"This sentence, it seems, should be asked by me."

With a sneer, Qi Jun simply removed the space magic, returned to the main space from the subspace, and questioned Charles, who was indeed frightened.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 337 Charles: We were wrong, I apologize!

Gulu Charles admitted that he was a little frightened, and even turned around to look at Qi Jun a little stiffly.


"You are.

.The true owner of the company”

After swallowing hard, Charles asked in a hoarse voice.

"All right!"

"I did make a mistake before, I apologize!"

Charles realized that what he said was all nonsense.

.The owner of the company obviously cannot be a robot standing silently aside.

"But we really don't mean any harm!"

"We just... came to see this base that suddenly appeared."

"Our school is only ten kilometers away. This visit is really just to see our future neighbors!"

"We really came here with a peaceful attitude! We definitely have no intention of becoming enemies with our neighbors!"

Not bothering to look for the seriously injured Hank, Charles explained to Qi Jun very sincerely.

Even if you see it.

The real owner finally appeared, and he was still a human being, but Charles had no intention of using his spiritual power.

Not to mention that the way Qi Jun appears itself represents extraordinary abilities, let’s just say that the robot on the side can completely defeat his psychic abilities.

Charles could even imagine what kind of blow he would suffer if he dared to use his power on Qi Jun.


"Of course I know you mean no harm."

"Otherwise, do you think you can appear in front of me safely?"

Seeing that Charles was anxious, Qi Jun smiled playfully and said slowly.

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Charles finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Charles was really worried that he was almost going to leave this beautiful world.


Well, Charles's heart skipped a beat, right? It's just "when someone is visiting someone else's house."

"It will be with super powers"


Qi Jun's eyes widened, and Charles immediately felt a mountain-like pressure coming towards him, until he was so pressed that he couldn't breathe.

Hank, who was already seriously injured, spat out a mouthful of blood again because of this pressure.

Fortunately, Qi Jun didn't exert too much pressure, he just released it and then stopped it. Otherwise, Charles and Hank would have been crushed to death by Qi Jun's pressure! However, when they saw the man in front of Hank Qi Jun still frowned a little despite the blood stains. He had ruined a good office.

Qi Jun thought, and the blood stains in front of Hank disappeared immediately, and even the entire office became brand new again.

Charles didn't see this scene, but Hank was shocked when he saw it.

What kind of terrifying power is this!......................"If you inform the guard at the gate, maybe they will arrest you"

"If you don't leave the door, it's a good one."

“I don’t know where I learned such behavior.”

"You have narrowed your own path!"

Qi Jun obviously had something to say, but Charles and Hank didn't think so much for a while. At this time, they were still trembling because of Qi Jun's power. "Forget it."


"Bring in those... guys who can't figure out the situation!"

Qi Jun shook his head, and without explaining anything, ordered Xiao Bai who was standing quietly aside.

Qi Jun naturally 'saw' easily that the back-up man arranged by Charles, the reserve police from the mutant school, came to 'rescue' Charles.



The little white robot nodded, took the order, turned around and left the office.


"Can you..."

Charles thought of his previous back-up plan and wanted to ask Qi Jun to spare him, but suddenly he didn't know how to say it:.

If the guys Qi Jun mentioned were his back-up agents, then the situation is really unclear.

After all, what he sent back was just the sentence "I and Hank were caught, please find a way to rescue".

And with the current power in the mutant school, those guys will obviously come over directly.


The power of the base is simply... a meat bun beating a dog... "No!"

Qi Jun's face turned cold, and Charles' heart... tightened.

But fortunately, Qi Jun did not release his pressure, he just looked a little cold on his face.

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