The fact that Thanos in the outer universe can reach the level of a single universe shows that the background of this outer universe is very high, and it is very possible to have the projection of the supreme god such as 'Death'! The most important thing is! Being 'death' There are essential and fundamental differences between Thanos who is fooling into snapping his fingers and Thanos who is crazy and wants to snap his fingers! One is already hopeless, but the other can still be saved.

But don’t be that kind of Thanos who was brainwashed by ‘Death’! While guessing, Qi Jun couldn’t help but worry.


"You have also seen my god"

Upon hearing Qi Jun's inquiry, Thanos' expression suddenly changed. His eyes were fixed on Qi Jun, his whole body tensed, and he was instantly ready for battle.


Qi Jun's heart suddenly... thumped, and he even cursed secretly.

"What the hell is going on!"

Qi Jun is not blind, so the changes in Thanos' state in the outer universe cannot escape Qi Jun's observation and perception.

At the moment when 'death' is mentioned, the change in attitude of Thanos in the outer universe is enough to illustrate the problem! "What the hell!"

"Don't you just want to be lazy? As for sending such a 'big' person in front of you?"

Qi Jun even secretly hated himself for a moment, so he just punched Thanos in this universe and knocked him unconscious. But now, he wanted to be lazy, but ended up using the infinite stones to knock out the five major players in the Marvel world. A big trouble has arisen from the death of one of the supreme gods.

Qi Jun even wondered if that old bitch Death was already quietly observing Nima somewhere in the dark! With a single universe-level strength, in front of Death, he was just a younger brother! ...................."hey-hey"

"I won't tell you!"

Qi Jun laughed mischievously, looking like he wouldn't tell you, which made Thanos' veins pop out.

From the information that Qi Jun knows, any Thanos who has died is not a good thing.

Those... Thanos either coveted Death's body and transformed into the most powerful licking dog, doing whatever Death said. Or, they simply were brainwashed by Death and became Death. 'Death' is the strongest dead warrior, 'Death' can do whatever he says! And what does 'Death' want? What he wants is... the death of the creatures in the universe! Since neither the left nor the right can be friends, there is no way. The way to turn hostility into friendship is to use nice words...that's bullshit! Let's just start fighting! Qi Jun has already thought about it, so he won't care about it for now...

This one is 'dead'. After dispatching the Thanos of the outer universe, he immediately went to 'collect' the ether particles. What about the astronomical beauty of the nine-star series? Whoever loves to wait, just wait! Then take back the soul gem. , and then directly 'sacrifice' all six Infinity Stones to the mutant gems. Qi Jun did not believe that with the golden thigh of the mutant gems, how could 'Death' kill himself without the positioning of the infinite gems? Let the mutated gem give you a hidden mark, and you won't be able to find yourself even if you keep it! .................. "Disrespectful to my God!"

"You should kill him yourself!"

I don't know if this Thanos from the outer universe regards Qi Jun as an 'underestimated enemy' or a 'blasphemer'. In short, he will fight whenever they disagree. If there are problems that can be solved through fighting, Thanos from the outer universe will never do it. !A powerful force wrapped around the double-blade war blades, and Thanos from the outer universe slashed straight at Qi Jun! .................. "嘁"

"Want to kill me"

"You're still far away!"

Qi Jun didn't even bother to hide. He held the space gem in his hand and activated its infinite energy. With unmatched power, he punched Thanos' war blade from the outer universe. .

.....................Boom!!! A loud explosion exploded from the intersection between the blade and the fist.

A series of powerful impacts erupted from the center.

Both Thanos and Qi Jun from the outer universe were impacted by the explosion and flew far away.

......................... Taibai, who had been monitoring the starry sky, even instantly lost sight of Thanos and Qi Jun from the outer universe.

But what shocked Taibai deeply was.

With the formation of the explosion impact, the powerful shock wave even impacted the outer Neptune region of the solar system, directly clearing part of the Kuiper Belt.

From a distance, it seems like a donut has been bitten...and this is just a blow! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 319 Testing

The strength of a single universe-level boss was truly displayed in front of everyone for the first time.

But it was so terrifying! Just one blow from each other, and the aftermath caused a large piece of Kuiper to be emptied! It was emptied directly! It was like a donut that was bitten directly. It's like a mouthful! That seemingly small gap is actually the range of who knows how many astronomical units! Looking at it like this, I am afraid that if Odin is resurrected, he will be scared to death again! You know, Heavenly Father Although super masters can also blow up planets, that... is definitely not easy at all.

But now, the aftermath of a confrontation between two single universe-level bosses has directly cleared out the starry sky in an unknown number of astronomical units. The Kuiper Belt contains many meteorites, asteroids, etc. that are as big as planets...

A Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, in front of a single universe-level boss, is just a younger brother! ........ Another wave of space fluctuations, completely purified A crack was once again torn apart in the starry sky.

Thanos from the outer universe, holding a double-bladed war blade, walked out of the crack and looked fiercely at Qi Jun, who appeared silently on the opposite side.

Comparing the way they appear, the two's strengths can be instantly distinguished.

Of course, Qi Jun is not arrogant just because Thanos' strength is lower than his own.

In fact, the strength of a single universe-level boss is no longer just about the energy abundance in his body.

The strength of a single universe-level boss is more important than his deep control over the rules of the universe.

"did not expect"

"As the death warrior of 'Death', the most famous Thanos does not master the 'rules of death'!"

Holding the empty stone emitting blue light in his hand, Qi Jun looked at Thanos of the outer universe with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

.................. "Any force can serve my god!"

Qi Jun said that he was a warrior of "death", and Thanos from the outer universe did not refute it, or in other words, he never thought of refuting it.

Thanos from the outer universe only knows that as a "Death Soldier", he only needs to complete the orders given by Death.

As a ‘dead soul under the blade’, if you have any thoughts, you can tell ‘Death’ personally! “Kill!”

Thanos from the outer universe, who carried out the "death" order and had the task of killing all living beings in sight, did not talk to Qi Jun at all.

Having already tested Qi Jun's strength, Thanos's eyes from the outer universe became colder and colder. He directly held the war blade and burst out with a powerful force, slashing at Qi Jun.

.................. "Made!"

"This bitch actually knows how to break the rules!"

After the test just now, while Thanos in the outer universe detected Qi Jun's strength, Qi Jun also understood the power system of Thanos in the outer universe.

This power is actually the same destructive power as the 'Power Gem'! .................."However, although it has the same ability as the 'Power Gem' .”

"But in front of the real 'power gem', you'd better just lie down for me!"

Seeing Thanos from the outer universe strike with his strongest blow, Qi Jun calmly took out another 1 Infinity Stone.

"Lie down for me!"

Holding an 1 Infinity Stone in each hand, Qi Jun also smashed it towards Thanos from the outer universe.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 320: Beaten!

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