To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 336 Charles was frightened again

Charles and Hank were taken into custody.

After entering the large office on the base, the employees left and closed the door behind them.

No one thought these two guys could do anything to the 'real robot' in the room.

Even though Charles' ability is very threatening to humans, in front of a real robot, he is no different from a defenseless baby.

.................. "What did you want to ask when you brought us here?"

"As long as I know and can tell you, I will cooperate with you in answering!"

Although Charles was surprised that this real robot had been standing still since they entered, Charles himself still had the consciousness of being a prisoner.

After all, he is free to shoot Mi Lijian every day. With what Charles did just now, even if...

.The leader of the base wants to kill himself, and no one can say there is anything wrong.

But since he didn't kill himself, it means that he still has value.

Whatever it is.

.The ultimate person behind it is whether he wants to see him or want to get something from him. In short, for the time being, he and Hank are still safe, so Charles is naturally not too panicked.

However, Charles did not pin all his hopes on.

In terms of mercy, before he stopped resisting, Charles still used his ability to quietly contact the police at his school, which was not too far away, and asked them to find a way to rescue himself and Hank as safely as possible.

Qi Jun, who saw all this, did not stop him.

In fact, Qi Jun also intended to get these guys together, but Qi Jun was too lazy to get to know them one by one.

Although Qi Jun's original intention was just to get to know Qin Gere.

But after seeing Gu Yi's strength, Qi Jun felt that it was still necessary to have a face-to-face meeting with the police.

.................. "Just wait with peace of mind!"

With a burst of electronic synthesized sound, the robot raised its head and glanced at Charles, and then immediately fell into silence.

Well, Hank was a little confused, who are you waiting for? But Charles felt a thump in his heart and had a bad feeling.

He secretly glanced at the robot and found that it was not staring at him.

So, Charles quietly raised his left hand, put his index and middle fingers together, pressed on his temple, and quietly activated his spiritual power.

.....................See this scene.

Qi Jun, who had already arrived and even sat in the huge boss chair in the office, but was hiding in the subspace, rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Qi Jun is really difficult to understand.

Aren't the superpowers of these mutants controlled by their thoughts? Why do they have to use their hands to coordinate when activating their superpowers? Especially the "Magneto" who had a deep impression on Qi Jun, he had to wave his hands every time he activated his superpowers.

Is it possible that without their hands, their superpowers would be gone? Is it possible that their abilities are not actually called superpowers, but hand abilities? In other words, it would appear that they are doing this just to look cool. Anyway... In Qi Jun It seems that no matter how you look at it, you look like a fool... "Ah!!!"

Suddenly, Charles, who had just activated his spiritual power, suddenly let out a scream, held his head in his hands, and his whole body was throbbing in pain.


"What's wrong with you Charles!"

Hank was startled, immediately grabbed the twitching Charles, and shouted anxiously.



Charles didn't respond to him. Instead, he held his head in even more pain. He didn't even know where the strength came from, broke free from Hank's grasp, and rolled around in the wheelchair.

"If you don't stop your powers."

"Then you may just be an idiot from now on!"

At this time, the robot on the side spit out an electronically synthesized sound at the right time.

As Xiaobai’s prisoner, it’s too much to think about activating the superpower in front of Xiaobai! If Qi Jun hadn’t made it clear that Charles wanted to live, Xiaobai would have killed Charles before he activated the superpower!” It's you!"

"You did it!"

Hearing the electronic sound, Hank turned his head suddenly, and his whole body quickly turned blue.

"Stop it!"

Hank, who transformed into a 'beast', rushed towards the robot without thinking.

It's a pity that Hank, who is "infinitely powerful", is helpless in front of a Xiaobai stand-in robot made of "Super Vibranium Alloy" that was researched by Taibai and iterated for who knows how many generations. No achievement at all.

In fact, the claws of the 'beast' not only did not spark any sparks on the robot, they did not even leave a trace of scratches. The robot's appearance was still as bright as new.

Boom, just because Hank can't hit Xiaobai doesn't mean that Xiaobai can't hit Hank, and it doesn't mean that Xiaobai will let him attack him.

As a copy of Taibai, Xiaobai has been specially removed from the emotional module, so he will not have sympathy for anyone.

The result was that Xiao Bai just raised the mechanical arm and pushed it gently, and the beast flew out with a whoosh, hitting the wall of the office with a thud, shaking the whole room.

Then he fell to the floor, his whole body in agony, as if he had been seriously injured.


Charles still listened to Xiaobai's 'suggestion' wholeheartedly, stopped activating his spiritual power, and finally recovered from the tragic situation of being hit on the head by ten thousand hammers at the same time, and saw Chang Wei beating him Blessing.

Um, no, I saw the 'Beast' seriously injured and fell to the ground, and even the 'blue transformation' was eliminated, and he turned back into Hank again. However, Hank in this state also looked very miserable.

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to give us a good time?"

Charles, who was disabled, could only comfort Hank with his eyes, and then turned around and yelled angrily at the little white robot.


"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"An intruder, after being caught, asked us what we wanted to do."

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