In order to avoid the situation where his subordinates could not keep up because his strength improved too quickly, Qi Jun directly deleted Xiaobai's emotional module.

In this way, no matter how far Qi Jun grows in the future, no matter what kind of unprovoked enemies Qi Jun provokes in the future, Qi Jun can always take Xiaobai with him. Run away, or even die.

After all, it is just an intelligent program. Without the emotional module, Xiaobai will naturally never be able to evolve into a real life.

Naturally, Qi Junzhong is no longer concerned about Xiaobai, who can replicate himself infinitely, or even his obsession.

..................... "This is actually a mutant universe in the Marvel multiverse!"

After roughly scanning the earth with his spiritual mind, Qi Jun easily discovered which branch of the Marvel multiverse this earth belonged to.

What kind of 'Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters', what kind of fraternity, etc. are all invisible in Qi Jun's spiritual scan! "However, even though it is a mutant universe"

"But it doesn't seem like it's just a mutant universe!"

"There's still Hydra here, there's still S.H.I.E.L.D."


"No, in the current timeline, it's not called S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., but the global espionage organization composed of that long string of words!”

"The current timeline is actually only the tenth generation of the 20th century."

"Hmm... Let's do some calculations. Could it be the plot?"

"Well..., there is also the Pegasus Project, and Big Mom hasn't become Captain Marvel yet."


"This bald head can actually sense my spiritual thoughts."

Suddenly, Qi Jun, who was thinking aloud, was startled, and turned his head to look in the direction of the 'Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters'.

Qi Jun's eyes seemed to have penetrated endless barriers, and he saw the big, well-groomed and blinding figure... Hey, it's not a bald head or some other famous professor. Why does he have thick hair? "Yes." hair.

But it’s not a professor at all!”

Qi Jun muttered... Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Principal's Office "Has any powerful being descended on the earth?"

Looking at the blue sky through the window, Charles Xavier muttered to himself somewhat suspiciously.


"Did something happen?"

Jean Gray, who was taught to suppress the secret cell, noticed something strange about Professor Charles, took a few steps forward, held the handle of Professor Charles' wheelchair, and asked softly.

"have no idea"

"I feel like there is some advanced being that has scanned the entire earth."

"But I concentrated all my energy to explore, but found nothing."

"The feeling I had just now seemed like an illusion, as if it was my imagination."

The hairy Professor Charles frowned, thought for a moment, and explained to Jean Gray.


Jean Gray looked confused.

"Do you really have such a perception?"

"Perhaps you have been too tired recently"

"Have you not given up on searching for Magneto yet?"

Jean Gray knew that just last night, Professor Charles used an electroencephalograph.

Qin Gray, whose dark personality was sealed, never thought about how powerful Professor's perception was.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 328 Target

"Jean Grey!"


Through the barrier of space, Qi Jun looked at the girl who was pushing the wheelchair.

As far as Qi Jun knows, Qin Gray is only a level three mutant.

Its mutant abilities are telepathy and mind control, and its strength level is similar to that of the White Queen.

But! Pay attention! There is a but here! It can be said to be lucky or unlucky. In short, Qin Gray was hosted by a piece of incomplete Phoenix Force! Therefore, Qin Gray became a three-pole mutant in the regular state. But the explosive state is a powerful existence of fifth-level mutants! You know, even the top masters of the two major mutants, Shi and Magneto, are only fourth-level mutants without being amplified by Apocalypse. Just people.

Although Qi Jun understands that the Phoenix Power is not a mutant ability.

In Qi Jun's view, Phoenix Girl is only a third-level mutant, not a fifth-level mutant.

But does Shi understand? Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t understand, but Qi Jun doesn’t care! .................. What Qi Jun cares about is the power of the Phoenix! The power of the Phoenix , exists in the Marvel Universe.

Representing life and emotion, it is the incarnation of the life and spiritual energy of the original universe.

The Phoenix Force comes from the original universe and is the energy container for future generations of the entire multiverse.

According to Qi Jun's estimation, the small amount of power lodged in the Phoenix Girl can make Qin Gray become: as powerful as a fifth-level mutant, and as complete as the Phoenix... Of course, the current Qi Jun is not fully equipped with the Phoenix Force.

It was a kind of existence that even the multiverse-level bosses talked about with disdain. Qi Jun felt that he had not lived enough yet and did not want to ask for trouble and die.

However, whether it is a small piece of Phoenix Power or the complete Phoenix Power, they are all somewhat related to each other.

Qi Jun just wants to attract a part of the Phoenix power, and then swallow it! Qi Jun can prepare to fuse a few more infinite gems, and then sacrifice them to the mutated gems, and then feedback himself to break through the shackles and advance to a higher level. strength.

And the Phoenix Power, which looks so easy to swallow and can swallow up all the big guys in the multiverse at will, can't it also provide a more powerful help for one's strength promotion......... .....Qi Jun doesn't think he is whimsical.

This is clear and clear, and there is indeed a lot of room for manipulation! However, Qi Jun is not ready to activate the Phoenix Power that resides in Qin Gray's body right away.

The current Qin Gray is still very weak in Qi Jun's opinion. Even if the Phoenix Power residing in her body is activated, she cannot reach the strongest level.

In this state, to Qi Jun, it was like tasteless food. It was a pity to throw it away. What's more, Qi Jun's original purpose of traveling through the multiverse was not for the Phoenix Force.

Qi Jun's original purpose was to collect and fuse more infinite gems.

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