Charles looked at the two people Qi Jun pointed to, feeling a little heartbroken for no reason.


The two mutants who were named were even more surprised, or rather confused.

What the hell, we're just here to save people, and we're about to be sold.......................Less, a level two mutant, has the ability to control fire.

Jason, a level two mutant, has the ability to teleport at short range.

Qi Jun never thought about bringing Qin Gray over.

First of all, Qi Jun has no interest in taking care of children. Strictly speaking, Qin Gray is not yet an adult. Qi Jun does not want to take care of children, even though Qin Gray has become a good and independent girl under Charles's guidance. .

Secondly, Qi Jun didn’t think Charles was willing to give it, and even Jean Gray herself wouldn’t be willing to stay. Even if Qi Jun forced her to stay, Charles would try his best to get back a super hitter with the potential of a fifth-level mutant. , after so many years of training, there is no way that Charles will give up! Being able to live a meaningful life even though his abilities are known to the leaders of all major forces in human society, Qi Jun does not think that Charles is really the so-called good old man in the propaganda. .

What's more, the most important thing is that Qi Jun doesn't want the Phoenix Force to exclude him.

Forcing Qin Gray to stay would not only bring no benefits, but also bring many disadvantages. Naturally, Qi Jun would not engage in such a loss-making business.


"You saw it too."


.Company, but a hired security military information company."

"But my men are just ordinary people. It's not too much to want two mutants to join in to enhance the strength of my men!"

Qi Jun explained to Charles and others with a smile.

But obviously, Charles and others did not see any kindness or friendliness in Qi Jun's smile.

On the contrary, as Qi Jun explained, everyone's hearts jumped.

This is employment, security, and military information. While showing strength, isn't it also a disguised threat? Charles and others dare to say no... .... Seeing Charles looking at Les and Jason with troubled expressions, Les and Jason were willing to die for their confidants and were willing to stay and serve as Charles's erring sons. Qi Jun was happy on the sidelines. Looking at it hehe.

Qi Jun didn't care about Les and Jason, why they were not included in Qi Jun's "plot" understanding, but appeared here instead.

These two guys may have been hidden by the original Charles, or they may have died in a certain operation, so that Qi Jun's "plot memory" did not include these two people at all.

But just like what Qi Jun said just now, while he was just disgusting Charles, he was also really.

.The company has strengthened its strength.

Fire control and short-range teleportation can still make a difference in the military field to a certain extent.

But, that's it! After all, they are just two mutants with second-level mutant abilities, and Qi Jun doesn't care at all.


"We want to stay!"

"Yes, Principal!"

"Just let us stay and apologize, and you can go back!"

"The kids at school still need you!"

"It's hard on you"

"You are all good boys!"

The drama ended with tears of deep affection.


The company and Charles have perfectly reached a memorandum of understanding.

....................."Ha ha"

"The misunderstanding has been resolved, we are just...good neighbors!"

Although the US$100 million has not yet arrived, Qi Jun is not worried that Charles will not give it.

Qi Jun was in a good mood and couldn't help but walk up to Charles, patted Charles's shoulder "vigorously" and expressed his "joy".


"We can't be considered acquainted without fighting!"

"If you have any trouble in the future, please ask your neighbors to help me."

Charles grinned and almost cried, but in the face of Qi Junai's slapping, he could only put on a strong smile.


"No need to go to all that trouble!"


.The company is newly established and doesn’t have any customers yet!”

"You have already learned whether to hire a security team. We are professionals!"

"You know, the situation for you mutants is not very good. As far as I know, there are many forces who want to capture you and study you."


.Should you consider the company’s security services?”

Continuing to pat Charles on the shoulder, Qi Jun turned into a sales manager and enthusiastically recommended his own business.



"I think if there is a need, we will contact our dear neighbors."


"For the time being, we can protect our home!"

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Charles swallowed thickly and carefully worded his excuses.

"Ha ha"

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