After putting away the Reality Stone, Qi Jun left this abyss-sealed place with satisfaction.

After the subordinates are settled, it’s time to start the multiverse travel plan! .................. "No!"

"This is impossible!!!"

Just after Qi Jun sacrificed all parts of the ether particles to the mutated gem except for the reality gem, Malekith, who was far away in Watheim, suddenly screamed in agony.

However, regardless of whether it is Cross: The information displayed by the search and positioning module of the sword battleship is interrupted.

Or, Malekith's own parasitic connection with the etheric particles is completely broken.

All of this shows that the 'ether particles' really have nothing to do with the dark elves! This is a complete interruption of the parasitic relationship! You know, after the ether particles were sealed by Odin's father, even if Malekith senses When we reach the position of the ether particles, even if the connection with the ether particles weakens to almost nothing, the mutual connection has not been interrupted! Otherwise, how could Malekith know immediately that the ether particles have broken free of the seal! " Odin!"


"It must be Odin!"

"He also has the Infinity Stones."

"He must have destroyed the ether particles."


"And Asgard!"

"I want you to die without a burial place!!!"

Malekith, who was completely unaware of the truth, instantly focused his hatred on Odin and Asgard.


"Awaken all dark warriors!"

"We will die with Asgard!"

Cross: A shrill roar came from the sword battleship again.

.....................Poor Spicy Chicken Shreds To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 326: Traveling through the Mutant Universe

In the strange starry sky of the universe, a crack in space flashed past.

From the sudden appearance to the automatic healing, it took less than two seconds. No one knew that a spatial crack had been torn here, and no force had detected the traces of this crack.

But after this crack healed and disappeared, there was an extra alien population in this universe! "Well..."

"This seems to be different from the place where Thanos went in the outer universe before..."

Silently taking back the 'Power Stone', 'Space Stone', and 'Time Stone', Qi Jun suddenly appeared and carefully felt the rules and laws of this universe. He immediately discovered that it was completely different from the universe Thanos went to in the previous outer universe. no the same.

Qi Jun even clearly discovered that in this universe, the power of rules and laws seems to be more active! "In other words, there are more masters in this universe."

Qi Jun grinned and smiled.

For Qi Jun, as long as the five supreme gods do not personally attack him, no matter how powerful they are, they can only give him experience in the end.


"Let's find the Earth of this world first!"

"The Marvel world is diverse and there are too many weird and weird multiverses. I hope this world is not that kind of... zombie universe."

Muttering to himself, Qi Jun released one of Taibai's latest explosive fifth-generation warships, teleported into the command room, ordered the ship's intelligence to connect to the cosmic star network, and headed for the nearest shuttle wormhole [].

The space rift torn apart by the collision of the Infinity Stones does not necessarily open near the earth.

What if this crack is not in the Milky Way... That's right! Qi Jun has left the manga he traveled through in the first place... The multiverse.

After taking away the Reality Stone, he ordered his subordinates to stop expanding and begin to reduce their strength.

After arranging a series of measures, Qi Jun left a small universe shuttle gate on the Steel Star in the Polar Star Domain that was usually hidden in subspace and could only be activated by high-level officials such as Taibai and Skye. By the way, he temporarily placed it at sea. Recover the soul gem from Lala.

Then, Qi Jun directly used the three Infinity Stones of 'Power Stone' + Space Stone' + Time Stone to collide with each other with a powerful blow, tearing a crack into the initial barrier of the universe and leaving in an instant.

Qi Jun did not take away any of these subordinates, not even Taibai who had been with Qi Jun for the longest time! What Qi Jun took away was only some of Taibai’s top technological crystallizations, as well as all the technology and information materials .

Qi Jun is not a person who burns bridges by crossing rivers. In fact, Qi Jun also thought of at least bringing Taibai with him. Taibai definitely deserves the most credit for Qi Jun's journey.

But Qi Jun thought about it carefully and finally did not take away Taibai, but only took away the intelligence of a copy of Taibai.

After all, Taibai has changed from an intelligence to a real life.

And after Taibai becomes a real life, if he wants to have a breakthrough with strength, he can't just add powerful parts to his body casually like before.

In other words, neither Taibai nor anyone else could keep up with the pace of Qi Jun's progress.

Sooner or later, Qi Jun's journey to promotion will come face to face with the five supreme gods of the Marvel world, or even higher.

Instead of... being used as cannon fodder in the future, it is better to give up now and settle down, which will be the last concern in Qi Jun's heart.

Who is the dark elf Maleki? Qi Jun has never even thought about it! .................. "This is actually the Marvel multiverse A mutant universe in!”

Sitting in the fifth-generation Baobao warship, Qi Jun did not know how many wormholes he passed through before the warship finally arrived near the earth in this universe.

Divine thoughts surged out and roughly scanned the earth, and Qi Jun immediately had a rough understanding in his mind.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 327 Charles’ Perception


"Turn on the full stealth system and park the warship in the earth's synchronous orbit!"

Now that the battleship has been released, Qi Jun has no intention of taking it back.

Moreover, as for data processing, there are fifth generation battleships and Xiaobai intelligent processing, so why bother yourself.



Xiaobai executed the order decisively.

Xiaobai, the intelligent copy of Taibai, does not have Taibai's emotional module is completely...a replica of Taibai.

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