"They like you too and won't bite, just let them go"

Nina's well-behaved appearance naturally made Jun Xin fall in love with her even more. It can also be seen that Magneto, a romantic guy, did not care at all about his daughter's education. "Hehe"

"Thank you uncle"

Nina first smiled at Qi Jun, then stretched out her hand and touched the two cerebellums of Xiaohua...'s children, "Hello, you guys?"

"What are your names?"

After all, the natural and cute appearance of Cerebellum Ax is more attractive to Nina! And Qi Jun... the whole person is almost confused about when the ghost brother will become an uncle. If it were changed to a two-dimensional scene, I'm afraid a bunch of crows would fly over Qi Jun's head, even squawking non-stop along the way. "Forget it."

"Uncle, just be uncle."

"In the final analysis, it's just to make up for the regret I had when I watched the movie."

"It's not about what happens with the little guy."

“That’s good too”

Looking at Nina squatting on the ground, stroking the fur of Cerebellar Ax while activating her mutant ability to communicate with Cerebellar Ax, Qi Jun didn't pay attention anymore.

Of course, if little Nina calls Qi Jun her brother, even just for the sake of calling her brother, Qi Jun will probably teach Nina an unusual skill. But now Qi Jun only needs to let little Nina have the ability to protect herself. Will suffice.

One loss and one gain, sometimes, maybe it really is fate......................Time did not stop moving forward because Qi Jun temporarily stayed in Poland .

Just when Qi Jun taught Nina some simple energy cultivation, transportation, and use, and brought some specially enhanced rare animals to Nina every day to "make friends".

Egypt, that... on the ruins where the apocalypse was buried, the agent, Professor Charles' old lover, Moira Magtaggot, was ordered to finally find that... the so-called 'terrorist' was actually 'Enshabanur' A secret passageway for cultivators to worship underground.

Just when Qi Jun completely let go of his thoughts and was having fun with Nina, the plot of the apocalypse began!

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 347 A sudden thought

A rumbling shock wave struck from far to near, directly triggering a major earthquake! "Yeah!"

Nina, who had never experienced an earthquake, was obviously shocked. As the ground rose and fell, she almost lost her balance and fell.

However, fortunately, after many days of Qi Jun's teachings, Nina's practice was effective and she quickly stabilized her body.

Of course, we don’t rule out the possibility of having large flowers accompanying you and acting as handrails.

Since we said we wanted little Nina to be able to protect herself, it was natural to find some powerful helpers for the little one.

Dahua and some other rare animals that have been specially tempered by Qi Jun are naturally Qi Jun's helpers for Nina..... .."Uncle Qi Jun"

"Do you know what happened?"

Nina, who had already become familiar with Qi Jun, ran to Qi Jun and asked after she recovered, ignoring the leaves that had fallen due to the earthquake.

"There's an earthquake."

After rubbing Nina's cute little head, Qi Jun smiled and explained to Nina in the most understandable way what an earthquake is and how to protect yourself when an earthquake occurs.

But in Qi Jun's heart, Qi Jun murmured to himself: "The plot of Apocalypse has finally begun!"

In fact, the moment he sensed the shock wave, Qi Jun released his spiritual thoughts, traced the source, and found the epicenter of the earthquake.

And there, it was the place where Apocalypse was originally ‘buried’!........................ “Little guy”

"Go home quickly and find your parents."

"If there is a big earthquake, your father will definitely come home immediately."

"Your mother will definitely be worried about you and look for you everywhere."

"Besides, Uncle Qi Jun, it's time to leave."

He rubbed Nina's cute little head again, smoothed out the messed up hair, and then spoke slowly.

........................"Is uncle going to leave Nina?"

Hearing Qi Jun's words, Nina's little body, which had already turned around and was about to go home, paused:.

Nina turned her head, her eyes filled with mist, and asked in a trembling voice.

The two have been together for nearly a month. Although they did not spend much time playing together because they hid it from their family, Nina can naturally feel Qi Jun's love and care for her.

After teaching her cultivation methods, training her own abilities, and giving herself many powerful 'new friends', Nina actually regarded Qi Jun as a relative.

Now, when she suddenly heard that Qi Jun was leaving, Nina naturally felt uncontrollably sad.


Although Qi Jun was a little reluctant to see Nina with hazy eyes, he still confirmed it cruelly.

In fact, Nina regards Qi Jun as a relative, and Qi Jun... well, given Qi Jun's state of mind, he is still a little reluctant to let go of Nina.


Hearing Qi Jun confirm this sad fact, Nina suddenly cried sadly.

An invisible force spreads out, this is Nina's mutant ability.

Feeling Nina's sadness, all the animals around her felt the same and were inexplicably sad. Even many animals that were already irritable began to become agitated and seemed to want to attack something.

........................"this girl"

"Since I started to practice cultivation, my mutant ability has become stronger and stronger!"

"I really don't know if she can directly control Phoenix if she can reach my current strength."

Seeing the changes around him, Qi Jun thought about it and eliminated some bad influences. Those... irritable animals immediately became obedient.

But Qi Jun began to have different thoughts in his heart.

Perhaps, Nina can be trained to capture the Phoenix Force of various multiverses. "Forget it, forget it."

"Nina is just a little kid"

"What's more, I only taught Nina some basic cultivation methods."

"She shouldn't be asked to take on these things."

After looking at the crying Nina, Qi Jun shook his head and gave up the idea.

But what Qi Jun didn't know was that because Nina's mutant power exploded, Qi Jun also used his spiritual power to calm down the irritable animals.

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