
When he saw another 1 Infinity Stone popping up in Qi Jun's hand, especially when this Infinity Stone was a 'power stone', Thanos from the outer universe was just... confused.

However, if you are distracted during a battle, especially in front of an opponent who is a big boss at the same level, the joke will be too big! Boom!!! How could Qi Jun let go of this opportunity? It was like a hammer hitting a big drum, and a shocking dull sound came out, which made people feel severe pain just by listening to it.

Qi Jun's fist, which was originally aimed at the middle handle of the war blade in Thanos' hand, deflected slightly and hit Thanos's chest from the outer universe.

The dual-open war blades are blessed with infinite energy from the Infinity Stones, but Thanos himself from the outer universe is not so tightly protected.

Poof, there was no accident. Thanos of the outer universe was once again beaten away, along with the purple-red blood that was scattered in the starry sky of the universe.

There was also a clicking sound that reached Qi Jun's ears. Qi Jun's punch, which was full of the destructive power of the 'power gem', even though Thanos of the outer universe was a single universe-level boss, at least he was beaten by Qi Jun. Jun broke four or five chest ribs on the spot! .................. "Shhhhhhh"

Withdrawing his fist, Qi Jun gave a rare whistle. Even though the whistle did not spread very far in the starry sky, it dissipated directly... ..."very good!"

"I actually have two Infinity Stones!"

"But soon it will all be mine!"

"It's been a long time since I've met an opponent who can let me attack with all my strength!"

"Although you have met the requirements to be granted the title of God's envoy"

"But I still decided..."

"Kill you!"

The space was torn apart again, and Thanos from the outer universe stepped out of the void, but this time, Thanos's face was full of ferocity.

.................. "Fuck,!"

"What the hell kind of recovery ability is this?"

Qi Jun directly ignored Thanos' lies, but was surprised by Thanos' recovery speed in the outer universe.

Qi Jun could see clearly that Thanos from the outer universe who had just been blown away had at least four or five ribs broken by him. But in the blink of an eye, when this guy came back to face him again, his injuries were completely After recovering, if it weren't for the trace of blood on the corner of Thanos' mouth from the outer universe, Qi Jun would have even doubted whether he had just hit this guy.

What he had just used was the destructive power of the 'Power Gem'! When could the destructive power, or even the breaking of rules, be easily ignored? Qi Jun was also a little confused.

"Could it be"

"It's because Thanos's own ability is the power of destruction."

"The destructive power of the 'Power Gem' just now hurt this guy suddenly."

"But in the end, he was assimilated and absorbed by this guy."

Qi Jun frowned, thinking and judging quickly in his heart.

"How about changing your strength and trying again?"

Qi Jun looked at the 'Space Stone' and 'Power Stone' in his hand. Neither of these two items seemed to pose much of a threat to Thanos...................... ."Suffer death!"

Thanos from the outer universe doesn't care what Qi Jun is thinking.

For the Thanos of the outer universe, since he has said that he will kill you, he will never leave you to chat! The Thanos of the outer universe directly added the destructive power he cultivated to the war blade, and the battle blade swung across the Huge space cracks were torn apart everywhere, and the huge space suction force was continuously transmitted from these space cracks.

Of course, for two big guys who are both single-universe level strength, they are not even qualified to scratch an itch.

.................. "Yeah!"

"do not care!"

"First give this guy a good beating!"

Qi Jun was also angry when his thoughts were interrupted by Thanos from the outer universe.

"Old thief!"

"Look at that bitch!"

Qi Jun waved his two huge fists and struck directly at Thanos.

Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! How could Qi Jun, who was furious, be able to resist Thanos from the outer universe? Qi Jun, who has reached the peak strength of a single universe, has the power of various rules at his fingertips. .

On the surface, Qi Jun just holds the 'Space Stone' and the Power Stone in each hand.

But in fact, when various attacks fell on Thanos, they were the power of rules in various combinations.

For a moment, Thanos from the outer universe was about to be hammered to tears.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 321: Throw Thanos out of this universe like trash!


"Something seems wrong!"

After beating Thanos from the outer universe, Qi Jun's anger dissipated a lot.

However, Qi Jun discovered that Thanos from the outer universe actually had extremely powerful recovery properties! Moreover, no matter what kind of injury he suffered, he could quickly repair it.

“This Thanos is following that old perverted bitch ‘Death’.”

"Logically speaking, it's impossible to have any recovery abilities."

"Senior warriors of 'Death', killing is the first priority, right?"

"No matter how you look at it, it's impossible for 'Death' to give its own divine messenger such abnormal recovery abilities!"


"That is to say"

"This is the 'immortality curse' of that perverted old bitch 'Death'"

Suddenly, Qi Jun thought of something, and hurriedly punched Thanos again until he was seriously injured and dying, and then began to investigate carefully.


"Hey, cough, hey, come again!"

"How much energy do you have left to expend?"

"But I can fight you until the universe is destroyed!"

Although he was seriously injured by Qi Jun again, Thanos from the outer universe did not show any signs of depression. Instead, his expression became more... ferocious.

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