During this inadvertent intersection, Qi Jun's sudden thought was quietly buried deep in Nina's mind.

If one day, Nina really reaches Qi Jun's current strength, perhaps, she will really embark on this 'thorny road'...... .."Okay"

"I just said it was time to say goodbye, but I didn't say we would never see each other again."

"As long as you practice well, there will definitely be a chance to meet again in the future."

"I almost cried like a little cat. It's not cute at all."

Qi Jun smiled, presented a handkerchief, and handed it to Nina, who was already crying.



After hearing Qi Jun's words, Nina immediately stopped crying, raised her little head, and asked waxingly.


"Uncle Qi Jun, when did I lie to you?"

Qi Jun pinched the tip of Nina's nose lovingly and said with a smile.


"Uncle Qi Jun never lied to Nina!"

"Then what Uncle Qi Jun just said must be true!"

"So, when can I see Uncle Qi Jun again?"

After wiping her face with a handkerchief a few times, Nina looked up again and asked.

"Of course it will happen when little Nina grows up."

"The world is so big, you can always see it"

"But, little Nina needs to practice well."

"First of all, you have the strength to protect yourself and can protect yourself and your parents."

"Only in the future can I see Uncle Qi Jun again."

"do you know"

In order for Nina to practice hard, Qi Jun was worried. "Yeah! Yeah!"

"I see!"

"Nina will definitely practice seriously!"

"Nina will definitely find Uncle Qi Jun again!"

The little guy's decisive look made Qi Jun couldn't help but smile like an uncle again, "Why don't you go back to your mother quickly?"

"Your mother is already very anxious."

Qi Jun let go of Nina and waved.

Qi Jun's spiritual thoughts spread out and found that Magneto, who had accidentally exposed his identity, was anxiously driving towards his home. "Yeah"

"Goodbye Uncle Qi Jun!"

With Qi Jun's 'guarantee', Nina finally laughed again, and the animals around her became inexplicably happy.


"it's time to"

"Go and see if that...pyramid tip is what I guessed!"

Seeing little Nina turning back three times step by step, but finally leaving the woods to find her mother, Qi Jun was also ready to take a look at the strange object that...'reawakened' the apocalypse.


To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 348: Tip of the Pyramid

[There was no update yesterday because the computer was broken, with all kinds of blue screens and crashes. I thought it was a problem with the system. Today I took the host to reinstall the system, only to find out that the hard drive was broken!] [!!! My mentality really exploded. !All the information is gone! I won’t talk about it in this book.

I had saved nearly 100,000 words for special purpose, and the new book I was planning to upload after the Chinese New Year suddenly disappeared. What a bummer!] [Comment on, by the way, Colorful, it only took a year, it’s a garbage hard drive! ] He said he wanted to take a look at that...pyramid tip.

But Qi Jun still hid in the subspace. After Magneto returned home and stayed with Nina, and the family successfully escaped the arrest of the Polish military police, Qi Jun teleported to Egypt. Cairo.

Different from the peaceful and peaceful people depicted in the movie, what Qi Jun saw was complete panic as far as the eye could see! The earthquake that shocked the world had just passed, and no one could guarantee whether it would happen. There was a second strong earthquake, a third, a fourth... and even more! The impact of Apocalypse's awakening really scared ordinary people.

Perhaps in the eyes of professionals, the earthquake that occurred in Cairo is not despairing. After all, although the earthquake was strong, it did not cause a catastrophic disaster in the local area.

However, this earthquake, the strength of its shock waves and the far distance it spread, made all major national power organizations around the world, etc., shocked and inexplicable.

An earthquake that occurred on the back side of the planet, the shock wave can actually spread to the front side of the planet. This is extremely contrary to common sense, making it impossible for major organizations to relax.

This is why Qi Jun discovered that after his time of 'protecting' Nina's family had passed, the number of various spies and agents in Cairo, and even throughout Egypt, began to increase exponentially.

Qi Jun praised this from the bottom of his heart.

This looks like a big country with great power, but unlike what is depicted in the movie, the national power is actually indifferent, it is simply stupid. In fact, Qi Jun also discovered that the familiar power of the mage is in Kao Luoguo.

Obviously, the mage who protects the dark side of the earth has quietly come to the scene to investigate.

Speaking of which, mutants, at least as far as Apocalypse is concerned, are not existences that the mages can ignore... "Yo"

"Professor Charles has also begun to investigate."

Because he had face-to-face contact with real people, Qi Jun had a very good understanding of Charles Xavier's brainwave characteristics.

At this moment, a powerful brainwave mental power searched the entire Cairo. Qi Jun could easily find out who this person was and why he came here.

It was also at this time that Charles' lover Moira Magtaggott, who had been knocked unconscious by the shock wave when Apocalypse woke up, rubbed her swollen head and climbed up from the tunnel entrance with an anxious look on her face. I am preparing to go back to my country to report on my work and report what I have seen and heard.

At the right time, Charles found his old lover who had regained consciousness, and learned the details of what happened through the old lover's memory.

"Would you like to say hello to Charles?"

Qi Jun apparently 'saw' the scene with Charles without saying anything, but Qi Jun obviously didn't care.

Qi Jun was just thinking, as the Apocalypse plot begins, should he say hello to these...'protagonists', "Forget it."

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