that in Temple II 2 in the outer orbit of the earth, this Thanos from the outer universe is actually a single universe-level boss at the same level as Qi Jun! Even if the strength of this outer universe Thanos is not as high as that of Qi Jun, Qi Jun is the pinnacle of the single universe level, but he is definitely not an existence that Qi Jun can treat lightly.

King against king, general against general, small soldier against small soldier.

Now, we have the king and the soldiers, but the earth's generals are lacking. This is obviously a very disadvantageous problem for the earth.

Not to mention that most of the earth's power has been sent to the stars in the universe.

But even if they are not sent out, Thanos's five Black Radiant Generals with 55 Heavenly Father-level strength can massacre the entire earth.

With the strength of Qi Jun and Thanos from the outer universe, even a slight fluctuation in the battle would cause huge harm to the earth.

Therefore, Qi Jun must lead Thanos from the outer universe to the starry sky further away.

In order to prevent the earth from being slaughtered, the most correct countermeasure is for Taibai to send support as quickly as possible.

........As for these.........the question of whether support can compete with the five big guys, I have been committed to... For Qi Jun to solve all the difficult problems for Taibai, it is not a problem at all! Ever since Gu Yi and Odin appeared in front of Qi Jun, Taibai has been looking for a solution to the powerful Heavenly Father level.

And then after Soverein's trip to the star of Mora, especially after quietly breaking through the information database of all known forces, Taibai had already created countless exclusive weapons specifically for the Heavenly Father-level powerhouses. 'Yes.

What Taibai lacks is just no experimental subjects, and now, doesn’t he have this opportunity! This is simply a testing opportunity that comes to his door! It’s just five 55-year-old strong men with Heavenly Father-level strength, Taibai He is already thinking about how to 'experiment' his test weapon to the maximum extent! After all, if it is destroyed by one shot, where can he find such a suitable experimental object... ..."too white"

"You are responsible for keeping them safe."

Qi Jun pointed at Tony, Skye and others and said.

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai takes orders.

Qi Junke wasn't worried at all that Taibai couldn't do it.

You know, Qi Jun's body for Taibai cost him an unknown number of energy points. His physical strength alone can defeat the so-called Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, not to mention... Taibai has more secret weapons. '! It can be said that Taibai cannot defeat Thanos from the outer universe, but if he bullies these... the five Obsidian generals from the outer universe, it would be like an adult beating a child. Just as easy.

But in order to temper the combat effectiveness of Skye and others, Qi Jun asked Taibai to focus more on protection.

In fact, Qi Jun also saw that Skye and his group were almost ready to advance when they fought Thanos in this universe, or they had already reached the threshold of Heavenly Father-level strength.

Since it's so suitable and given this opportunity, why not use it!............"I'll go meet that..."He's from the outer universe, Thanos!"

Sensing the power of every trace of the Mind Stone in the 'Temple 2' that is firmly stationed in the outer orbit of the Earth.

Qi Jun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, flipped his hand, deliberately took out the space gem from the storage space, and activated its teleportation ability.

With a whoosh, Qi Jun was teleported directly to the edge of the solar system and waited quietly.

.....In fact, this is a conspiracy! Qi Jun is confident that he can lure Thanos away from the outer universe without meeting him face to face.

After calculating everything, Qi Jun didn't believe that using the space gems as bait, Thanos from the outer universe would come! You know, no matter what version of Thanos, the Infinity Stones will always be his collection target. !To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 318 Speculation \u0026 Power

Qi Jun was not asked to wait any longer.

In other words, everything was as Qi Jun expected.

A wave of space flashed across the space, and the starry sky not far from Qi Jun was suddenly torn apart by something invisible, and Thanos from the outer universe walked out directly.

Afterwards, the space cracks healed, the space fluctuations disappeared, and Thanos of the outer universe, holding a double-edged sword inlaid with the Mind Stone, stood not far in front of Qi Jun.

As an outer-universe Thanos whose strength has reached the level of a single universe, although he does not have a space gem, he can tear apart space at any time and achieve the same effect as space shuttle! At this time, the so-called last shortcoming of the Titans is that they cannot fly. It was also directly eliminated invisible.

What kind of flight can be faster than direct space travel... "Have you ever seen 'death'?"

The principle that sound cannot be transmitted in the starry sky is a joke in front of a single universe-level boss.

Glancing at the double-blade war blade inlaid with the Mind Stone, and carefully sizing up Thanos from the outer universe, Qi Jun asked with a hint, while secretly guessing in his heart.

..................... The 'death' Qi Jun asked about is not... a fake product like 'HeLa'.

What Qi Jun asked about was the 'death' of one of the five supreme gods in the entire Marvel universe.

In the Marvel world, the power system is messy and chaotic. Maybe Thanos in this universe is the Heavenly Father level, but in another multiverse he is...the single universe level, and in another multiverse, it becomes a planet. Super! But one thing is that the five supreme gods of the entire Marvel universe remain unchanged.

Death! Eternity! Infinity! Annihilation! And, Galactus! Although in various multiverses, the so-called Uncle Tun has been defeated over and over again, but those... are just the projection of Galactus in various multiverses.

Galactus killed those again... but they were just clones! Even in this universe, Qi Jun had already sensed the existence of that... bottomless pit-like 'Uncle Tun' , but obviously Qi Jun did not disturb his thoughts.

Qi Jun has no interest in... destroying a clone whose only instinct is to eat.

What's more, if he really ran to kill him, it also meant that Qi Jun directly entered the sight of the five supreme gods in the Marvel Universe! For...Qi Jun, this was really the last resort! Where Qi Jun is now In this part of the universe, although there is a clone of 'Uncle Tun', there is no figure of gods such as 'Death', and there is not even a trace of records.

But this is also consistent with the fact that before Qi Jun, the strongest individual in this universe was only at the Heavenly Father level.

After all, gods such as ‘Death’ do not have the same interest or hunger as ‘Uncle Tun’, and they put their clones and projections in every Marvel parallel universe.

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