Qi Jun muttered to himself and made an excuse for himself.

........................ Just when Qi Jun decided to save Nina, Qi Jun didn't know that the plot of Tianqi had actually begun. Yes! However, what is different from the movie plot that passes by in a flash without detailed description is that Professor Charles’ old lover, an American worker, received a new order to investigate a religious organization suspected of being a terrorist.

She herself doesn’t know that her investigation will unleash what kind of devil it is to ordinary people! .................. "Well ..."

"This is the steel-making factory where Magneto's abilities were exposed in the original Apocalypse plot."

The next day, Qi Jun left the B\u0026B where he was temporarily resting, and based on Xiaobai's scanning positioning, he quietly came to the factory where Magneto worked while hiding his identity.

Xiaobai controls a fifth-generation explosive warship built by Taibai through many generations of iterations. It is too simple to search for a mutant who can control magnetic fields.

Qi Jun has no intention of meeting Magneto, at least for the time being.

He found Magneto first, just to 'check in'.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 343 Nina

Just like people often go to some famous scenic spots to take photos and check in when traveling, so does Qi Jun.

However, what is different from ordinary people is that Qi Jun can see everyone, but the people around him cannot see Qi Jun.

Even if Qi Jun passes through some people's bodies, no one will be harmed.

Because Qi Jun is walking in the subspace! The scene that can be seen in the subspace is exactly the same as the main space, but in fact it is also illusory and not in the same dimension.

"Henrik Gursky"

"This is the identity of Magneto hidden here."

A mutant who could control magnetic fields was as dazzling as the sun in Qi Jun's eyes. Even without looking at his face, Qi Jun could easily find him.

As for Polish, it is naturally not difficult for Qi Jun. In other words, during the more than half a year of leisure travel, Qi Jun has learned at least twenty foreign languages. Of course, he can understand the identity card at a glance.

Magneto, real name Eric Lensherr, Jewish.

Now, he is just like a member of the general public, a young and middle-aged man who works hard for his family, far from being the old guy in the future who will look old after entering the 21st century.

"You are willing to save these... workers, but these workers don't appreciate it."

Qi Jun looked around at Magneto's temporary workers, even though they were all talking and laughing now.

But when Apocalypse woke up, caused an earthquake, and brought down a furnace of molten steel, Magneto's kindness in his heart allowed him to save the two workers, but unfortunately, Magneto was sold as soon as he turned around.

Of course, this is also related to the assassination of the President of the United States by Magneto in the previous plot of Days of Future Past. After all, he was labeled as the world's number one terrorist and caused an uproar around the world. It's okay for these ordinary people to be afraid. Pass.

However, it makes sense, but.

That makes sense! So, later on, all those who lost their wives and daughters because of this incident were all compensated and buried by Magneto's wife and daughters. Seriously speaking, no one was at fault. It's just a matter of human nature... ....... I guess, people are also selfish, and their choices are all for themselves! Qi Jun is too lazy to do these things.

However, Qi Jun was a little curious. When Apocalypse woke up, how could he shake half of the earth? Gu Yi actually didn't care and was not afraid of Apocalypse cracking the earth... ........... When Magneto got off work and the little broken car that followed him all the way, which would never be stuck in a traffic jam in this era, returned to his home in the countryside, Qi Jun He went to the nearby forest.

Qi Jun didn't want to follow the house to see two middle-aged men and women messing around, so he went to see that...poor girl who had the mutant ability to communicate with all beasts, but ended up with a very sad ending. Qi Jun hadn't come close yet, Qi Jun I had already heard the ringing sound of Nina's gleeful bells. I turned around from the bushes, and the scene suddenly became bright. In the tall but sparse woods, the sun was shining through the gaps. A little girl was jumping around a group of wild beasts. Ah, laugh. The birds and beasts are harmonious and friendly to each other. They don’t fight each other. They are peaceful. Coupled with the... jumping elf, they suddenly form a beautiful picture. For a moment, Qi Jun was attracted by this. I was moved by the beautiful scene.


"This little girl should be taught some skills to protect herself!"

Seeing the scene before him, Qi Jun secretly made a decision in his heart.

Looking at this bouncing and happy little girl, Qi Jun himself didn't realize that the corner of his mouth had curved into a beautiful curve without even realizing it.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 344: A family of tigers should be neat and tidy

Qi Jun watched the little guy happily playing with the animals.

Inexplicably, Qi Jun felt very happy.

However, Qi Jun still did not show up unexpectedly to meet Nina.

Let’s not talk about whether the sudden appearance will scare this little guy who seems cute to Qi Jun.

Just say that Qi Jun doesn't want to get to know Magneto right now, and Qi Jun doesn't plan to show up when Magneto is at home.

.........The next day, Magneto once again went to work at the steel mill under a false identity, and Nina's mother was also working as a female worker at home. type of work to support the family.

After resting for the night, Qi Jun quietly came to the woods where Nina often played.

This time, Qi Jun no longer hid in the subspace, but appeared directly in the reality of the main space.

In order to get to know Nina smoothly, Qi Jun specially caught four tigers from another deep mountain forest at the same latitude! One male, one female, and two little guys, they just happened to be a family, oh, no, they just happened to be A family of tigers! After all, a family of tigers must live neatly. The main reason is that Qi Jun saw the animals playing with Nina yesterday. Almost all of them were herbivores with no attack type. Moreover, Magneto’s home is nearby. There are no aggressive animals either.

Qi Jun understands this. After all, Magneto doesn't want his daughter to be attacked by a ferocious animal one day. Even if there were aggressive animals, they would probably have been attacked by Magneto long ago. The land was disposed of.

But, for Qi Jun, who wanted to give Nina the power to protect herself, how could this be done, so the Tiger family appeared.

Of course, Qi Jun is not forced.

With Nina's ability to communicate with all animals, if she knew that Qi had captured the tiger family, it would probably be difficult for her to get to know this cute little guy.

However, with Qi Jun's strength and the skills that Qi Jun possesses, if you want to make the tiger, which is considered ferocious and ferocious to ordinary people, be obedient, it is not easy to catch it. Qi Jun just showed a little bit of it. With the aura of a strong man, these four tigers obediently surrendered. Even the two little tiger cubs who were just born still surrendered to Qi Jun instinctively.

This natural suppression of the life level is irresistible to any living thing.

Seeing that the four tigers in this family all surrendered obediently, Qi Jun was in a good mood, and even used his energy to conduct a full body tempering for all four tigers! You must know that Qi Jun is the pinnacle of the single universe level. !After Qi Jun personally used energy to temper their bodies, all the tigers in this family of four have undergone fundamental changes! It can be said that even two tiger cubs that have only been born for a few days have the ability to kill one with a slap and strengthen their bodies. The strong strength of the American captain! Of course, the premise is that the American captain is not holding his '50-50 Shield'! But just from the appearance, this family of four has not changed much.

Apart from...looking more powerful and his hair becoming smoother and brighter, there really aren't any big changes.

But Qi Jun knew that it couldn't be easier for this family of four to protect a little Nina.


Suddenly, an exclamation came from the bushes not far away.

Qi Jun turned around and saw a little loli, with her eyes wide open and her small hands covering her lips, looking at Qi Jun and the four tigers with a look of surprise.

Obviously, the rightful owner of Qi Jun and others has arrived.

"Who are you"

"Who are you"

Almost at the same time, Qi Jun and Nina deliberately asked each other.


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