"Everyone is an independent individual."

"When doing things, you must be responsible for your own actions!"

To be honest, Qi Jun didn't even bother to pay attention to the three or two police officers and kittens at this moment.

If we say this is the time period before reversing the future, the police force at this moment is still not weak, at least Phoenix Girl Qin Gray is... a powerful force.

But now is the timeline after Days of Future Past. Jean Gray is still just a good baby who is not even familiar with her third-level mutant ability. On the surface, the strongest combat power is actually Shockwave Alex.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 338 Meeting Qin Gray for the first time

Dong Dong "Master, these guys have been captured!"

Back in the office again, the little white robot came in with a few employees, grabbed a few mutants, and threw them to the floor with a thumping sound.


"You guys go down first!"

Seeing the miserable appearance of these guys, Qi Jun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth as he glanced at Xiaobai who had no emotions.

employee said.

Qi Jun only said that he would bring these guys in, but he did not say that he could not teach them a lesson.

In Xiaobai's opinion, since there is a collision.

. base, then he will naturally not be stingy with teaching him a lesson.


Although I didn't know it before.

. Whose, but looking at the situation in the office, anyone who is not mentally retarded can tell whether it is or not. Therefore, after hearing Qi Jun’s words, these...

The employees of .all left respectfully.






The mutants who were beaten with bruises and swollen faces did not pay attention to any of Qi Jun's orders. Instead, they saw Charles with an ugly face and Hank lying on the ground with a bad face, and couldn't help shouting anxiously.

Pa pa pa pa: There was a round of clapping, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads and look.

"I can tell"

"Isn't it true that 'people from the same school will not enter the same house'?"

Seeing everyone's gaze, Qi Jun put down his hand and sneered.

"As elders, the two of them kept talking about visiting the neighbors, but they activated their abilities to invade my employees."

"As students of these two guys, you don't care about anything and just rely on your own abilities to rush forward."

"Without any regard for the hardship it may cause to others."

"What's wrong"

“The armed personnel at the gate of the base are all there.”

"The turrets on the towers of the base and the self-defense weapons are also fake. They can't stop you from breaking in."

"I suddenly became very curious."

"How on earth are you able to survive for so long under the hostility of ordinary humans, and still live so...nourished?"

"Is it because of the ability that was given to you?"

Qi Jun would not give them any face, he would just start taunting them.

In fact, the fact that the mutants did not suffer a comprehensive blow actually had a lot to do with the teaching.

Qi Jun believes that if Charles is given the opportunity to influence all human leaders and high-level leaders, Charles will never be stingy in taking action.

However, in order to avoid using too much force and overdoing the operation... In addition, high-level humans also have a small number of devices that shield psychic abilities, so the scope of Charles' influence is also relatively limited.

Otherwise, just based on the mutant's formal style, he would have been hung up and beaten by Guo Jia's machine.

Where is the opportunity to set up a war police and go to the upper circles of ordinary humans to gain favor?

.................."This is why you were arrested"

Everyone in the mutant crowd looked ashamed after hearing Qi Jun's words, and one of the girls felt even more ridiculous.

As a good girl who is not yet fully familiar with her abilities, Jean Gray has always abided by her duties under Charles's teachings and never used her abilities to pry into other people's hearts.

Jean Gray had no idea that if what Qi Jun said was true, then how could Charles say one thing and do another? Because he had to visit his neighbors, the reason why I invaded your men was not tenable at all. of.

In his eyes, the tall figure he had always admired was shattered at this moment! However, he thought that in order to save Charles and Hank, he had also directly activated abilities that he was not very familiar with along the way to attack this.

All the employees at the base, Jean Gray couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

After all, what's the difference between my own behavior and that of Charles? Even if I want to use my abilities to save people, isn't that true? If I hadn't used my abilities, I wouldn't have suddenly had a pain in my head, and then... It's not like he lost his ability to resist and was caught.


.The base is not simple! This.

.The base actually has the ability to restrain the power of mutants! Only belatedly did Jean Gray discover the secret that lay before her.

.....................Qin Gray's psychology and activities were completely seen by Qi Jun.

The level difference is so huge that even if the host is hosted by the Phoenix Power, as long as Qi Jun has a slight thought, Qin Gray's thoughts will be completely understood by Qi Jun.

In fact, Qi Jun is not opposed to doing whatever it takes to achieve the goal. As long as he follows his heart, Qi Jun doesn't think there is anything wrong with using his own abilities.

But this matter is a big deal when it comes to Jean Gray! This is because from the day Charles adopted Jean Gray, Charles has been cultivating Jean Gray according to his own wishes.

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