"All right"

"I know"

"It's still us.

.The company is new and has no reputation.”

"But we.

. He is not a robber and will not force others to do anything."

"so be it"

"Whenever you need it, you can contact us at any time!"

After laughing, Qi Jun stopped being amused, waved his hand, laughed, and expressed his understanding.


To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading,

Chapter 341 Leisurely

After Russ and Jason said their tearful goodbyes, Charles and the other mutants staggered away.

. base, got on their "bad car" that was parked not far away, and headed back towards the mutant school, puffing out black smoke.

..................... As a copy of Taibai with the emotional module removed, Xiaobai already has a database of all the data and information copied from Taibai.

.Qi Jun has no worries about the company’s development.

Even those two were deducted as punishment because Charles did something wrong.

For the two mutants at the base, Qi Jun also believes that Xiaobai has a perfect plan that can make them sincerely...


Maybe, by the time Charles sees these two guys again, not only will these two mutants become completely attached to each other.

The company completely respects Qi Jun's orders, and may even grow to a level four mutant on the same level as Charles. Those in the Etaibai database...'successful experience', this It’s not that difficult to do! Charles’ method is totally unworkable with Xiao Bai.

If Qi Jun hadn't said hello in advance, Charles would have quietly invaded beforehand.

.The behavior of employees' brains simply cannot be done.

Magneto may need a special helmet to shield Professor's psychic abilities, but for a novice, this is just a small special pin that can be mass-produced casually.

With Xiaobai's 'ideological education' ability, it is extremely simple for two mere second-level mutants to change camps.

......................... no concern.

.How should the company develop? After the first meeting with the mutants, Qi Jun left.


The plot of Apocalypse will not take place for about a year. Qi Jun thought about it carefully and had no plans to get the Apocalypse guy out in advance.

However, that...pyramid tip, Qi must go and see it.

If that thing is really what Qi Jun guessed, then the water in this multiverse is much deeper than the multiverse that Qi Jun was in when he started. Of course, after Tianqi was 'unearthed', the pyramid tips would always be there. At: There, Qi Jun was naturally not so anxious to see it.

In other words, this year, Qi Jun is ready to have some fun and relax.

In the previous...multiverse, Qi Jun lived too hard, either to become stronger or...walking on the road to becoming stronger without resting for even a moment.

Although this multiverse is higher in combat power than the previous multiverse, it is also more dangerous.

But it was still early for the plot to start, so Qi Jun didn't feel so anxious.


There are also factors that make Qi Jun's strength reach a height that is currently unreachable by ordinary people. In short, Qi Jun was planning to take a 'vacation' during the period before Tianqi was 'unearthed'... ..... Qi Jun doesn't have any specific goals. He just wants to relax for the sake of leisure. It's a real walk-and-go trip. However, when passing through some special places, Qi Jun also Stop by and check out the local "special beauty".

For example, when Qi Jun was driving a Cavalier on a self-driving tour through New York, he stopped by the 'Pim Technology' building to check in and take photos. Another example: when passing through Los Angeles, he stopped by and the headquarters had not yet been moved to Check in at the 'Stark' Building in New York, take photos, etc.......... Stop and go, drive, and walk along the way. , even got interested, and saw an old World War II aircraft flying wildly in the sky, and when the local air force was in a mess, he put away the gray aircraft, turned into a hiking traveler, and started. Survival in the Wilderness' In short, after wandering around for more than half a year, Qi Jun finally came to Poland in this era. "Well..."

"It seems like that guy Magneto is 'reclusive' in Poland."

While resting in a certain B\u0026B, Qi Jun muttered something as if he suddenly remembered.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 342 Magneto

In Qi Jun's opinion, Magneto's life is still very exciting.

Although most of them are tragedies, Magneto's experience in family life is something that people have to accept.

The concentration camp experience when he was a child did not make Magneto lose hope in life. Instead, he started several families.

Counting this guy’s children, there are not only Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, but he also has a lovely daughter Nina who is living in seclusion in Poland. Even in the future, Magneto will be able to eat young grass and give birth to a child who will truly inherit him. Minor changes to mutant abilities for Polaris.

Of course, although Magneto has two children, his children's lives are not very good, and can even be said to be extremely miserable.

Especially this daughter named Nina, who has the ability to communicate with all beasts, seems to be approaching the end of her life.

Magneto's other children, such as Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Polaris, and even other illegitimate children that even Magneto himself doesn't know about, etc... Although they live very miserable lives, none of them As miserable as Nina.

A wooden arrow actually ended his life! He even died after being strung together with his own mother by a wooden arrow.

This is almost the most miserable way to die! This special code must be so unlucky to die in this way. When Qi Jun first watched "Apocalypse", he even wanted to catch the director and beat him up.


"Magneto is too lazy to care"

"But this girl Nina can still be saved."

Thinking of this girl's tragic experience, Qi Jun suddenly had the idea of ​​saving her.

Qi Jun is not the Holy Mother, but she will save her regardless of who is pitied.

But Qi Jun is not an inhumane guy. When he knew that a cute little girl would be killed, especially when she was killed in such a cruel way as a wooden arrow piercing the heart, Qi Jun could not ignore it.

If you don't know, or don't think about it, forget it.

But now that Qi Jun remembered it and came to this place again, Qi Jun would naturally not 'watch' this little girl die in such a tortured way.

"Just take it as a way to make up for the psychological damage I suffered when I watched the movie."

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